Moira was added so healers weren't free kills anymore

Yes, they avoid them,
That’s not healthy either.

And no, im not at fault because my team is bad
That’s a stupid argument LOL

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Agreed, but that’s mainly because of Dva.
Dva holding m2 so you or your team can’t protect yourself, and everyone else focusing you down while you can not get away due to a lack of mobility.
All in all, that was just stupidly lame.

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Oh so Ana and zen only lose vs flankers when 3 people jump them LOLOLOLOL

How is it not healthy?

You ignored part of the ‘bad team’ point. I also specifically mentioned “low ranks”. If you’re a low rank, you’re making a lot of mistakes, thus being a ‘free kill’.

I also never claimed Ana/Zen never lose 1v1s, my points are simply “they’re not free kills.”

What are you getting this from?

Because they can then jump around in the backline the whole game without getting punished.

And it’s not healthy because when I’m low ranked, so are the flankers. Why do they have a natural adventage.

That’s unfair, honey.

That’s not how skill checks work… that’s why they’re CALLED a skill check. Because at some point, you can surpass the obstacle.


Moira is actually the only one who can efficiently repel a flanker without having to sacrifice too much of her healing.
The other healer has to stop supporting their team to deal with the flankers most of the time.

Moira is the response for Tracer mains 1 clipping and Genji shoving swords and shurikens down everyone’s throats.

If y’all think Moira is problematic then how about you shift the perspective on the reason why she was created in the first place?


I think you’re mistaking skill check for skill skip here.

Flankers have enough ways to deal with a Moira.

Something Ana and zen can not do

“whole game without getting punished”

Sounds like a low ranked game.

“when I’m low ranked”

So you are low ranked. That’s all that needs to be said lol.


Well so I won the discussion,thanks.

Rank has nothing to do with that and, on top of that, I never once said that I’m low ranked.

It was hypothetical.

But come on, tell us your rank.
I’m keen on knowing, honey

Rank has everything to do with it, because it shows a lack of not only game sense, but mechanical sense. I’m a Zen/Ana/Doom main and disagree with the whole “supports are a free kill :imp:” especially since I’m ranked high enough to where I have teammates that assist me often. Don’t blame the game because you miss most of your sleeps and primary fires. :man_shrugging:

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Oh so it’s easy to hit sleep dart on tracer and genji LOL

It’s not honey
Its more difficult to hit that than it is for tracer and genji to kill zen/ana

Come on, show us your rank.

Your Profil is still private, honey.

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The problem is the fact that the Damage Community is treating this game like CS:GO or Cod, they are thinking with their guns and trigger happy fingers and don’t like it when their weeb ninja gameplay or their ambush gets countered by Moira.

In fact, most will waste their time, trying hard to play a hard countered character against Moira and get wiped… a decent Tracer or Genji will know HOW to eliminate a Moira, most don’t which is why they get angry because they are tilted.

Once Moira gets nerf they will start targeting another, TLDR Damage just wants Supports purged from this game, tbh they may as well create a comp mode with a open battlefield and 12 Solider 76


DPS players were playing on easy mode, and now are crying their eyes out because they fixed the uneven matchups.

See, we can both make fault sweeping generalizations.

The DPS had the fights too easy because they pick a hero and KNEW the enemy was forced to take a hero they countered.

Those days are over. Get used to it.


Nobody is saying that it is.

Because their entire purpose is to kill and deal damage.
Yours is to heal your team. Hence the disadvantage. You get the tools to outplay them. Being unable to utilize them is on you.


You mean good game design ?
Aka roles like flankers, meant for dealing with backlines, actually being able to do that job and still give their opponents a chance to respond, except now with Moira, it is litterally free mode to play a support and win most encounters you get into and at the very least survive them.

Moira was created just like much other powercreep, her far worst form of power creep, was her ease of use, ever since release she has been dominating low ranks, that is an issue. Especially when the “problem” aka Genji and Tracer, lose more games and barely (Tracer) ever is even played more than 1-10% of all games at that rank, which was still the case during dive.

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There was no uneven matchups, you are so far up the wrong ally it is insanely clear to see, that all you do is main supports.

Most of the supports released right after dive, was easier than anything the game has had since (except Mercy), but she didn´t have damage or survivability to that extent either.

The game broke and has never recovered from the creeps made to increase the values of supports and tanks (Damage, AOE healing, Burst healing, Survivability, Mobility, etc). That is why the game has been going down and only down since Moth.

I don’t have a problem with the concept of a support that can do good dmg, counter flankers, and has a good survivability. I just want her kit to be high-skill and i’d main her.

Make her beam require the same aim As Symmetra and rework her Orbs.