Most fun characters in the game

I decided to do a different kind of topic. Was wondering what you guys think is the most fun character in the game.
(imo genji and tracer)

If anyone says anything other than Torb I will hack their Habbo Hotel account.


Torb, Sym, Dva, Winston, Moira & Lucio

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Her movement is one of the most smooth, fluid, and interesting mechanics in the entire game I think. It’s a lot more intensive and deep than most people think, and when you learn and master all of the different movement tricks, GA hops and slides and dives, etc. it’s insanely fun!


junkrat, sombra, ana

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Tracer was always one of the only fun heroes to me. I say was because more often than not it’s just frustrating to play her when you know you’ll probably have better luck on a more meta hero.

Torb’s pretty fun. Moira’s fun when you don’t feel like playing a fps. I think lucio and winston are pretty fun but winston’s pretty dependant on the enemy team letting you play winston.

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Ana, hands down. No other hero comes even close.


There’s always something satisfying about getting teamwipes as symmetra.

Also playing Ashe is kind of cathartic. She’s conceptually simple, yet rewarding. I still have yet to find the best way to use bob, he usually ends up being useless.

Then playing Ana well also feels good. Especially when you’re not constantly being harried by the enemy team because your teammates’ tunnel vision.

Playing mercy well also feels good. Not just standing there like a lemon, but gracefully gliding around like a moth being impossible to pin down. You know you’re doing good when 3 people on the enemy team start to try and chase you.

And finally, moira. Nothing hits the spot quite like bringing a tank from 0 to 100 in a second.


Currently, Ashe.


Brig is most fun for me next to Widow/Ana and Doomfist, she feels so close to home from MMO plds

Sym & Torb close top 5

I honestly have the most fun with Widow, Soldier and Reaper. Yes, I used to be a Call of Duty player.

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D.Va and Ashe are my favorites.

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Widowmaker and Reaper. Tracer used to be fun. Ana used to be more fun. Roadhog was my favorite before they gutted his shotgun - even if the throughput is about the same now, it’s just not the same.

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Sombra. She’s fun to use even on a lose streak, that’s why we keep using her.

She can pull off moves that feel epic even tho she actually did nothing.



Only hero I can play and feel satisfied killing.

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For me, Doomfist, Symmetra, Sombra.


Doomfist, Hammond, Junkrat for me.

Hyper mobility is fun for the first two, landing direct hits and airshots as Junk is so satisfying.

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Yeah I love mercy’s mobility, its so fun flying from teammate to teammate escaping enemies focusing you. It can feel really fast paced at times. most fun part of her kit imo

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Torbjorn can be pretty fun. I really like playing him when Im just messing around or defense on some maps. He actually used to be my go to pick on Horizon Lunar Colony Defense

Widowmaker is my favorite, especially when the planets align and I hit that apex, and kill something.

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