Moira was added so healers weren't free kills anymore

Moira is the response to the demand of a healer who isn’t a free kill.

I don’t know how many of you can remember the days before Moira was added, but one of the biggest complaints support players had was that they were usually free kills. That they were just healbots waiting to get killed.

Moira is a main healer who address both issues. Not only has she a high survivability, but she can also somewhat deal with flankers.

Sure, the game has changed a lot since then and we have gotten 1 more main healer since then (Baptiste), but do you think that if Moira was nerfed/reworked, that this problem don’t come back?

I for one thinks Moira is fine and doesn’t need nerfs or something drastic as a rework. The complaints I see on this forum seems to come mostly from flanker mains, most notably Genji mains, so I doubt it is even a big issue.

I’m just curious what you think.
Do you think that main healers become free kills again if Moira has less survivability and/or couldn’t deal with flankers anymore?


We need more damage supports like Zen and to some extent Moira (not at high elo’s of course) and fewer pure healers. If healing and sustain wasn’t such a problem, high burst damage DPS heroes wouldn’t always have to be meta - which would also make the game feel better.


Couldn’t you say the same about Brig though? :thinking:

It might come back, but it wouldn’t be as bad because of Brig. Case in point, if you nerf Moira you’d probably see a lot more Brig.

But I feel that’s the extreme scenario as Moira would need to be nerfed really badly to get completely replaced, especially with her considerably stronger heals IMO.

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I mean Bap can do a good amount of damage. the only difference is the healing automatic. So zen can give an orb and just resume damaging, but Bap has to aim his lobs


I thought about that as well, but Brig is more like an off-healer, right?

Then it would the issue still remain with main healers, and should they always have a hero like Brigitte near them.

Healers weren’t free kills they just didn’t have “free defense” like they do with Moira now.


Hot take: being a free kill before Moira means you suck at dueling.


The only healer who was ever a free kill really was Mercy, every other healer had ways to defend themselves reiabley or buy themselves time for their Off tanks or DPS to peel for them. The problem was those abilities only worked If you were good. if you knew how to use them and had good aim.

Moira and Brig are there for those who DON’T have good aim to reliably defend themselves as say Ana or Zen, Usually when a character doesn’t rely on aim they rely on high game sense and positioning (think Mercy, Sombra or old Sym), Problem with Moira is she doesn’t (Brig used to be the same but not really anymore) You can get away with bad choices and gameplay as Moira very very easily, it’s why she’s played pretty much every game below diamond.

So to answer the question, no main healers won’t become “free kills” again if Moira has less survivability, low skill supports will just have to make smarter choices when playing Moira, which is not a bad thing.


Moira is a skill check hero vs heroes with high skill caps. You can surpass any Moira if you get really, really good at Genji. The problem is most people aren’t there. Same with hitscans vs Pharah.


Oversimplification, its true to be an anti-diver, but that doesn’t change the fact its a bad design as a result.

They learned, they learned hard with Brig 1.0, an even worse design. The issue is that the kit just provides too much value almost instantly - that is bad design. Brig 2.0 which half the players can’t even figure out shows you can create an anti-flanker with a much closer skill match up. It can be done, Moira just takes the giant flyswatter which can hit anything well approach instead of requiring some effort and skill (and I don’t mean aim).

The problem of hyper-mobility in flankers will always be there because Genji, etc are so popular they are terrified of the reaction to nerfing them… that doesn’t however justify a bad design in turn.

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moira was added as a crutch for bad players who cant aim to deal with flankers themselves


Except now she is another flanker to kill other supports and can do so with very little risk.


Healers weren’t ‘free kills’ before Moira.

Support players made mistakes, got punished and then whined about dying instead of improving at the game.


Sounds like a bad reason to make Moira the way she is then.

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I’d like simpler heroes to get a few more mechanics but everyone just wants to nerf them into irrelevancy instead.

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Healers don’t deserve to have fun. They only exist to be heal slaves for the DPS and free kills. Only DPS are allowed to have fun. /s


This was never a thing.


I dunno, if I’m Moira and I see Mercy and her GA targets are no where in flying range she is as good as dead. :nail_care:

Then you have Lucio being hacked. Zen being doved by monkey. Ana being doved by monkey but having better odds than Zen. Brig is brig.

healers were never free kills though

healers are only free kills if they can’t aim to defend each other, position terribly, or don’t peel for other supports


I really feel like Lucio already was the healer that wasn’t a free kill considering you weren’t massively outskilled, but then any hero is a free kill.

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