MR supports feel less annoying than OW2 supports

Jeff can shoot Moira level healing at unlimited range, has a wallclimb that self heals and gives borderline invuln, and 1hk most the cast with 0 counterplay with ult, only small handful of characters are capable of escaping/negating it.

He’s only like the 4th most annoying support.

The only way you can possibly find them less frustrating is if you’re going into OW expecting to get frustrated by them, but don’t care in MR

OT but after playing a shot load of supports in MR comp, I found OW2 Supports are muuuuuuuch more easier to play as. I can also do much more other stuff in MR than just healing and DPSing in OW and thats tons of fun. Maybe that just me.


Yet you can burst down Jeff in a second quite easily. Same with Rocket who tries to fly away.

IMO I think it’s easier to aim in 3rd person. I don’t know why but the visual noise on the screen in 3rd person is no where near as discombobulating as 1st person.

I see flashy flash stuff on screen in OW, my brain gets overwhelmed and I forget how to aim lol. Sensory overload. I don’t seem to get that issue in MR.


Wow 60k?! I main support on there and I never came close to that. Support also feels better in MR. I can actually defend myself against a tank. In OW2 we don’t have a shot in hell to kill them. That’s what has ruined OW for me. It’s a damn shame.

Not when I’m on support. :joy: The role feels strong to me. I think it’s slept on. It could be years of OW2 support transferring over :man_shrugging:

Idk to me Luna seems like a pretty threatening character. Decent damage, hard cc, and self sustain. So it’s not like it doesn’t exist.

She feels very similar to ana

Her ult is ridiculous though

You’d think it’d be a kinda meh thing, just creates a few heal/damage areas on the ground that’s kinda like Moira orbs in terms of output. But then they stack!

It’s insane that they buffed C&D ult to cast four times when you were already basically invincible in it when stacked three times.

Meanwhile, people already beg for an anti-heal character there because of the 3-pple support meta cancer KEKW. Let them cook.
LET THEM COOK! It’s already falling apart, I get my pop-corn.

Well, damage characters aren’t supposed to be able to 1v1 tanks, so I should hope that the supports can’t do so reliably. Supports should be focused on escaping and surviving since that’s their top priority.

Can’t keep the team alive if you’re dead after all, and the best way to get dead is to get into a 1v1 with a tank.

It was fine before they giga buffed tanks. I should have a chance and they should have the upper hand. Instead I just watch them kill me with no possible counter play. I think it’s dumb.

Meh, I don’t usually have that much trouble surviving on support, at least as long as the team isn’t letting enemies do whatever they want.

Also you do have a chance if they’re making mistakes. They aren’t meant to be 1v1’d, so they do have the upperhand in a neutral fight.

I die the least in my games. I just think the game is dumber than before. There is no counter play like in MR or pre giga tanks.

Well now that just sounds like whining

Also good luck beating Hulk in the 1v1, he’s gonna slap you silly. Same for Magneto and Venom.

I don’t play the game over it. It’s ruined as far as I’m concerned. There isn’t strategy like before.

Yet ana has more iq than the entire rivals support roster :triumph::muscle:

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There’s definitely strategy. Trying to kill tanks as a support is not strategy, that’s not your job.

I am sorry, but this is a negative. In OW there are so few things happening (funny to say) that getting CCed is the worst thing that can happen to you, leading to 100% death. In Rivals, its a minor annoyance or not even so, while there are multiple ways to get free out of CC provided by your team mates. Mantis sleep is not only shorter, but your mates can kill the ghost and wake you up if they hit it.

Something like suzu would be quite useless in rivals in most cases or mainly used for ults, than for cleansing debuffs. I mean Cloak can cleanse with his M2 and that is not that strong.

I also dont think that this is the case, because something like a very long damage boost or a revive station that rezzes people can be quite the challenge.

The main reason is the DPS. Supports in rivals heal more, but their damage is quite low or kind of “Moira like” aka farming stats. Mantis is the only support who can dish out some serious damage when self boosted.

In opposition to OW, they seperated the roles and they dont blend that much toegther. Sure, Mr. Fantastic can feel like a tank, but its not like Venom for excample. OW gives support much less healing, but more damage.

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Never had a tank drive back line? I rather fight Hulk than as support.

It used to be my job to defend myself.

Yeah, no. I dont think the devs are this stupid and implement anti heal 100% and rather a balanced hero. Ana was a massive mistake and it damages the game still to this day.

And you still can defend yourself, you don’t have to kill them to do that. You are a support, your role’s title is literally to support the team. You should be helping them help you.

Position in such a way that you don’t get isolated and killed. Your damage still matters even if you can’t 1v1 the tank. They’ll still have to run away or risk dying if you’re doing enough.

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Too often you get teams that don’t help you. In S1 they said to getgud and you’re on your own. Support did that and we got buffed. Giga tanks was the last straw. I don’t like it on support or DPS. It’s brainless and unfun. There used to be much more strategy. Now it’s tank v tank with friends.

I used to be able to punish tanks for their bad positioning. It’s just dumb now.

We loss HPs and tanks also do a lot of damage. Not much you can do about a D,Va diving you with Matrix