Moira: your damage Orb doesn't work the way you think it does

Of course: that’s because Moira self heals 105 HPS with the healing orb + primary while dealing 100 DPS and healing 30 HPS with a damage orb + primary.

Maths won’t allow any Moira to win a 1v1 with damage orb against another if they both have orbs active.

If you want to learn about Moira, there is a player called “Tesla”. He has lot of information on how Moira works.

No offence to “Stylosa”. But I don’t think analyzing the play styles of heroes such as Moira is his strong suite.

This is a good PSA, but it’s a sign that the mechanic is completely unintuitive.

I don’t think it’d break anything to let the Damage orb deal full damage to all targets, possibly combined with the slow-down while it hits them.

With that said, I think throwing a Damage orb can be worth it in the right 6v6 scenario if you can take down an important target, like a healer or someone ulting.

Honestly I’d also remove the depleting mechanic from both orbs - just make them time out.

It’s the most fun and interesting part of her kit hands down.

Naw, but I like that he lets a full match play out with his commentary, and I do find him entertaining. I’ve always known that a lot of Moira’s don’t especially understand the mechanics of the purple orb. Heck, I see purple orbs incoming on my 6-person team on the payload! The payload itself can outheal the orb when its damage is split amongst 6 people!

The reason I made this post, was much less about Stylosa’s commentary and much more about peering into the mind of a Gold Moira. Especially on the second round, where there are some tough fights, this Moira never wastes an opportunity to waste their orb, and every. single. time. they are firing it into a crowd of enemies where it will have the most minimal possible value.

I want to compare it to Reinhardt’s charge. When you give a player an ability that ‘feels’ very impactful, that they can launch practically anytime, it’s hard for them to resist pressing that button when the pressure comes on.

Reinhardt’s charge is amazingly good, but only if you have mastered everything else about his kit first. I think that Damage Orb falls into the same category. It’s got incredibly good uses, but if you haven’t mastered the rest of Moira’s kit first, you’re really just wasting it.

1,200 AOE ranged cleave damage with AOE CC doesn’t sound insane at all. Widow should also be able to shoot through barriers. Reaper needs 400% life-steal. Doomfist could be immune to CC.

I throw it into groups for some quick and easy ult charge. You get quite a bit if does full damage.

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Imagine listening to Stylosa, especially his overanalyzed series, giving advice while not really being that good

I just find him to be quite entertaining, and people new to the game could probably learn a lot from watching just a few of his Overanalyzed vids.

Damage Orb has it’s uses, it can be used as an early “pre-engage” for some cheap Ult charge if the cooldown is likely to be over by the time your team needs a heal boost. It can also be used to bait out DVa’s Matrix, allowing a teammate to get in a vital skill while Matrix is on cooldown. It can also be really nasty if your opponent is low on self heals, like if the enemy Supports are Zen/Bap, a good Damage Orb can be used to force out one or both of Bap’s long cooldowns to keep them alive.

Healing Orb is generally more useful, but not always.

And yet for whatever reason I constantly see Moira’s throw that DPS orb lol.

Again, Heal Orb > Damage Orb in most situations. You may throw a damage orb to get some really low targets. Or maybe passive Ult charge down a choke.

Either way, I just rotate whichever hand I’m using with the current orb that is out. If healing resource is low; I heal orb while damage hand to recharge.

I think this is common sense Moira play that pretty much sums up her main mechanic.

Pretty sure everyone knows how it works, just not useful 90% of the time so i just gets thrown out that way.

You throw orb to scatter bunker and to weaken targets for dives and easier picks as well as faster ult charge. Alot of it as mentioned above is psychological. With proper posistioning and spray management, you shouldnt need to be using heal orb as often as some people think. However, its all situational and composition dependant. Obviously dont orb at genji or dva, and heal if your team needs that little extra, but if the teams getting steam rolled to the point where extra heals do nothing, im gonna spam damage orbs and get agressive.

Also damage orb + coalescense = fun. Throw it at a bunker and ult and watch them run for the hills. Had a game the other day with nearly 26k heals on kingsrow pats back, shes an absolute beast on enclosed maps when the enemy has no dva or genji.

Well it does allow Moira to kill someone that’s isolated very quickly. She goes from a 4s TTK to a 2s TTK.

It’s also a way to get ultimate charge when your team is at full health or isn’t taking anything more than puny poke damage.

I have to indicate the puny thing because poke damage from hanzo and junkrat isn’t a joke.

It depends on the moment. If you need to heal everybody ASAP and your healing charge is low, you better throw an easy damage orb to a group of people. If you don’t need the healing charge and everything’s good, better use the healing one.

now imagine she had something even more fun an interesting (which isnt hard to imagine tbh)

I haven’t played Moira for a long time so I could be wrong here. But when to use damage orb is depend on the situation. Saying only use it this way limits it usage. And using damage orb at group of enemies does have it uses. Like you build your ult faster. A moment before a fight. Initiating a fight with less health than enemy team increase the odds of loosing that fight. Not to mention how many times does squishy players dies to Moira orbs during a team fight.

If you want to know how things work in gold level and gold Moira players, I definitely recommend watching Tesla. He have some hour long in depth reviews of low elo players, where he goes in to most of the little details about game play and each ability usage. I also recommend ML7, he is not a Moira player but his analysis on support heroes can be useful to any support hero. Check them out if you like.

Every single thread about Moira’s orbs goes through an extremely roundabout conversation that always boils down to “Sometimes, you should use damage orb. Sometimes, you should use healing orb.”

I think the problem is the mindset a lot of us have in conceptualizing Moira’s gameplay. Like… you know, when Moira wants to use an orb, she isn’t thinking, “NOW is the time for an orb to go out.” (At least I sure hope that isn’t what you’re all thinking.) It isn’t a debate on what orb she uses in that instant, because any decent Moira player has decided which orb to use based on the context. So often I see people try to make hard rules for when to use damage orb, when instead to use healing orb, as if every situation is the same with no variables.

At the end of the day, it isn’t about thinking, “I need AN orb out right now.” Moria’s should instead be thinking what either orb would do in the situation. Sometimes, that tickle damage is exactly what you need to either wrap up a low health target trying to sneak away, or if you want to pressure out healing resources to that they don’t have them for the upcoming fight. Sometimes, you need a more reliable source of healing than your spray to be keeping the team up. It’s about the situation and whether you need damage or healing, not a matter of just tossing out an orb for the sake of having an orb out.

I think getting stuck in this idea that one orb is perpetually always better than the other, is probably why Moira play is so inconsistent on ladder. Moiras make so many rules for themselves to figure out how to use their kit that they end up limiting themselves from making the best decisions. Threads like this really paint the picture, and it’s funny how much conversation comes out of the topic. Just… use your orbs the way you think you need to use them, it’s not that different than Mercy having to decide to heal or damage boost in any given second of the game and it isn’t a matter about which one is better than the other. They have their purposes, use them for those purposes as you deem fit.

Your focused damage from a purple beam is going to usually be more effective against an individual enemy, than that orb split between 2+, meanwhile while your healing orb is building you 15% ult charge. And you’re not wasting your spray charge, but instead refilling it.

I don’t think stylosa is qualified enough to dictate how Moira should be played. Yeah, healing is better usually but throwing a damage orb into a fight isn’t useless. It’s such a great way of charging Moira’s ult it helps contribute extra damage to kill enemies quicker.

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