Move on from Mass Rez

“Mass Res in any form is not coming back, please stop asking”
Is that better?
What would be your response?
What would be the response of the #RevertMercy crowd? (who seem to outnumber everyone else) I’m sure it would be outrage and even more threads.

Rework ideas are all fine and dandy, but just talking about Mass Res here.

straight numbers changes to Valkyrie won’t fix this. Partially because… unless they are freakishly powerful, auras usually come off as meh. Other part is that Valkyrie’s beams are basically weaker Supercharger or weaker Trans. You can’t buff Valk that much without stepping on the toes of those two ultimates.

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Oh, sorry. I think I phrased that incorrectly. What I meant by a strength boost was an overall change in utility. I don’t want to jump to a full Mercy 3.0 quite yet, but I wouldn’t say no.

We are talking about “What If’s” here.
Your argument is purely hypothetical, while I’m trying to defend it with posts that are still alive and well on these forums we speak on right now.

Out response would be “Okay, let’s head for 3.0”. Some people will still have their head stuck in the sand, but that’s just the effects of this toxic community known as Overwatch.

The majority of the community will move on to a more productive behavior if we are told an outright “No” WITHOUT contradictions.


Well, lets wait and see shall we? :kissing_closed_eyes:

No that wasn’t the reason


Maybe she is fun for you. Not for me and many others who loved playing her before. If it annoys you that we voice our dislikes towards this horrendous rework Mercy got than visit other threads. I know there are many Mercy threads about her being in a bad spot but that shows how many people despise the new iterration of her.


I’ve played Mercy a good bit and I supported them getting rid of mass res. I also supported them toning down Mercy when she became overpowered post-rework.

In my opinion the current version of Mercy sucks. She’s both a bore to play and feels very unimpactful. Valkyrie isn’t a bad ability… it gives her a lot of power on paper. It’s just a lame ability that doesn’t tangibly sway fights.

Anchored down by the weight of Resurrect being a basic ability, we’ve been given a hero without the ability to tangibly impact fights. It used to be hard to kill people Mercy was healing, now people Mercy is healing die all the time. The current version of Mercy is bad, if you aren’t running Pharmacey or have a god tier widow to damage boost she is simply not worth playing.

I think Blizzard should strongly consider getting rid of ressurect so Mercy can be more than a footnote in games again.

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She is meant to be a different hero.

Not to be rude, but that’s kinda your problem. Not the developers’ or the community’s.

They could buff the main beam and leave the chain beams as they are now.

Anyway, Supercharger and Transendence don’t have to worry much since neither Orisa and Zenyatta are main healers.

Why the hell would she be meant to be a different hero all of a sudden?!

Thats nonsense. Mercy still should be herself if they want a different hero they can make new ones.


They needed to keep the positive purpose of Mercy’s kit in Overwatch (being an easy to pick up healer) wile getting rid of the negatives (mass rez). This would not be solved by creating an entirely new hero. This would be solved by refocusing and reinforcing Mercy’s positives.

I think this change is necessary, her healing didn’t need to be nerfed. This is my opinion obviously as a non mercy player.

Do you mean that it did need to be nerfed? This doesn’t really make much sense.

Hold it. This isn’t very accurate. You need to understand the Medic on a deeper level to see the inaccuracies. I’m not sure about current top level Medic play as of right now, but when I played, there were many strategies employed skill players.

First you had body blocking. This was the simplest thing to learn. Using Uber invulnerability to take shots meant for others on your team, draw in knockback so your DPS could close distance.

The second is explosive surfing. This is using the enemies own knock back effects to your advantage. You can ride explosions with a well timed jump to gain insane speed, height and distance. Most of the time this would be used to retreat, but you could also use it to get in for an Ubersaw attack.

Then you have one of the harder skills that’s less intuitive: Tracking Uber. Uber being one of the few ultimate like abilities in the game makes it very important to know when your opponent has it ready. A skilled Medic player on top of all their other duties, must also keep track of and attempt to predict when the enemy team will next employ their Uber.

Of these 3 things, there is nothing like this in Mercy play. Rocket surfing is in OW, but it’s so weak and deadly to the player that it shouldn’t be used intentionally. Ult tracking is a skill in OW, but it’s not necessarily a duty that falls on the main healer. Mercy’s old ult provided some invulnerability letting you mimic the Medic’s body blocking play, but that is long gone, and even attempting such a thing now is absurdly laughable.

No, her play is not more like the Medics. In fact it’s further from it then ever.


She isnt engaging anymore how the rework was supposed to. She’s less engaging than mercy 1.0 (I didnt want to bring 1.0 into this, but its just a fact) and thats just a fact (aswell). Many, not only some people argue about the current iteration of her, because most dont think she’s fun anymore. And no, its not only people who liked mass rez more than this, or just want her to be op. The majority thinks like this. Even the Mercy main EeveeA_ with 4k hours on mercy, feels like she’s unfun to play and much less engaging than before, in which Eevee stopped playing her because of that reason. And just saying “move on to another hero” is technically valid, but not at the same time, because yeah, I can have fun with another hero, but that doesnt mean that the one I really liked playing before cant be just as fun anymore. Mercy’s ult is literally “Do everything, but do it better.” It was fun because it was engaging and had a good flow, but that was too op so thats not a thing anymore. An ultimate ability should be something you dont usually do, something that is unique. Valkyrie is that not. Definetly not. And that is bad character design.


The forums are a living hell. (Probably explains this post)
But I GUARANTEE the amount of Mercy posts that annoy the sensibilities of salty players would decrease since something productive was done.

Hopefully, WHEN they finally change Mercy, it’ll stay properly balanced whether in or out of meta AND be more engaging than the “discount floating trans/super charger with a res that needs SO much spacial awareness that it turns the “Aiming is Skill” argument to ash” healer we have now.



No, I literally said her healing did NOT need to be nerfed. Reverting that is the change I think is necessary.

It might not be like the medics, but it’s not the furthest from it ever. Valk holds much more similarities to Uber than Rez did and she can play in a much more aggresive style since the rework.

Thank you!

Like…yeah sure Mercy was inspired by Medic but saying her gameplay NOW is more like his it just–I wonder if they’ve even PLAYED Medic if they can honestly think this.