Moria nerfs likely incomng hoping they nerf her lock on self healing auto attacks

Boo hoo, plz save us from the ebil flankers.

More save us from the queue times when the support players move to DPS.

Why support if the enemy can just take flankers and you have no real defence?


The trash players who think they need a truck sized hitbox to hit Genji are just going to make bigger fools of themselves trying to play DPS.

I love how “I’m just going to play DPS then” is the new “I’m going to take my ball and go home if you guys don’t do what I want”.

Deal with it!

dva main complaining about moira, dva who is a queen at 1 v1 and counters moira by eating her orbs :face_with_monocle:


What about flanks or having highground? What coming off spawn? Not to mention, most high grounds are within range of morias autolock which is absurd in and of itself. Players make plans to flank and get high ground and all she has to do is LOOK in that direction for them to back off.
And like you mentioned…you have to coordinate positioning, healers, another dps etc just to negate a LOOK. How can you not see the imbalance here?

At stalemate chokepoints if I have moira on my team all I do is throw a dynamite over their barrier and my moira literally has to stand behind a wall and tether for a pick. that’s how easy it can be to get a pick. you can come with any number of reasons for that pick (bad positioning, bad support etc) on the other teams part, but the point remains even if the enemy team does everything right, the likelihood of us getting a pick from that play remains high.

Exactly. So generalizing moira feedback as “bad dps complaints” is ignorant cuz you have to take each context into the equation. Even if I land my shots, Moira has abilites to negate the damage. But according to you in a pure 1v1, ashe would almost always win against a Moira. Id like to test that theory in a octagon. we can both take turns playing moira and ashe in an empty small circular map. and see which character fares better in 1v1s.

And Coach gun is free jail card? umm how? During the whole execution I can still be damaged. Moira can still use her fadeway technique (which is actually the definition of get out of jail free card along with reapers teleport and sombras movement abilities) to close in. Get out of jail free = a mechanic that makes you invulnerable to damage AND lets you escape.

How does any of the above necessitate an auto lock? She is more than welcome to do all you said and more if she has an appropriate risk:reward:effort ratio.

Its not that I don’t want to die to a support class or any other class for that matter. Its that kills (the mechanic that actively participates in killing) should demand some skill. that is my point.






I had great genji’s against me who know how to take a moira down, but some others just don’t learn and all they do is complain 24/7.

This entire comment was ruined by the fact that you called it an auto lock it isn’t an auto lock.

autolock/soft lock. tomato tomato.

if that’s the only defence from the devs to justify moiras entire skillset then yeah…Im not surprised about all the threads concerning balance

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i was listed as one of the best genjis on overbuff but alright man i guess im bad at the character ive played for 4 years

It’s not a defense they know her skill floor is low and they created her that way because it’s how overwatch works as jeff said it’s not cs go. Autolock means she’s not even looking at you and still kills you, mercy’s is a lock on.

If you complain about moira, let me tell you that you’re OBVIOUSLY bad, plus overbuff??? Are you serious??? Is it an excuse or something :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Supports should be able to win 1v1’s but the method doing so shouldnt be so easy****

I fixed it for you bro

I play ana with 75% accuracy, get rolled on bruh. I just like moira lore wise, also stomping on genji noobs is a hobby.

Plus your sentence doesn’t make sense you cannot play"about" something.
Plus being afraid of a 50dps beam, stop I’m so laughing :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

then why don’t all the characters have an aspect of their kit to be off low skill equal to that of moira…so it is balanced.

I understand wanting to make the game accessible but it has to be uniformly balanced.

You have low skill floors moira/mercy, middle skill floors symm/mcree, high skill floors tracer/doom. That’s why ow is popular because it welcomes everybody.

so why are low skill floors like moira so much better than high skill floors like zen and genji?

yes it does. but we’re going on a tangent. the point still remains that risk:effort:reward is not the core of OWs design philosophy. because when I see a mechanic that gives the player a huge advantage I fail to see what inherent tradeoff there is to balance it

it isn’t tomato/tomato at all.
a lock is different from a big hitbox.

just SAY big hitbox. there is zero point to say lock on, when it isn’t one.

oh right, forgot, people on this forum are so desperate to get moira nerfed they won’t even use the correct terminology for what her beam is.

if it’s tomato/tomato, just say big hitbox, right? or does that make moira less of a problem than you’re painting her out to be?