Most nerfed hero in OW history

if anyone can get this data would be awesome.

By nerf size or nerf count?

It would have to be count, nerf size is a bit subjective.

Seems like Brig and Mercy would be the only two real contenders, although Junkrat might also be in the running.


Numbers aren’t subjective.

I throw Roadhog in with 33% damage nerf.

Yeah, but how do you compare Mercy’s healing nerf vs. Junkrat’s reduced grenade hitbox?

I guess you could compare highest pickrate minus lowest subsequent pickrate (highest pickrate drop).

This might be of interest:

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Probably Mercy, she got reworked, was buffed into crazy levels, then whacked with a nerf bat several several times. Some might say too many times.


Brigitte Shield Bash 90% damage nerf.


Without a question it is mercy, brig is a close second




Doomfist (nerfed on the ptr before launch has to be a record)


Mercy got reworked into an overpowered meta defining monster then proceeded to be adjusted. So I kinda don’t count her.

Junkrat got two mines but at what cost…

That’s pretty much it :thinking:

I’d assume Roadhog or Mercy. Maybe D.VA.

Brig is up there as well.

Roadhog got a damage nerf with a ton of buffs to compensate. That’s not “the biggest nerf”

Buffs that didn’t work with his kit. He was intended to be a bulky killer, not whatever he is now

Mercy over a longer period but nobody beats Brigitte in terms of sheer burst volume of nerfs, she keeps getting double nerfs soon as the previous month’s double nerfs come out of ptr. #reworkbrigitte

Brigitte, Mercy, and D.Va are the three front-runners. At the end of season 3 D.Va was nerfed so hard that she was weaker than before she got her buffs.

He has a way more diverse kit than he had before. Take a breather isn’t garbage, hook got many improvements and his spread is consistent. He can still murder squishies but you need a different combo

which was at the same time a 20% attack speed buff and made something like a 2% dps difference in the end

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Any list that doesn’t feature Sombra in the top two is invalid. I would wager that she is number one.

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has symmetra ever been nerfed? (doesn’t include tick rate bug fix)