Moira was added so healers weren't free kills anymore

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In a PvP game that the developers very intently want games to be shorter in, Healers should be free kills.

You trade away offense and defense for utility and sustain. DPS trade away defense and utility for offense, and thus need a utility hero to support them.

Of course, that assumes Blizzard actually stuck the role system they originally created. Which they didn’t, so my post is irrelevant.


So easy to hit sleep dart on high mobility heroes with a slim hitbox xDDD
Esspecially when they are right in your face

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The only time healers were free kills was when Dva/Winston was the meta.
And mostly because of Dva preventing you from playing the game by holding m2 in your face.

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It’s funny how all the genji mains believe that Ana and zen had an adventage vs flankers…

Flankers that can easily access high ground and can choose when to engage on somebody.


Have you ever played zen/ana vs a flanker and with a team that doesn’t help you??

It’s not fun

It’s good to finally have a pick, and Moira is a main healer too, that can fight vs high mobility heroes

Yes, and i could manage just fine.

What you really mean, is it’s good to have a character that does all the work for you and be rewarded as though you’re actually good at the game.


Moira isn’t a skill check when she barely requires any herself. I frequently play her and she feels cheap. Everything in her kit is forgiving and easy.

Skill check heroes usually require a bit of it themselves. I wouldn’t consider Moira a skill check by any means.


Not really.

Flankers still have the advantage.
They can decide whether they want to engage or not.

Furthermore it was always unfair.

I as zen/ana have to be more skilled than genji /tracer to win the 1v1 flank

That’s not fun, Esspecially when you want more people to play support

Exactly what i’m arguing here.
To win, you should have to be better.

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But why can genji and tracer be worse than me and win?? Why is that fair

I was here since the start. They were never free kills. Not even when it was just Mercy, Zen, and Lucio.

All 3 were strong in the right hands. Lucio and Zen could duel it out with the best DPS and get the kill, and Mercy (even without her tech she has today) was slippery enough that with basic skills of awareness, positioning, etc even she could duke it out. To claim healers were or ever were “free kills” is just showing you personally could not handle the heat or did not vibe well with the healers available at the time (No shame in that!)

Like what about all the metas that never had a Moira after her release that consisted mainly of Ana, Zen, Lucio, Mercy? Where the mirrors never had Moiras? I like Moira, but like. To claim she was added so healers weren’t “Free kills” when she was barely used anywhere above plat for SO LONG is kind of… Wrong.

That’s owl

They peel for their healers honey

You can use that excuse all you want to not improve or try to claim these healers were free kills. It only hurts your own progress.

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In most cases, you can already defeat a dps who’s worse than you.
Times that you don’t, you have to remember they’re the dps. They’re supposed to deal damage. You’re playing support. You’re supposed to provide healing.
If you want to defeat a character specifically designed with the purpose of dealing damage as a character who is specifically designed to heal their team, you should be at somewhat of a disadvantage to keep things balanced.

But as i’ve already said, most of the times you’re already winning against dps who are worse at the game than you are.


This right here.

Lucio is a hard target and Zen/Ana are the classic support duelists


Support should be countered by dps.

Tanks should be counters by dps.

Seems fun to me

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Zen and Ana have a disadvantage VS every flanker.

They are immobile and furthermore they can’t choose when to start the fight. The flankers can.

Furthermore Lucio and Mercy never deal with the flankers.

Most of the time both of them just try to avoid them.

Moira is a shortcut to gitting gud against gud players.
If she’d be a skill check to high skillcap heroes, she’d have a high skillcap herself.


Not every support has to deal with flankers. Mercy and Lucio have high avoidance via mobility.

Disadvantage or being able to start a fight isn’t really relevant when the main subject of this thread is about healers apparently being free kills, but most of them are not, with the exception of low ranks where positioning mistakes are made (not near the team) and the teammates are braindead (don’t bother to turn around and assist backline even if it’s called out).

The only situation I can sympathise with, especially as a Zen/Ana player, is a full-on dive team jumping you.