More sombra buffs? Please?

After recent changes, Sombra is still has low pickrate. Just look overbuff.
Filter heroes by role: “Offense”. Voila - she is in pickrate bottom in all ranks (except grandmaster - she is just above Reaper).

So, does that mean this changes aren’t good enough? - Yeah. I kinda agree that 0.1 sec. window wasn’t good and i think that “2-sec cooldown” wasn’t that bad - it prevented the moments when sombra could hold RMB and hack you while you reloading.

But she still need some changes.

IMO, which changes she should get


  • Sombra can see hacked heroes through walls (like she does with enemies that are below 50% health, but their silhouette is purple, not orange)
    Sombra should have better control on hacked enemies position

Machine pistol
Her primary fire is balanced and does not need much buffs


  • Hacked enemies can’t see health bars of both ally and enemy heroes or see them as full. Healer see ally silhouettes as green (full health)
  • Hack break range increased from 15 to 20 meters
    Sombra is about good coordination. Hack should harden enemy coordination for more opportunities. Break range should make sombra hack more consistent ability


  • If sombra hold E button for 1.5 seconds, her deployed translocator destroyed
    With her 20 second translocator duration it’s hard to regain already thrown translocator when she is already in battle

Her stealth is balanced and does not need much buffs

Don’t need much changes. With hack buffs and the fact that you can’t actually counterplay her ultimate (it pops up immediately) is enough for stay her ultimate as it is now


Increase her reload speed and make her hack not brake because of line of sight for the last 0.5 or at least 0.25 seconds before it finishes.


I guess that would help chasing Hacked targets.

I’ll be happy if they just fix Hack’s LOS consistency.

I posted this for fun in another thread. I think it’d make cancelling translocator a bit more interesting and allow some trolling on enemies that are camping the translocator. Also with two buttons, it’d be less likely to mistakenly translocate when you actually want to cancel it.

Now that I think about it, Sombra players used to ask for something to cancel their botched translocators. Why not let her right click to hold her hacking hand out then left click and she translocates a 1 HP balloon Sombra to the translocator.

Balloon Sombra will spam voice lines like “Been here all along”, “Hola”, “Cheers Love” non-stop for two seconds (like those Metal Gear balloon decoys). Anyone who deals the final blow to balloon Sombra gets hacked for 6 seconds. Otherwise it pops after 2 seconds and everyone within melee range gets hacked for 1 second and Translocator cooldown timer starts at the same time.

Honestly, I’ll be happy even if it’s just only a voice line spamming balloon Sombra with no effects.

Posted this in another thread as well.

My issue with Sombra is that, for a flanker, she really doesn’t have a good flow going for her kit. Translocator throw speed is kinda slow, there’s that unnecessary delay for going into stealth and taking damage forces you out of your sprint which is pretty jarring.

A good flow would feel like Genji, swift strike to a wall climb then to a double jump with no delays in between. If getting shot while climbing a wall doesn’t drop Genji from it, why does getting shot break Sombra’s legs?

Also I think it’s fine if taking damage causes her to be visible for a short time. Just leave the sprint alone.

Hack duration is 0.65 seconds though. Did you mean the last 0.05 seconds?

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The problem is that sombra is hard to utilize below GM. And even in GM

Keep in mind that categorical pick rates is not a solid indicator of whether or not a hero is “good” or “bad” it needs “buffs” or “nerfs.” Remember, as even Jeff himself has stated, there are heroes who are more effective on certain maps and against certain comps, and teams adjusting what heroes are in play at any given time. Most of the time forum posters who claim pick rates indicate changes need to be made to a hero are looking at that hero in a static category, not dynamic as the game is meant to be played. That same dynamic data is what devs look at regarding this very thing. A flat “X hero on offense” cannot properly gauge the hero’s effectiveness.

Fix her bugs and make hack not brake by default when a movement ability is used.
Then add timer skulls above hacked enemies.

Bam, she will be fine.


I would normally agree.

However, wouldn’t a consistently low pickrate over a long period of time indicate that a Hero is consistently ineffective in most maps and most comps? I would assume this is why Blizzard is finally reworking Symmetra and Torbjorn and buffing Reaper, Mei and Sombra. Bastion is still ignored though.

If I had to buff Sombra, I would make her translocator cancellable, and remove the transition period from invisible to visible on the Stealth ability, maybe even let her fire for 0.1 or 0.2 seconds before becoming visible (whatever is balanced, to make her flank better and not be practically punished for using her abilities by the ability itself.

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Since they are concerned about the fun factor playing against Sombra that wont happen. Being assassinated out from stealth with little time to react will cause community rage.
If they touch her stealth, then they should reduce the delay going into stealth to make it a viable escape option. Then you could use the translocator more offensively.

She is literally worse now than she was before Season 9.

Never mind not wanting to risk making her overpowered, they seem incapable of even making her viable.


0,46% pickrate… in grandmasters.

They could add slightly extra noise (though not a very large radius of this sound) to her footsteps so that aware players could still have some window to react, but I don’t really play Sombra so I don’t know what that would be like. This change would give her a fairer shot against other DPS by getting the sneak on them since it’s likely those other DPS would outdamage her. But I will admit I like the faster going into stealth option better than my suggestion.

Honestly. Look at her stats. She doesn’t need ‘kid gloves’ or a ‘softly softly’ approach to make her good. She needs hardcore real buffs out the wazoo.

People are too worried about being annoyed by her and ignoring that she’s actually not very good and however much you cry about being locked out of your abilities, it isn’t costing you the match and it’s not even half as bad as being dead. Which incidentally half the cast can make you in the time it takes for her to Hack - and shooting back doesn’t save you from them.


What do you suggest?

Her damage/hack is pretty good now. They could revert the los hack break I guess but that’s all.
What could be buffed is the stealth mode. Faster cloak/decloak time is a must.

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Why would they make it so it can after LOS break? That’s literally the big issue that was happening that they wanted to fix

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All of the things being suggested. More damage, harsher Hacks, quieter, faster stealth activation/deactivation. Faster TL flight/throw.

Without the “let’s take something away as a trade off”.

Face it, in the current meta she wouldn’t be good with Live Hack and old EMP charge.

Then and only then start to think about dialling things back.

I really don’t agree with harsher hacks, that patch was entirely unfun to play against and she deserved the 2 second cooldown on that, but other buffs such as faster cloaking and decloaking, maybe slightly higher damage, cancelling translocator would be nice. But buffing hack back to that monstrous thing from a while back is not good in my opinion.

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It literally only changed against high mobility heroes. Its still as effective against tanks and supports as before, just inconcistent because of bugs, which is why nobody is playing her.

All “look at this wtf” VODs showing how “broken” hack is featured Tracer not being able to escape it. Guess to which hero this nerf was catered to the most?