"move on with mercy" fallacy

It’s funny because the reason Blizzard won’t make any changes to Mercy is because her pick rate remains high, and her win rate is around 50%.

Mercy mains will still play her to death, but then they’ll go complain about how much they don’t like playing her on the forums. If they actually wanted to see results maybe not playing the hero would be a good first step.

Mercy is balanced now, get over it. As a former mercy main pre-rez update, it was actually unfair to use 2 ultimates only for 1 singular ultimate to just completely destroy every bit of team coordination it can take to combo ults. I remember when whole teams would tilt because of that. I actually have a clip of me hiding in a corner of cafe of kings row and mass rezzing everyone without even being near them. Sorry that your hero is just somehow just as useful and somehow has a higher pickrate than before.

90% of mercy otp only one trick her cause she requires the least amount of brain cells in the first place. Then blizzard changes her and they all start normie screeching with their tumblr posts.

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All I want is rez to have a shorter casting time. Yes her ult is boring idk what I would replace it with though.

Ayy nice merge. blizzard, tired of the same mercy thread.

My idea: Rez during Valkyrie is instant (Single) OR Two Revives but both have normal cast time this way Mercy can pull off two Revives but it requires more risk (can be killed during either rez and must sacrifice healing time twice to get both revives, losing valuable chain healing potential, making Mercy players hesitate to go for the second rez if their team is getting pressured heavily). Reduce normal Rez cast time by a small margin OR remove the movement speed decrease during Rez and leave cast time unchanged.

Is Zenyatta/Lucio/Brigitte’s ultimates really that fun? Zenyattas is literally press Q and move around really fast and Lucio/Brig are just buff your team and proceed business as usual.

Umm Zenyatta can do that? Lucio can do that depending on the ultimate? Moira can do that depending on the ultimate? Your point? Realistically there are 2 sets of 2 ultimates that can be used in conjunction with each other to kill the enemy. For instance Zarya/Hanzo and Reinhardt/Pharah that’s why support ultimates need to be powerful enough to heal through those ultimate combos.

Hypothetically if we included Mass Resurrect with the pairs of ultimates above instead of say using Reinhardt/Pharah together as a combo you could use Reinhardt/Hanzo to bait out Resurrect knowing that Pharah can outdamage Transcendence and using the lack of positioning to the Resurrected targets to set up a 6 man Graviton/Barrage combo.

Mercy made you play smart with your ultimates, which is something people don’t like doing.


There really needs to be more viable healers, as it’s just Mercy, Zenyatta, and Brigitte. Mercy could use a change, as well as other supports like Ana, Lucio, and Symmetra.

Widow makers is just as dull and Anas is fire and forget why someone else has the fun

Super charger can be killed and doesn’t even move

Whole hog can be fun if someone is hugging you and there is a wall close by but your likelyhood of dying dives up dramatically

Valk isn’t half as bad or bland as people try to sell it

Then your playing it wrong, call shots, go for the occasionaly battle mercy kill, boost a widow for the body shots.

When I do play mercy its fun. For you fun was hide and res.


She is fun. There you go, no longer a problem.

Honestly I just wish they’d make her ult better, it’s way too easy to counter, you just focus one person and it just makes Valk an ult that doesn’t exist.

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Same. I don’t even mind that mass rez is gone, I just would like an ult that sustains the team. Her ult barely does that.

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The ‘‘hide and rez was only used by bad mercies’’ is an urban legend mercy mains on the forums use.


Here, this is an excellent thread that explains it extremely well.

I want something that will save her team from taking fatal damage for a short amount of time like 2 or 3 seconds, and give a burst heal to all teammates after it’s finished. Keep Resurrect on E and give her Valkyrie super speed flight extended GA Range/Beam Range (1.5x instead of 2.0x) maybe chain beams doing half the amount of her main target beam for 5 seconds as a Spacebar ability.

I mean…naming a better combo than Mercy main whining about Mercy is nigh impossible nowadays.

so does zen, and lucio, and ana, and moira, and brig. Mercy was just hide in a corner and press Q.

Well clearly you never played her when she had Resurrect as an ultimate because Mercy had a bunch of exceptions to her ultimate which enabled her to do so. Why weren’t they addressed before reworking her is the real question?

i told you already, i played her prerework. I literally was a mercy one trick for like 4 seasons. I still have clips of just sitting in a corner waiting for everyone to die and then rezzing everyone. It was fun to play as mercy, but playing against that was literal cancer.

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