More changes on PTR than Hog?

I suspect part of the reason for a delay for the PTR is that there’s going to be more on the PTR than just Hog.

Any guesses as to what might be on the next PTR patch?


Mercy bandaid fix, tweaks to Sym and Storm Arrows, Rein bug fixes, maybe a Moira change? Torb tweaks possibly.

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I wouldn’t be surprised if Mercy gets tweaked at the bare minimum. Who knows what it could be… (shorter cast perhaps? heal buff?)

given the dust is still settling after her last nerf, they might leave her untouched for another patch.

As for others, they’ve kept us largely in the dark so I wouldn’t expect major changes for anyone besides Roadhog.
dunno. i would like to see some reaper buffs though.

ALWAYS a Rein bug fix, every PTR.

I’m gonna guess Doom and Sombra changes as well, maybe Sym.

The delay could honestly be as mundane as “X thing causes crash”.

That being said, I made a post on this. I’ll quote it here:

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Just a wild guess here, but I think they might wait till the end of the event.

When there was a new PTR in the past during the event, did they kept the event on PTR. Maybe they don’t want that this time?

(Just a possibility.)

They said hopefully this week, but you might be right.

they better have something in stock for REAPER and BASTION.

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Why do you think Doom and Sombra?

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Because they both seem pretty overpowered atm. If I were to guess just small things.

I can pray for a Reaper buff. However, I have been doing that for awhile now and it has never come outside of the universal bug fix that arguably nerf him at range which is, well, where I would prefer more of his power came from as he already had the best up-close damage in the game. So… Yeah. That would be great.

Other than that, hopefully they address heroes that the community actually asked for, such as Mercy, Bastion, potentially Symmetra and Sombra (not sure what their stance is on these two). Maybe another McCree quality of life that will do nothing? I am at a loss. It will probably be preparation for the new hero and I have no idea what that would entail.

Didn’t they said “this week” last week?

You’re right, that was 7 days ago.

Too good to be real. I mean, I would love those too, but let’s be realistic. It’s just too much to expect from blizzard.

I just want Symmetra primary fire changes

i hope junkrat buffs but we all know thats not gonna happen


that made me laugh for some reason lol

I don’t expect anything.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they nerfed Bastion, that’s how little I expect.
Those are just the things I think are most likely to be bundled in another hero’s “big” patch.

Could happen if it was all just number tweaks.

Mercy: 55hps on staff
Symmetra: 100,140,180dps on primary
Moira: Heal goes through shields, or -1sec on fade