More SR for Tanks?

You could say that.
Although I got over 300 hours in DPS.

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Sombra (main), Ana, Mei, brig, ball.
Actually I’m flex. But this dps crying… I like this.

Inb4 “BuT rOaDhOg Is A fAt DpS! nOt A tAnK!”

Heh and almost all those hog hours were before season 5, where he could oneshot a Dva mech, if it had a discord on it.

Again, you’re dodging the issue. You think just manipulating people’s rank just because of what they choose to play is OKAY?

Do you think an SR system that has existed for 1 week is somehow set in stone?

Or that it’s possible to change the system to work better, without changing things.

Damn, now that SR role is live (and people have realized they won’t climb easier nonetheless), they’re now asking for more SR to certain roles for wins…

Gosh will there ever be an end to this OW community being insufferable ?

Anyways, I’m gonna try to answer this thread with “forums logic” :

Ok, let tanks have 10% more SR for wins in comp but also give DPS players 20 % more SR for wins since they have longer queues because of role queue. :man_shrugging:

Actually given the feedback in this thread I’m thinking it would be better to make it harder to gain and maintain SR for DPS in Diamond and above.

Of course man and why not even give DPS players an SR penalty every time they rant about long queues.

I know Blizzard is giving you the impression that you can get any BS you want on a silver platter but don’t you think this nonsense has to come to an end eventually ? Ever thought about it ?

Do you think exaggerations are a good replacement for real arguments :slight_smile:

I don’t know, you tell me… After all, you were the one that suggested that tanks should be granted 10 % more SR for every win.

All I do is stooping at your level and now you go and talk about exaggerations :man_shrugging:

Double standards I guess.

Edit : I answered your thread above : “ok for 10 % more SR to tanks if (and only if) DPS players get 20 % more SR for every win so it compensates the long queues to finding a match” :wink:

Artificially inflating tank SR seems like such a bad idea for many reasons.

The tank player will find himself against harder and harder teams he shouldn’t be playing with or against

But worst of all I’d say this would give an extremely large avenue for players to be toxic to tanks.

" You don’t even belong in this rank! You’re just a tank main. Get boosted more noob."

ext ext.

Supply and Demand may help with the shortage of roles but that’s going to take time for people to adjust and learn. There is no instant fix I’m afraid.

Just admit it. You hate DPS players and just want their SR reduced.

I’m actually more interested in making sure streamers and influential players at high tiers actually get to play Overwatch more than staring at countdown timers.

Why should it be harder to gain in DPS than in other roles? Try not to be biased here

Because the population of DPS is too large in higher ranks.

And only solutions that reduce the population of DPS in higher ranks will work.

We’re having 2-2-2 now, so regardless of how many people want to play DPS, each game will always have 2 DPS. So the DPS in that match should gain and lose SR the same way as people in their team. It wouldn’t make sense to win a match and get less for it just because you’re the DPS.

People who want to play DPS will just wait in queue or queue up in other roles. No need to go heavy handed and start skewing distribution curves.

The problem isn’t going to get any better if it doesn’t reduce the population of DPS in higher ranks.

Or do the opposite, and increase Tanks/Healers at higher ranks.

Nothing else will work.

Tanks and healers will get into games fine. DPS who are willing to wait in queue will also get into games, it will just take considerably longer. DPS who don’t want to wait will queue on other roles or quit. It’s up to the player to decide what they’re happy to deal with and we’ll see in time how the backlog of the DPS population changes.

In my opinion, it’d be unnecessary and way too heavy handed to start changing SR when naturally, there’s likely to be a shift caused by the queue times.

So the “solution” is to do nothing, and let some of the most skilled and dedicated players quit the game by the thousands?