Moira: your damage Orb doesn't work the way you think it does

Wow. Stylosa’s latest Overanalyzed puts this into a really good light.

A lot of Moira’s throw damage Orb into fights where it is incredibly useless. VERY OFTENI feel like Moira players don’t actually understand the math of how their orbs work.

Damage Orb has some sincerely sinister uses. It is pure poisonous awesome when used against a single target in closed spaces (to name just one of its good uses… it does have others…) But Moira keeps tossing it into big teamfights as if it is a bomb. It is NOT.

The more number of enemies that the damage Orb can touch, the LESS it’s power is. Throwing it into large groups of enemies is the WORST use of the ability. You are diluting its potential, and most often feeding enemy ult charge and accomplishing zero damage to the enemy team.

Further, the Healing potential of your Heal Orb completely outshines the Damage potential of your Damage Orb. In any straight up fight, of 6v6 heroes clashing in an open field, you would never use Damage Orb. Ever.

FURTHER, the chance of your Damage Orb being eaten or deflected is much higher than the chance of your Healing Orb being eaten or deflected. Due to the fact that the first is being sent at your enemy’s position, and the second being sent at your team’s position.


it always does 200 dmg overall at 50 dps, the more targets it hits the faster it is depleted, that’s all

one target uses it up in 4 seconds and takes 200 dmg

4 targets use it up in 1 second and take 50 dmg each

no real magic, how do people think it works?


Wish it had more value in clumped enemies/teammates. Maybe it shouldn’t have a damage supply but time supply, that’d be nice.


On grouped fights the damage orb often deals some psychologic damage. The enemies will be COMPELLED to avoid it like a nasty wasp even if the dmg won’t be too much, and regardless the damage per hp, Moira is bound to get a neat amount of ult charge.


Moira has a damage orb that isn’t the yellow one. I will have to look again to see how I missed that. /s

I think out of every 100 orbs 3-5 may be purple, and I am a tank player.


Damage orb is how we end up with those 4 gold medal Moira’s.
The only one receiving healing is Moira, through her right click. And everyone else on her team is dying as her orb travels through the enemy team. So she’ll have gold damage too. Then they might proceed to chase down that one out of position enemy who took a chunk of damage from her orb, resulting in a kill, potentially an objective kill. If Moira herself was on the objective too, she built up objective time.

And well what do we have here? 4 gold medals.
Team suks yo.


Using the right orb at the right time is one of the tricky parts of Moira. Ofte I see Moiras sending it out on a stacked position, while her team takes damage.

But the damage orb can be good to send out on a stacked position as well. If it hits 5, it tickles in 40 extra damage spread across those 5, and that might be what separates them between living and dead. If the team isn’t taking damage or you have enough juice to sustain them, that damage orb can contribute just enough to make the push possible. Also, getting ultimate charge is a good thing so there’s that to consider as well.

Juggling the orbs and make use of the right one, is one part of what makes Moira tricky to play.


Funny part is that people who defend damage orb usually say " it is good for finishing up multiple targets so it’s a good ability " as if they forget Baptiste and his kit exists.

I almost feel like Heal orb is always the better option. Even in 1v1, I’ll just throw heal orb out and damage hand them to death. Works almost every time.

Moira’s who throw damage orb and try to damage me will always lose to me if I heal orb and damage hand them. It’s really weird they don’t understand sustain > small damage gain.

Always heal orb. Unless you need random Ult charge and can spare the orb cooldown.


i mean you are absolutely right OP but did you really need a streamer to find that out?


Naw, but it has been bugging me a long time and the latest Overanalyzed just put it in such perfect light.

really wish moira had something different than the damage orb…
she just literally never needs it. its a crutch, and a very bad one.

It really depends of your rank, in lower ranks you should be throwing healing orbs all the time since your teammates do tend to take a lot of damage, in higher ranks you can usually use the damage orb most of the time, it’s great to help your dps get a pick by dealing a few damage here and there or to defend yourself against flankers.

I asked a GM OTP Moira (Tesla_ow on Twitch) about it last week and he confirmed what I’m saying.


This honestly.

I see so, so many Moiras think damage orb is the bee’s knees and just throwing out a damage orb every time it’s off cooldown. No matter the situation.

Healing orb, healing orb, healing orb!

Or at least use the damage orb when you’re getting flanked, but don’t just throw it cause you have it.

Can you elaborate? In what situations do you find an incoming damage Orb to be scary or effective?

it is used often by moiras to quickly win a 1v1 versus a squishy.
usually, moira only has an advantage because she barely has to aim, whereas the opponent does. take mccree for example: he needs to hit just 2 headshots, or spamthehammer, or whatever. his TTK is much shorter than moiras on paper.

but since she can “spook” him he will probably miss his first few shots.
when she uses the ball, she reduces her TTK down to 2 seconds, usually not enough for average players to react to her and kill her.
good players will be less affected by this since their reaction times are up to par.

Damage Orb is fine, a lot o the time you’re over healing your team with M1 regardless, so you may as well take the added ultimate charge fron Damage Orb on cooldown to build to Transcendance as fast as possible. Any form of damage that isn’t an OTK is feeding the enemy supports, that really isn’t an argument.


Who the hell is taking Stylosa as an authority on how to play Moira?


Who cares. It does damage, doesn’t it? You don’t get to pick the situation that you need to use it. You just use it when you have it ready. Any amount of damage can help your team kill the enemies.

I actually use venom mine on large teams fights as well.

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It builds ult faster that way. Pair that with a focus on piss heals and you can churn coalescence.