Most fun characters in the game

I find 5 or 6 heroes really fun (that I wouldn’t mind one-tricking any of them) but the top 2 for me are Ana and Genji.

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This is what boggles my mind when people say Mercy is not fun? Like, do you not see how much mobility she has?


In my opinion, I really enjoy Mercy (more so in the past, but I still enjoy going back and forth between allies), Zarya, Rein, Pharah, Junkrat, Roadhog, Zenyatta, Ashe, and Torb (on Busan especially).

To an extent, I enjoy all heroes minus D.Va, Winston, Widow, and Mei (Hanzo is fun to mess with, but not to go try hard with).


My guess is that most people who play mercy don’t want to see their team dying frequently. I’ve heard people saying “see that’s why I don’t play mercy, I can’t keep people up anymore”. You’d be bummed out too if you, let’s say, bought something only to find out later that’s it’s not working as it should be.

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Yeah, I really can’t relate.

Even if I’m losing, it’s a heck of a lot of fun to zip across the map with Mercy.

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Symmetra and Sombra. Next question…


Tanks: Zarya, Roadhog, and Hammond
Supports: Ana and Lucio
DPS: Mei, Sombra, Symmetra, and Ashe

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I have the most fun as Widowmaker but get a lot of salt from enemies sometimes. :neutral_face:

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I enjoy Torbjorn just run and gunning with his charge and molten core.

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Rein, Sym. For entirely different raisins.


Symmetra and Lucio are really fun to play.

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For me its always Lucioooooooo. I really love the boops and wallrides.
Then follows Moira, Ashe, Winston and Zenyatta.

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i dont play him just bc he is fun
i play him cuz he thicc too

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D.Va, Sombra, Lucio, Moira.

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Hammond is a blast to play! (as long as there’s no Mei & Sombra on the enemy team)

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Dva, Symmetra, and Ashe for me haha.

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Hooking people is satisfying.

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winston is the most strategic hero in the game with probably the highest risk/reward which makes him fun to me

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Brigitte used to be, but she’s too weak nowadays, just a weaker Lucio and every team has 3dps anyway.

Torb is the funniest dps
Ana is the most exiting supp to play

But easily the funniest charachter to play is


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