MR supports feel less annoying than OW2 supports

MR supports can do absurd amounts of healing. I just played a game where our cloak had over 60k healing. Why is it then that OW2 supports while doing nowhere near as much healing still feel more frustrating to play against?


I think it’s due to how visible and apparent our supports’ impact is. In Rivals, all you know is that there are effects everywhere and your target’s HP randomly shoots back up to 100% sometimes. No way to pinpoint it like with an anti or suzu.


Maybe that’s why they have such a high pickrate it seems like people love to play them!

Jeff is a blast!

No pun intended!



Jeff is fun but the high pick rate has more to do with there being so many more dps lol


We don’t know what their pick rate is relative to other roles. The pick rates Rivals provide are within each hero’s role.


Yes it is hard to say. Anecdotally I think role representation is pretty good. I play lots of iron fist and it’s pretty common to see someone go Luna for that little boop she gets. Same with starlord it’s pretty common to see someone pick Adam warlock with him. I think team ups are a pretty clever idea to get people to play more tank/support.


Good point.
Overwatch is way crisper in that regard.
The visual and audio feedback in Rivals are poor.
Like you don’t even get mad when you’re slept in Rivals, eventhough it’s a wide hitbox sleep.
But you can feel the Ana sleep in your bones.


Also, supports in Rivals have less sharp abilities overall. Like, they mostly exist to enable their teammates instead of disable the enemy


Because they have a million escape tools, immortalities to counter entire Ultimates, and they have very high dps output.

Apart from Lucio, marvel rivals support design is superior.


I have observed that DPS players hate losing duels to support. That happens less often in Mahvel.


Then please explain why there are posts complaining about luna/mantis ult all the time on marvel rivals sub.


Oh my god. There is just 1 disable in the entire support roster of overwatch on a 14 sec cd.

MR literally has more disables than overwatch


I feel it is due to how their power budget is better distributed.

To be compare some of the supports of both games:


Click Me
Hero Type PROs CONs



  • Strong On Offensive
  • Strong Survivability
  • Strong Utility
  • Strong Ult
  • Good Damage
  • Good Range
  • Good Sustain
  • AOE Healing
  • No CC
  • Limited Healing
  • OK Mobility



  • Strong On Offensive
  • Strong On Defense
  • Strong Utility
  • Strong Ult
  • Good Damage
  • Good Range
  • Good Mobility
  • AOE Healing
  • Hitscan
  • Unlimited Healing
  • Good Sustain
  • Good Survivability
  • No CC



  • Strong On Defense
  • Strong Utility
  • Strong Range
  • Strong CC
  • Good Ult
  • Unlimited Healing
  • Good Sustain
  • No AOE Healing
  • Weak Damage
  • Bad Mobility
  • Meh Survivability

I am not saying these heroes are OP, but they tend to do too much. Of course not every support is like them but these are the outliers and players tend to gravitate more towards them.


Click Me
Hero Type PROs CONs

Luna Snow


  • Strong On Offensive
  • Strong Range
  • Strong Damage
  • Strong CC
  • Good Mobility
  • Good Ult
  • Unlimited Healing
  • No AOE Healing (but can still heal multiple people)
  • No Utility
  • OK Sustain
  • OK Survivability



  • Strong On Offensive
  • Strong On Defense
  • Strong Sustain
  • Good Range
  • Good Utility
  • Good CC
  • No AOE Healing
  • Very Bad Survivability
  • Bad Mobility
  • Limited Healing
  • Meh Damage
  • Meh Ult
  • OK Damage

Invisible Women


  • Strong On Offensive
  • Strong On Defense
  • Strong Utility
  • Good Ult
  • Good CC
  • Good Mobility
  • Unlimited Healing
  • Sort Of AOE Healing
  • OK Damage
  • OK Ult
  • OK Survivability
  • Meh Range
  • Meh Sustain

These supports are very strong but they do not feel like they do everything and have a lot more clear weaknesses. I also noticed that there really is no generalist healer in MR, most supports tend to be somewhere in the middle in terms of what they can do.

Of course all this comes from my own experince of playing both games.


MR supports have insane heals, damage, and utility. Cloak and Dagger for example has a teamwide Moira fade with invuln, auto aim long range damage and heals, a heal aoe bubble, a huge projectile screen that blinds enemies and applies a discord orb-like debuff to them, and a huge screen projectile that heals allies and boosts the healing they receive. In OW that would be insane but Rivals has horrible readability so it just kinda seems fine lol


They’re also less interesting and distinct from each other compared to OW. Like, they’re not a bad experience by any means but there’s a sameness between most of them and I see Support getting awfully stale over time.

I also wonder how true this sentiment will remain over time, especially if Vanguard ever gets brought up or certain DPS toned down.


This is what I’ve been trying to get people to see. Each MR support is really strong in one direction but have clear weaknesses on others. OW2 supports feel like they have no real weaknesses other than the original roster. Even the OW2 examples you gave I kinda disagree with lol. Kiri does have AoE healing with suzu and she does have good mobility imo because wall climb. I think Bap has insane survivability. Granted he has to use his cooldowns on himself but if a Bap chooses to he’s practically unkillable.


Oh yea that is true, I’ll update that.

It is a little funny to me, he does have good survivability but he uses his immortality field meant for his team as part of it. Though I have seen a lot of Baps using immortality field on themselves to escape flankers.

I gave him meh survivability at first because I looked more at his jump boots as a escape tool, but now I realize even that is a good way to escape. Also I just wanted give him some other con, lol.


That’s the weakness she has. Her cooldowns are strong but her primary healing is not that great. It’s easy to use because auto aim but doesn’t heal a lot. Also the moira dmg is not that great either. She’s kind of similar to Moira in that way. She’s has a pretty low skill floor but her ceiling is not that high. Mantis/Luna are way better imo. I think even loki is better tbh.


I noticed Im less of a threat in MR as a healer. But I prefer OW2 because I feel more of a threat to the other team, which forces me to stay near my team, and I like that.

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All heroes feel good to play with escapes, negating abilities and excellence in their respective fields.

One hero has a “Mass Rez” but the heroes revived have ~25% HP when revived but some i-frames at the same time. A good compromise to the apparent Mercy problem addressing her Mass Rez that MR tried rather than saying “Some players may not like this so let’s remove it.”

Wish OW would listen to the mains of the respective characters and at least TRY to keep unique abilities rather than just scrap them for boring, run-of-the-mill replacements or nerfing them to be “agreeable.”

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