"move on with mercy" fallacy

BLIZZARD made it cancer to deal with. Do people still not understand that?

If Mercy’s Resurrect acted the same way as Lucio’s Sound Barrier it would’ve been a balanced ultimate in the sense that instead of shields being added it would be burst health restored.

Lucio’s ultimate plays out like this.

  1. During his ultimate voiceline he goes through a 1-second animation before the shields hits his allies
  2. Any player not within site doesn’t receive sound barrier
  3. Any ally standing behind an enemy barrier doesn’t receive shields
  4. Lucio receives shields after the animation and 1-second cast time completes

How Mercy’s ultimate should’ve been played

  1. Mercy’s ultimate goes through a 1-second cast time announcing that she is in the process of Resurrecting her allies with her iconic voiceline.
  2. Ally souls need to be in Line of Sight of her in order to be Resurrected
  3. Any ally souls behind an enemy barrier will not be Resurrected (If you can’t kill an enemy standing behind a barrier you shouldn’t be able to Resurrect one from behind one either)
  4. Mercy has her health restored OR she receives invulnerability to match with Lucio gaining effects from his ultimate.

That would be her Q which would be balanced but counterable.

Her E would give her main healing beam a boost in power (90HPS/40%DMB) for 5 seconds on a 15 second cooldown and allies within 10M will receive half the amount of the beam (45HPS/20%DMB).

New Spacebar ability Valkyrie gives her increased flight speed GA Range Increase and Beam Range Increase 3 Second active 10 second cooldown.

Upon casting Resurrect Valkyrie duration will end instantly.

She would now gain Utility, Survivability, and a counterable ultimate all in which doesn’t destroy the flow of her kit.

What I dislike is people assuming that people want old rez back when they want mercy changed.

Or we actually want her to be fun ? Without hide and rez?

But she’s the best support in ladder play atm. It doesn’t matter if you want even as small of a buff as uping her pistol damage, she doesn’t need it. She’s balanced, and the best support still.

Fun is now irrelevant, because anything ‘fun’ you want added might break her in an OP way.

She. Needs. Nothing.

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Hide and Rez wasn’t a problem, most Mercy players never even did that, and it was literally just a bunch of problem childs exploiting the performance based SR gains.

Also, no one is even asking for it. They’re asking for another fine tune pass on Valkyrie…

Because this part, right here, is not true.

it was actually so annoying like “mercy go hide” like really let me just stand there behind a wall while the others actually play the game.
And id says she went from unfun to less unfun hiding wasnt rly fun and i agree mass ress was broken but pressing Q then flying up to a sky box isnt as fun as freezing 6 ppl, slicing 4 ppl with ur sword, knocking a team down with ur hammer or using a trans to save ur team

AKA, we’ll keep complaining about Mercy until she has a completely busted and unjustified ability again.

aka give her an ability thats fun to use but doesnt bring 5 team mates back from the dead

Hard to believe those that claim staring at a wall doing nothing until the game literally tells you it’s time to press Q is ‘fun’.

That was never the case. Only bad Mercys who wanted to boost to GM did that, and they’d maybe net 2-3 people at max.

In low elo mass rez with 4 to 5 didn’t even happen because people don’t coordinate. And in high (former dive) elo I expect enough skill to

either: KILL MERCY

or: don’t use 6 ults at once.

In low elo Reaper and Mercy playstyle was the same:

Random LMB until Q. Get in pos press Q. Profit. Stop bashing Mercy as if she was the only Q presser. Stop pretending this game was hard at all. This game is nothing but Q management anyways, Mercy was not the only one.

Mercy is quite fun for me.
If you don’t have with her, it’s you subjective opinion, not an objective problem

Oh ok so what’s your point? Mercy should go back to staring at walls because you don’t find Reaper’s gameplay fun? Game isn’t hard so may as well stare at walls? What?

No, I already bowed down to the DPS pressure (PS: if you stare at walls from the beginning of the match her ult doesn’t charge). Just give her a good ult. Everything about her ult is bad. Even the icon is boring. There is literally nothing special or new to her ult. OMG she gets multiple beams. Beams are not new and multiple beams are so uninspired as Orisa got this before. OMG she can fly yeah nice target practice for soldier and mc cree ult. Just give her something. The ult changes nothing. It shifts her from heal bot with 1 beam to heal bot with multiple beams which cant even counter burst damage from ults.

Jeff even took the 1 extra rez during ult. She was such an iconic character. My heart is broken.

btw my point is that this has always been Qverwatch. This bashing of Mercy ult is unreasonable trash because the whole game is nothing but ult charge and press Q.

This will be less fun then single rez sorry.

since when do you decide for everyone whether shes fun?

Do you maybe want to explain why you think that? Please bear in mind that all number values are up for alteration if needed.

just look at all of her threads. EVERY SINGLE ONE about mercy, holy crap, play more instead of wasting your time on forums complaining about a hero who’s actually more than fine

her base playstyle has not been changed all the people complaining make no sense seeing as the only real change was her ult and we all know rez was not a fun ult mechanically and just to play against. So no clue what you want but you’re not looking for fun seeing as how you play the character hasn’t changes as drastically as you’d like to believe.

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People who play Mercy - “she’s not fun anymore”
People who don’t play Mercy - “she’s fine and so fun now”
