please other than the current ones
I want pharah doing Orange Justice
Give Baby D.Va the Crash Dance!
(I know that’s not feasible but still!)
Yes, please!
Widow Alizee dance!
Brigitte Caramelldansen!
Edit: Reinhardt Sprockets dance!
Reaper is still waiting for one…
I’d like more dance emotes but I’d rather get some recreational ones, like’s legendary. Moira flipping pancakes, sym doing magic tricks, junkrat on a pogo stick, Lucio spinning records on his fingers…
Hey, foot tapping is dancing.
Lucio’s current one is pretty garbage… It just looks terrible and is barely dancing…
How about interactive dance taunts? Conga anyone?
right in the feelings
But yeah I was hoping that they gave a new " dance emote " for every hero for 2nd anniversary but nope
So I hope they do something like that for the next event
That would be perfect
this was my suggestion for this years…but i guess it would work next year…
note: emotes…not dances
On a sort of off-topic, Blizz really should be increasing the number of emotes available on the emote wheel. Especially sprays & voice lines, since every character gets at least one of each every event.
Only if Hammond does Dance Moves.
Give everyone Fortnite dances-
I mean… Erm…
I’ll leave.
Just reading Brig’s song got it playing in my head… dang you!