More Transgender Characters


Because she’s a girl who “Looks kinda like a guy” ?? Because honestly that’s insulting.


ok, I still don’t understand why fictional characters need orientations.

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A successful transgender in the future would most likely be undistinguishable. Or I mean , Zarya is pretty close without exclusively mentioning her genital history

Moira’s about experimenting with both sides of the spectrum, that’s about as transgender a playstyle that you can get lol. She has a face that to me says she possibly could been. When matter if you have a face it looks kind of voice rec kind of girlish technically that happens on both sides to both genders. Tracer it can be said looks kind of boyish. Roadhogs looks kind of girlish :wink:

These heroes are not trans. You are just stereotyping to say who you think could be. I’m not sure what your intention is, but comments like yours on Zarya or Moira could be seen as offensive to some, or will just piss other people off.


Moira does scientific experimentation - we have never seen her experiment with her gender presentation or been presented as anything but a cisgender woman. Same goes for Zarya. Suggesting someone “is pretty close to transgender” just because they don’t look conventionally feminine is frankly offensive.


Yes my comments were in fact to say who potentially can be trans. And do we officially know that they’re not trans either? because this could potentially be offensive either way calling them straight while they’re gay can be offensive causing them gay while they’re straight can be offensive, but The only people who actually get offended by me wondering whether they’re gay or not or saying they possibly can I don’t think the problem would lie with me but rather with them, I’m not intentionally targeting anyone and the talk is rather tame, might as well as rated of the game E for Everyone if that’s what we we’re going for.

yeah I’m not saying any of them are I’m just saying they’re likely candidates and realistically they are likely candidates. At least way more likely than any other character. Moira I was just saying that it’s kind of medically similar I guess because she does body experimentations on herself and she has that whole two sides of the spectrum thing like with male female or damaging and heal. Of course it’s never really talked about whether she decided to grow a personal mushroom, but there’s not many ways you can actually say a person is trans without going into those details unless you just causually mentioned that they used to be a woman or a man but then why would you mention that to begin with the “easily offended crowd” could get offended by that. Some trans actually want to drop their whole previous identity and leave it in the past.

Another question why is it offensive to suspect someone of being a lesbian or trans or whatever if there’s nothing inherently wrong with it that’s like people who mistake my race and think that I’m Persian or Arabic I’m not offended by it because it’s nothing offensive, It was just their mistake in speculation and now that we know the world moves on.

Aside from that I work with a bunch of trans because I work at transitional housing or homeless shelter/drug halfway house

What makes them any more likely than Mercy or Lucio or any other hero?

Moira experimenting on herself doesn’t mean she’s more likely to be trans. She hasn’t modified her body beyond gaining her fade ability. The duality of healing and damage isn’t a metaphor for male and female.

It gets offensive when you make that assumption based on their appearance or their profession/hobbies.


The reason Moira is more of a likely candidate is because based off of characteristics she has more opportunity or more of a chance. Because she already has the ability and the expertise to do body modifications, That at least adds to ease of access her biological profession has more association than Lucio would however insignificant it might seem she’s just more likely. It’s not at all offensive to assume based on appearance unless what you assume them to be is something derogatory.

Pushing that kind of logic only works when it’s done one-sided. On the flip side, why should anyone assume anyone else is not a transgender and simply somebody is just a normal born male or female.

Likelyhood i a matter of probability probability makes no real guarantee, probability is just probability. You could technically have the probability of 50% to land tails on every coin flip but you could still land heads 10 times in a row.

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Even if it were this would make her gender fluid. x3 I like this comparison (As someone who is both trans and gender fluid)

But yea, let’s not do the “Moira isn’t a barbie doll so maybe she’s trans haha”


“Based off of characteristics”

Is a nice way to say

“I think trans people don’t look like the gender they present as, and kinda like both genders and in-between or something.”




Very liberal extraction of information from my one sentence.

I said characteristics and not appearance, Moira is a medical/biological expert something which you could find useful for a person who is transgender because it’s a medical/biological procedure. Another characteristic of Moira is that she is her character embodys on both sides a duality just like a transgender would embody both sides of a gender, She literally has the most trans-power out there. Third is her appearance.

Yes most of them do look like an in between, That’s why they are transgender. It’s extremely rare to find a trans woman who does not still have characteristics of her previous man state or vice versa. This isn’t an insult either, This is you assuming that every trans person wants to completely deny their previous gender. which is not the case there is a large spectrum

I work with many transgenders and they are not afraid to tell you that they still haven’t had that operation or suddenly drop their feminine behavior and act a bit more manly (especially in fights) and they do have their characteristics like broad shoulders being tall having a manish face, characteristics to which they’re not blind to either.

Uhm… you don’t know what being transgender is.


Like… please teach yourself. Look some things up. Don’t address things you don’t know.

Honestly, if you think that a trans woman is “Putting on an act” to be feminine, or “Drops the feminine traits” At any point, you know… nothing.

You don’t even deserve an argument from me.

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Yeah way to ignore the rest of the post which explains why a transgender would embody both sides. That’s literally what they call ignorance

Your belief of what your transgender is doesn’t take into account the trans or transitional part of it, there are a lot of transgender who are currently in the process of becoming more of the other gender, and some will never be completely the other gender and some will be more than others. And if you are not one or the other you are some in between and both.

It’s not that I don’t deserve an argument from you, it’s that you don’t have an argument, and you know that, and this is a good way to exit for you.

“A transgender” Listen to yourself…

Prove to me that you know what you’re talking about, and I’ll reply.

A woman who is presenting completely as female does not have to have had any surgery to do so… nor does anyone call anyone who’s trans “A transgender”


So if a person does not need any surgery to say they are transgender, basically they don’t need any proof at all. This type of gender identity is just done as a consideration It doesn’t really mean anything. I could say I’m an immortal space alien, does this mean that I’m literally immortal or a space alien?

Gender was determined at birth by the baby’s physical status, It wasn’t up to the baby, Since transgender still uses the gender duality then they must play by that duality’s rules or consider themselves something else, and in the case of gender it is determined by physical characteristics. This is why the trans or transition parts of transgender exists because it acknowledges the process of in between. Part of gender identity is that they’re supposed to be identifying factors in it.

Anyway I have yet to see you explain your reasons, all you’ve done is just deny everything I say which is an easy thing to do.

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And this is all the proof I need to stop talking to you.

Have a good life being blind.

I’m both transgender and gender fluid, oh and also non-binary.

Explain that.

I haven’t denied what you say, because you haven’t said anything of value.

Okay, considering you didn’t provide any reasons for your arguments you actually argued nothing and therefore I remain uncontested

I literally challenged you to pretty much the same thing in my previous post. So you’re just going to ignore that and try to challenge me with my own challenge because you were unable to answer it.

Valuable enough for you have an extended argument about it.

I see you have no answer… hmm… makes you think.

Go on, explain to me how I’ve had no surgery, and I’m trans, gender fluid, and non-binary. Or rather, am not?

I want to hear your argument, go ahead, we’re all waiting.

Oh and now you’re quiet?

Really strong argument buddy.

You wanted reasons?
“A woman presenting as female does not have to have had any surgery to present as female”

There’s your reason.

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My “Belief” of what being transgender is, is my experience in life.

I presented you a challenge. You didn’t answer it, presumably because you can’t. There is no reason for me to answer it because it is to counteract your points not mine. until you give me a valid answer to that you have no points because your point would make no sense. That is the point of me asking you the question.

But anyone If they were to observe this conversation between us would plainly see how you maneuver your way out of things that you don’t answer my questions and expect all yours to be answered. Your way of argument is unprofessional, and my guess is because it’s too personally related to you. This also means that you probably think yourself the authority just because you are one, however you are not the authority of what to transgender is, You did not invent the word or the concept It is a social concept society at large uses, not your personal definition.

You also try to use time to respond as some kind of disqualifier on a forum? Seriously? again you have some kind of personal attachment to this where you’re not even thinking or acting logically. You’re acting as if this is a personal assault to you It is just the observation of a man not a middle finger to the face. The thing is I can’t stop you from being offended, technically a person could be offended at anything if he wants to, but that doesn’t mean it’s offensive.

That doesn’t mean anything. I could present myself as a pigeon that doesn’t mean anything to anyone else. At best I’d be a pigeon in my own mind, but I just be a person want/acting like a pigeon to everyone else until the day that I physically change myself enough so that I look exactly like a pigeon then maybe people will start to believe that.

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That may be true but it’s not the only experience, what I’m asking is for you to take into account the other trans who are not like you yet define themselves as trans. That there are a variety of different transgenders and this is something I know not because I am one but because I work with many