Mouse and Keyboard on Console

I dont know what is that, i didnt have console so long time.

so racing games should ban steering wheel and pedals, and fighters ban arcade sticks?
at the end of the day the top end will be dominated by any advantage people can get and consoles allow 3rd party peripherals.
put pressure on console makers to detect the input and then game companies can put them against each other or put them in pc servers.


It’s an adapter that you plug into your console then plug your keyboard & mouse into it.

It fools the console into thinking you’re using a controller thus makes for a way to avoid keyboard & mouse being blocked for use in games on console (as Blizzard does with Overwatch).

Thank you for explenation, but I dont undestand why he mentioned it then. Maybe he thought I was using it? I am pc player who just wanted to try console. I dont see a point using mouse and keyboard there when my main gaming platform was pc.

I can use my own easy and I clearly see how game looks at console without mouse and keyboard and there is big difference.

XIM is nice, takes some time to calibrate it properly. No I dont use it for multiplayer. I enjoy it with my single player titles, especially when I got through my backlog of FPS games from PS2-PS3 on my backwards compatible 60gb PS3

I don’t understand why so many people try and play it cool when it clearly isn’t.
PC world confusing too many people.

If you can afford a console and the peripherals etc you can afford a computer. A computer would be a far better investment. Why even have all that gear and not a computer?? Makes no sense. So why?

The fact of the matter is if you need to make excuses for or lie about your behaviour, hide behind the ol steering wheel argument or whatever lame reasoning you need… “that same reasoning says putting a horse shoe in a boxing glove is ok”…

You lack integrity.

We all know deep down it’s wrong.
Hold people like this accountable for their actions.

They earned it.
RL too.

Or just pity them. Pity their shallow characters full of weakness and insecurity deep vein thrombosis and carpal tunnel.
:rofl::rofl: :rofl: hopefully one day they might try and level themselves up a little.


Do you actually have a point or are you just making bad apples and oranges comparisons?

I wonder how hard it would be to detect XIM usage? In my simple mind I feel like the speed of the inputs between mkb and controllers would differ quite a bit. I haven’t used XIM tho, so maybe it has to go through the whole range of motions of both sticks (including deadzones) when it emulates a controller.
Would feel kinda clunky if you had to re-center the right stick with a mouse before you could start aiming in another direction tho. Idk, maybe it’s like that.

Edit: I think EPIC put some effort into XIM detection but were countered by XIM updates over and over again, so it’s probably pretty much an effortless battle.

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Tbh I play cod cross-play and I don’t think kbm is a game breaker. I have like a career ~2kd playing against pc players OFTEN.

And that’s native pc players much better than input lag simulated kbm

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Just buy a xim and you can also join a large majority of the ow console community using a m&k with no stress of blizzard ever giving a crap.

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Being a bronze/silver ranked player you probably don’t come across this stuff to much.

Probably unpopular opinion, but I wish more console games supported mkb, esp now when most consoles supports mkb natively.
I feel like it could help bring a wider range of games if mkb were more culturally accepted, like RTS and such. There’s probably a bunch of games that doesn’t reach console cuz devs don’t want to make 'em controller friendly.


This is an apples to fish argument you are making. Racing game makers don’t frown against using a steering wheel and there are other threads here where it’s mentioned Blizzard is against it. Keyboard controls are not built into the PS4 version of OW. Xim is actually against Sony Terms and Conditions but no one reads the fine print. PS4 steering wheels like the Thrustmaster are officially licensed by Sony. If Xim gets officially licensed you’ll have an argument. If you catch them, you can report them.

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Since they obviously failed to enforce no kbm on console, why not just natively supports kbm on console, so console players can choose to tryhard on kbm? Modern Warfare support kbm on both xbox and ps4.


CoD isnt a competitive game though. Its for noobs to the FPS genre

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While youre stating very sarcastic truth, I have to agree. CoD stopped being competitive really after CoD2 & the PS3 exclusive CoD3. MW1, while it was a great game, started the series into a downward spiral with its “Run n’ Gun” style gameplay with an extremely bad spawn algorithm that got worse and worse, to the point they kept that and implemented the Battlefield “Squad” Spawn system, yet you still spawn in front of enemies or in enemy groups.

I created this topic to complain about how unfair MKB on console and it turned into bunch of MKB users giving advice to each other what a joke LUL just get a pc you losers …

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They dont care about console. Sad