Mouse and Keyboard on Console

People get banned on pc if they use any kind of aimbot right ? Why don’t any MNK users on console get banned while having a YT channel on the side explaining how they set up the system and talk about it? Jeff himself told that it is cheating yet no action? I don’t expect ps4 to change and ban MNK but Blizzard can ban the player or more permenantly the IP or whatever it is to linked that console itself right ? Figuring out if the player uses MNK is much more easier compare to cheater on pc … Console overwatch is like step child of Blizzard I swear …


Jeff does not condone the use of M&K or any altering devices that enable M&K on console, how ever there is no way to detect who uses M&K on console, so the only way players get punished is if they are streaming and other players recognize the the difference between movements of controllers and M&K, then mass report.

The other problem is the exploitation of unlimited accounts on console. If an account gets banned, they make a whole new account and just repeat the process.

Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo have left the support or disbarment of M&K up to the developers of the games. Activision, until the latest CODMWR has taken the largest stance against console M&K users and will ban them the users are reported enough.


There are lots of t500 players known to be using MNK and their accounts been around for ages without even any warning, some of them even mentions that they are using mnk in their bio … On console I think it should be level 100 or sth to start playing comp games since you can create infinite accounts !


cough cough Jeffrei cough cough Literally is a streamer and uses mouse and keyboard cough cough

Jeff never said this was cheating.


I have ps4 too and tbh, nothing can save ow on console anymore

Multiple free accounts, people don’t care becuz of that so they leave when ever they want becuz there is new accounts in less then 3 min to start over

M&K… so many use that…

If u never played console u have no idea how bad it is compare to pc…

It’s sad that console doesn’t get any attention…


I suppose its also unfair if they have faster internet or graphics processors too, right? Best to just bottleneck everything in that case, just to be sure. Also have to go to tablet since some monitors can have faster refresh rates than others.


I play on console exclusively, and I find this to be bs though, so don’t pretend like you can speak for everyone. Speak for yourself.

Yeah, or high-end headsets; or controllers with 4 paddles and modified sticks.

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I never said I speak for the entire ps4 community lol… what are u talking about
I’m talking about my experience…
But it makes sense becuz u are used to this crap

Well here’s a sticker✌🏽

Not directly, no.

He said it’s considered an unfair advantage by Blizzard, and according to the in-game reporting system, anything that provides an unfair advantage is cheating.

I also play Overwatch exclusively on console and can confirm that the game on Xbox is pretty much as @Brendes described.

50% of the top 500 console players are M&K … just can’t ban them all, even tho I also do think its cheating.

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The difference between 60hz and 100fps and 144hz and 300fps is nothing compared to someone using mnk on console. It would be like playing Smash Bros on a sideways JoyCon vs a guy on a Gamecube pro controller.


I don’t think that should be bannable, you can buy a keyboard and a mouse and do the same :woman_shrugging:


It’s not the native input for consoles. One should not be required to purchase a peripheral just to be on the same level playing field given the advantage it provides.

That’s why Blizzard deem it an unfair advantage, and as per the reporting system anything that gives an unfair advantage is cheating.

Better graphic processors on console? :smile:. Keyboard and mouse will give you great advantage on console, you cant compare it to better internet.


Only one way you could know this. Otherwise you are just talking out of your rear.

I played on both, you will never achiev level of control and reaction speed of keyboard+mouse with gamepad/controller.


Have you played console with a xim?