Moira: your damage Orb doesn't work the way you think it does

Beam doesn’t go through barriers.

Assuming you have trouble maintaining your resource. If you don’t then heal orb is a waste, unless it’s for self healing or emergency extra healing.

I always have to use it against widow because my team are too scared and hiding.

Another good use for damage orb

Best use of damage orb is to throw it at a 1-2 targets. Ideally a lone squishy in a small room. My favorite use of the damage orb is to throw it at a squishy and then popping coalescence, which allows for a combined 120 DPS. Use it for a quick kill then push in with your team.

i wish more people realized this. seeing moira’s just throw out a random damage orb when the match begins without even seeing the enemy teams comp and then having a dva eat it is so annoying to me tbh.

as a moira main, i usually prioritize my dmg orb for coalescence

There aren’t always barriers, and if they’re behind barriers, and there will be several of them, you think getting tickled by the damage Orb actually bothers them?

I mean, they’re very obviously not taking additional damage from other sources either.

The only time I use Damage Orb is when

  • I see a lone flanker in a room, or a sniper and I want to draw them out
  • I need extra ult charge and I have enough heal juice to get by for one more cooldown

Otherwise, Heal Orbs all day.

I also think not enough Moira players use your Heal juice economy correctly, and waste a lot of it by just hard spraying, when it is better to tap spray and only occasionally spray for longer. The target keeps healing for a few seconds after you stop, so try to make what you have last longer. Trust me, if you master the economy of it you’ll rarely have to hunt down any enemy to succ.

The Orb’s mechanics haven’t changed since Moira was released. Moira released almost 2 years ago.

Not sure how people have managed to spend that length of time without ever working out that the damage potential (or heal potential) of an Orb is divided among their targets.

I have too many bad image of moira players because they focus too much on dps with I have gold elim mentality barely healing, throw damage orb alone into a group of enemy and feed their healers ult. Being too aggressive with Coalescence and just waste it going alone and die. They try to 1v1 the tracer or genji in some room and just end up dying getting 1 clipped but keep doing it.

Have you ever considered that, before the fight even starts, when you’re miles away, before your team has even positioned, Moira threw her orb just to charge the ult a little bit faster?
It’s the same with Rein firestrike at spawn.

I would if enemies were low hp and my team wasn’t. Every time my team doesn’t need extra healing, has Lucio beat or whatever, I’d deff use an purple orb to help fifinsh of whoever u can (especially their supports if they are out of position and in the open.

It’s all really situational… And team comps dependant.

This is so situational I can’t even answer this. No you shouldn’t throw orbs into matrix and deflect and keep your mind on it, but maaaaaybe the genji just finished his deflect and aint around or close enough?

This is very superficial, this is like good advice for a silver maybe, but completly not specific and the reasoning behind it is broad af.

Thats like saying: “Hey, Ana can sleep you if she sees you, so don’t attack Ana” or “Rein shield and Matrix can block your nade, so don’t throw it at those heroes” Like what? Apples and oranges dude.

Whenever someone mentiones Stylosa and his analisys I immediately think of this XD

I meant getting rid of the orb slowing down when it hits targets, making it do less damage as it passes by them most of the time.

Adding CC on top of that would be absurd.

The AOE damage would be nice to break up bunker cancer, though. And DVA can still be a thing to counter it anyway.

This isn’t exactly accurate.

Pushing into a group of enemies it’s OFTEN better to use the healing orb for your team, however there are cases (like if you are pushing in with a Sound Barrier or Zen ultimate) that helping burst down the enemy, even if the damage is spread out, is still better.

It works exactly how I thought it has always worked then. I’m a magician!

No, really, that’s no obscure knowledge, to this very point I thought everyone knew it.

I use it to charge my ultimate when I believe I will not need my healing orb for ten seconds, otherwise, my damage orb is used to finish off faraway targets or help in a 1v1.

This right here is why you throw it into a crowd.

It’s especially useful at the beginning of the match and tossing it towards an enemy spawn.

I throw damage orbs:
-to finish off low-health targets
-when I know I have time to replenish the orb before team fight
-following up a ult
-fill up the last bit of my ult charge

That’s maybe 1 in 10 orbs. I almost always throw healing orbs or hold on to them to heal myself. Sucks dying after throwing a dmg orb because then you have no way to heal yourself.