Updated for Wrecking Ball
Seeing as how I’m a firm believer that Jet Pack Cat(JPC) should and MUST be put physically in the game in some fashion at this point (the Brigitte sprays were nice but not enough)…I thought I’d go ahead and created the emotes for Blizz….feel like he should at the very least be the official mascot/pet of all the characters (not just Brig)…so that was the theme i went with…note that in some of these he appears sans jet pack
Also gonna throw in that he should be the specator cameraman a la lakitu in mario 64…just saying…
- Ana – Ana pulls out a knitting kit to work on it, but JPC flies by stealing the yarn away with an outreached paw “Arabic grumbling”
- Bastion – Ganymede hovers out in front of bastion but he quickly has to reach out and pull him out of the way of a swooping JPC….“BOOWEEOOOOO!!!”
- Brigitte - JPC comes down to Brig with noticeable sparks on his jetpack…She takes out a screw driver and makes some adjustments before JPC gives an appreciative MEOW…they high five and he flies off
- Dva – JPC walks up to Dva and starts to use one of the legs as a scratching post…DVA climbs out and shoos him away…looks back at the scratched mech and gives off a discouraged “No way! You gotta be kidding me!”
- Doomfist – looks down at JPC…MEOW…he lowers his fist and opens it to reveal a Pachimari which he rolls along the floor as JPC gives chase
- Genji – Target practice with hovering JPC who deflects all incoming throwing stars
- Hanzo – Hanzo fires off his rapid fire (RIP scatter) and reaches back after the 6th arrow only to find an empty quiver…he whistles (optional) and JPC flies down to deliver a new set of arrows – “Domo!”
- Junkrat – JPC flies down and drops a ball in Junk’s hands and flies off…Junk holds it up curiously and it promptly explodes in his face
- Lucio – Takes out his virtual turntable and starts playing music…JPC jumps up on the table ruining his Jam – (Record Scratch) “That ain’t right”
- Mccree – JPC hovers at a small distance with a target…“Ha-hah!” Mccree shoots with his eyes closed hitting the jetpack and screaming scared cat noise JPC flies off in an uncontrolled smoky spiral
- Mei – Snowball and JPC play with each other as Mei giggles
- Mercy – Mercy kneels down to pet JPC…he purrs as he arches his back into her hand
- Moira – Moira reaches down to pet JPC…he hisses angrily at her before running off
- Orisa – A panel opens up on Orisa’s back revealing JPC pawing frantically at a bunch buttons and levers
- Pharah – Pharah and JPC perform some quick aerial maneuvers air show style
- Reaper – JPC tugs at reapers cape…Reaper angrily yells at JPC to “Scram!” (which he does)
- Reinhardt – JPC walks over and lovingly rubs himself against Rein’s legs figure 8 cat style…Rein chuckles
- Roadhog – JPC walks over…roadhog sees him, sits down and JPC jumps up on his belly and begins to do that “paw thing” on his belly…Mako guffaws
- Soldier: 76 – Looks down at a JPC as it cuddles up to his leg “Beat it….I don’t like mangy cats!”….JPC scurries off
- Sombra – Sombra creates a virtual mouse/bird (random) that JPC begins to chase
- Symmetra – A small portal opens up at Symmetras feet and out runs a mouse with JPC close on its tail…they run around for a few seconds before going back through the portal…the portal disappears…Symmetra looks slightly scared/confused as they run around her
- Torbjorn – JPC swoops in drone-like above Torb and drops him an armor pack (what? You thought he makes them?) “HA! Special Delivery!”
- Tracer – Tracer bends down to grab JPC but is shocked as JPC blinks several times around her and recalls to some unknown place…”WHOA!”
- Widowmaker – Widow notices JPC and takes her scope’s laser and moves it around in front of JPC as he chases it…playful yet evil laugh follows “silly pussycat…”
Winston – JPC approaches Winston and does the “hair on end-back arched-hiss” thing…winston responds with primal rage and JPC screeches/runs off…
you hear the angry cat noise as JPC appears jumping on Winston’s back…he of course answers by going into a “half rage” before JPC scurries off…”I never did like that Hammond” (Mystery Revealed!) - Wrecking Ball/Hammond - sparks and mech shuts down…JPC pops up from inside the mech holding a small box with wires (sparks at the end) and runs away from mech…hammond jumps down and gives chase
- Zarya – Zarya notices JPC and becomes a little girl again “AHH!…come here… I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian tiger cat!” JPC runs away while Zarya gives chase giggling all the while
- Zen – JPC jumps up and curls up in Zens lap and seems to fall asleep…Zen looks down and scratches the back of his head confused
update - whoops…i guess ill have to fix the winston one…any suggestions?
Would love to hear others…or just what you think