Most common OW erroneous claims

Your Nominees for things people often claim but are in fact common errors??

I can’t think of specific examples myself but every time I see someone say “the devs/Jeff said” I’m usually confident they’re not accurate


tanks still dying instantly

also when comparing stats from overbuff, a lot of the time people go by placement rather then pickrate itself

for example

lets say someone called Dva overpowered, and pointed out that her pickrate is the third highest tank

for most people they would go over placement, while ignoring the fact that dva plus every tanks pickrate below her added together would be lower then the number one hero, rein

which is why I feel if your citing overbuff it would be better giving pickrates

Orisa not being “all that bad”.



Baja Blast is worst mountain Dew flavor.


I’ve only ever had 1 (and it was literally to see what the hell the noise is all about - I get that mentioned like 2-3 times a day)

It was…aight…and I’ve never tried any other flavors outside of basic Mountain Dew so I can’t if your claim is true :sweat_smile:

This now leads into the real most common erroneous claims.

“My very subjective opinion is always right and everyone else is wrong”

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I mean, depends…

They still die pretty easily + nobody Is scared of tanks like:

  • D.Va
  • Orisa…

which is a problem.

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“I think we’re winning!”

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Moira’s beam auto-targets/locks.


“McCree and Hanzo have no counters.” <—This is so common, I’ve began physically avoiding reading it, like my mind won’t even register it anymore.

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i would consider the current top dps and supports aren’t scared of orisa dva

lucio is insanely hard to kill for any tank without burst

cree is just hard to kill

so is bap

other then that with toning down of zen I think we are pretty close to good balance a lot of the other dps aren’t great into orisa and dvas armor like pretty much all the flankers plus mei doom etc

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It doesn’t matter as long as we have two tanks and two supports the games will be great

Here you go, OP.


Maybe it’s just me, but I often run into elderly players who claim that in the desert the cheetah lives for 3 years and the camel lives for 9.


Balance is trash.

Talk about an over dramatic view on the state of balance in the game.

Having said that… balance will NEVER… I repeat NEVER be perfect

Simply because

It will never appease the entire community from bronze to GM

Everyone has a different idea of what balance is and it will never be 100% perfect.

Your best bet is to accept it for what it is and know how to flex. So no matter what the patch says you have heroes that you’ll be able to play. Instead of getting hung up on your favourite hero and never accepting any change to them that’s not a buff


People who say hanzo and mccree are braindead and broken

McCree is overpowered yeah but hanzo? He isnt overperforming

Ive even seen people say hanzo doesnt take aim. I cant even fathom that claim

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“I think brig is in a good place now after her 19 nerfs. She’s still OP tho so maybe they should reduce her shield bash to 5 damage and no stun.”

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i got 3, they’re a sort of trinity

“we need more shields”
“we need more healing”
“we need more damage”

they’re very rarely true

Excusez-moi?!? Are you havin’ a giggle?

Brig is trash.

Its fine for niche heroes to be trash niche because they’re easy to play/just designed that way".

Doomfist: literally everything about him. From all players.

That there isn’t enough Anti-dive/Antiflanker in this game.

People dying over and over but proceeding to blame anyone that isn’t themselves. If you’re dead first each fight. You need to change lmfao.

You can throw in qp all you want.