Most nerfed hero in OW history

On the contrary.

He was left in a horrid state for months. Remember the bugs that came with them?

Exactly. Take a breathers downside was it made you immobile. Now it doesn’t have that. I just made him a fat dps with heals in a can.

Which were all fixed. And the bugs happened in one patch, people requested a fix, got fixed the next patch. He was never bad after the take a breather buff in my eyes

It has to be Brig or Mercy.

But if we also keep buffs in mind then Brigitte is probably the one who has gotten the short straw.

(But it is probably Mercy who has received the most nerfs.)

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I think Brigitte is the winner.

Personally I wouldn’t mind if she’ll get deleted, tho.

lol at anyone that says Tracer :laughing:

In terms of most of often, Mercy.

Quite easily, Doomfist. No other hero got hit with the nerf-bat as hard as he did.
Pickrate fell from 2.39% to 0.64% after the nerf to every one of his abilities (except for Rocket Punch).

i like how reaper got only buffs for 3 years and still trash above gold.

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Definitely Mercy and Brig.

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Sombra is a weird case in that the changes were meant to buff her only for them to actually nerf her instead. Yes, she became easier to play but she also became a lot more limited.

Her infinite stealth is only useful for scouting and outside of combat. Because all it takes is a single point of damage to break stealth, it’s incredibly difficult to use during a firefight. Seriously, go play Sombra and try your best to stay cloaked while there’s bullets flying everywhere.

While her old stealth wasn’t infinite like it is now, I believe it was better due to being faster and having more freedom on where you could thus making it more useful during firefights.

I have some opinions on what they could do to make Sombra more viable but I’ll discuss them another time.

Only heroes that immediately come to mind are Mercy, Brig, and Roadhog.
Lord knows those heroes have been beaten to near death with the nerf bat.
Though Ana had a time where it felt like the only changes coming out for her were nerf after nerf. It was awful as an Ana main.
I remember the days when Ana was such a bad pick people would offer to pay you to swap off her. Same thing with Hog when he was first nerfed to the ground (still sometimes happens now too). Mercy and Brig are in the same limbo as Hog in my opinion, except being good at them and popping off doesn’t make up for much. A good Hog can justify his pick with actions that are clearly shown. A good Brig or Mercy can’t really do that because they don’t (in my opinion) have kits that allow the player to express easily recognizable skill.
The only people who recognize a good Brig or Mercy player now are people who used to main/do main that hero as well.

Mercy and Brig tied in the first place, Dva is a close second…

If we count Mercy’s 60hps Valkyrie “buff”, then: Brig is the first place, followed by Mercy and then Dva…

Counting nerfs in Every balance change by hero logged
Mercy (14) > Brigitte (9) > D.Va, Doomfist, Soldier:76, Roadhog, Zarya (6) > Hanzo, Genji, Ana (5) > Junkrat, Widowmaker (4) > Pharah, McCree, Zenyatta, Lúcio (3 nerfs) > rest
Counts above include reverts like the Mercy healing rate revert but not reworks. With nerfs within reworks Symmetra and Hanzo would be shared 3rd place (8) and Torbjörn and D.Va shared 5th place (6 nerfs) as far as I can count.

That patch made him better overall and more flexible. Another shot and faster ROF made him better at close range.

Twice, I think. Both 1.0.

That is if you also don’t count TP in spawn rooms.

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That would still be Mercy. Lmao 14 nerfs, Brig is currently on 12, and I foresee a 13th coming.

I see your 33% hog damage and call with my 10% healing nerf I throw in mercy with 90% resurrect reduction

In one patch: Doomfist’s multi-nerf a while ago was pretty unprecedented and he went from a top tier DPS to mid-low tier.

In one specific change: Roadhog’s change from 225 a shot to 150 but with higher fire rate. Devs said it didn’t affect net DPS but that was a lie (was actually lowered by ~15%) and lowered his damage per clip by 150 making him worse against shields and in poke battle. He went from top tier on ladder to an actual throw pick piece of garbage for 2 seasons before they gave him the Take a Breather buff.

Net nerf over time: Brigitte technically, but only because of how ridiculously busted she was when she launched. Genji is also a contender for this one; he’s only ever been nerfed other than a small wall climbing buff that lets him act a little faster after leaving a wall. Valk Mercy too, but since she’s now similar in strength to how she was at launch I’d say its not much of a net change.

I was gonna say mercy but now I’m gonna have to go with Doomfist.

3 seismic slam nerfs
2 m1 nerfs
1 uppercut nerf
1 M2 nerf
1 got nerf
106315 bugs that counter as nerfs

Doom fist. Went from strong DPS to Straight trash in one patch