Most common OW erroneous claims

Almost every claim I hear on the forums made about doomfist seems to be false.

People saying that brig is bad or dead.

I lost because of my team.

A lot of people are under the assumption that Junkrat takes zero skill and doesn’t require aim… but he has the heaviest arc in a primary fire, in the game.

If anything, being accurate with him requires intense aim because you have to account for travel time of the grenades, but also the arc of them, but also the enemies moving, but also also the shots bouncing off walls.

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Reapers good because he killed me in gold


Hanzo is a sniper?
Hog is dps?
Forced loses exist?

  1. people thinking sym’s projectile orb size compensates for how slow they move to aim them. THEY DON’T :point_down:
  1. people thinking sym can easily have lvl 3 beam AND all 3 turrets shooting 1 enemy for 300dps often. SHE DOESN’T

getting level 3 beam is already a huge ask in itself because it’s at least ~2.5s of keeping sym alive right in front of the enemy team let alone getting her there. to further try to get 3 turrets which she doesn’t have targetting control over to shoot the same enemy AND not have the enemy team destroy nor escape them despite how easy it is to do so is even more unrealistic. heck widow headshots (that deal the 300 in a burst rather than sustained over a whole second) occur more often then that situation.


The Devs have said they regret ever making Doomfist a hero and are actively trying to delete him.

Trust me, they definitely said that.


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“Symmetra breaks barriers”

Sure. As well as any other hero.

“Reaper is a tank buster”

Sure. As well as any other hero since his rework.

“Orisa should have more barrier health than Sigma”

Not a good reason. They function entirely different. And completely ignores how both regenerate and what their uses are. (Not saying Orisa doesn’t need a buff, I am saying this argument is stupid)

Well… it kinda does. It’s not a hard lock like Symmetra 2.0 but it is a lock on attack, because it can’t de-cloak a Sombra even when staying right infront of the beam, till she gets detected.

“Nothing dies”
“It’s impossible to kill anything”

I didn’t realize that draws were such a massive part of the game.

You’d be surprised what people still think is true, despite it being repeatedly said that it’s not:

  • that Mercy gave Reaper his powers
  • that Genji/Reaper/Soldier died and Mercy brought them back to life
  • that Mercy can actually resurrect the dead
  • that Mercy/Tracer do not age
  • that Lucio was designed as Canadian
  • that Pharah’s Native heritage was retconned in to explain her skins
  • that Brigitte must be adopted because her parents are blonde

None of these are true, and yet they persist.

People who claim Ana is OP.

Guys, she’s not even that good. Every tank except Ball and Hog can deal with her abilities. L2P.


I’m not sure if this was apart of this, but I’m under the impression the shield bash does 5dmg already

Moira is too strong right now.

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  • Genji’s hitbox becomes large as a tank when he dashes ----- It doesnt, its just ping in combination with fast movement. his hitbox size doesnt change, i even tested it myself in the workshop to confirm it.
  • Hanzo fires massive logs ----- Hanzo has the smallest projectiles in the game along with genji and echo at a radius of 0.1m (although one could argue all projectiles have a pretty forgiving size in overwatch)
  • Moira’s beam has lock-on ----- Moira’s beam is very similar to hitscan (with limited range), but rather than attacking the normal hitbox of the enemy, she attacks a capsule shaped hitbox pretty similar to the one that is used for collision hitboxes when bodyblocking (or when standing on top of the enemy’s head). and while the beam does stay connected for one damage tick after moving the aim away from the enemy hitbox, the damage is actually adjusted down for the next damage tick.
  • Lauch Brig was so strong that after taking <enter big number> of nerfs in a row she is still strong ----- Brigs power level dropped significantly with the nerfs, and before her “rework” with the 3 repair packs and improved healing, she was really not doing very well. that “rework” buffed her power level pretty significantly while a lot of people acted like it was just another nerf. it was the big buffs from the rework that allowed her to become strong enough to survive the subsequent nerfs.
  • <X hero> is trash and blizzard are dumb for not realizing ----- Balance is a lot trickier than a lot of people realize, many people (the majority on forums probably :p) look at balance out of the perspective of their own rank, yet they will often parrot the opinions of streamers and pro players who play the game with a completely different balance. this causes a lot of confusion among the players who feel upset with balance even if their hero is actually relatively strong in their own ranks.

“MoSt Of ThE RoStEr CaNt EvEn ToUcH PhArAh”

Rein. Brig. Doom. Sym. Junk. Reaper. That’s it.

These 6 have the same problem against a Widow up on her ledge. It’s simple range advantage

Oh my gosh I feel this. He requires more aim and is more inconsistent than any other hero in the game. And they just spam “no aim” because they walk into his mines AAAAH

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“Mercy is OP” “Rez is OP and can’t be stopped”


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“Nade is better than Lamp.”

I bet they don’t say that when someone on their team picks her in ranked