Moira was added so healers weren't free kills anymore

Technically, yes. A good Lucio has good duel potential and can flee at a moment’s notice unless someone hacked his legs but that is just how counters are. Otherwise he’s a pretty free man.

Yeah, every hero has a counter. Then you have hard counters were trying to win the duel is not all that easy and sometimes you just have to run.

OP is talking about in the old days in season <6 Where Moira, Brig and Baptiste didn’t exist.

When does Mercy not have a target to fly to? She has some of the best survivability in the game. Her stats prove that.

Fair point but iirc, that was when she had her 0.8 second hack (I think), so it was easier to break.

This was a time where healing through barriers was powerful. Zen/Ana aren’t free kills for Winston. In fact Mercy has always made it literally impossible for Winston to hurt anything being healed.

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Mercy was the only one who could escape being dove besides lucio. Ana was the no 1 victim of dive, so was zen but discord was too strong. The whole dive was basically who got to kill the enemy teams zen first.


When they ditch her and leave her to die. It happens now and then. Whoever she latches to runs pass a sharp corner so they are out of los or they use their movement abilities without time for Mercy to catch up.

Assuming you have a Mercy then yes. But if she is too close she will take full dmg of the gun until she flees or is healed by her other healer. Sometimes they either heal each other but that means whoever is targeting them is not dying. Or one is healing the other. But Winston’s gun range is probably shorter than Mercy’s so she will probably be fine in most situations.

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Hot take: Dying to a support as DPS means you suck at dueling.


Hot take, it’s easy to suck at dueling when your kit is not designed for duels.


if a support could reliably duel a DPS (who is of good skill) and win then these dps would be crying for nerfs lol


All kits have dmg outputs, some are better than others.

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Lucio, Zen, Ana, aside from maybe Mercy who’s a free kill?

A good player can make all the mentioned above really deadly. It’s all a matter of skill at that point. There are certain limitations sure but they’re SUPPORT classes, they can’t be good at killing things too, otherwise why even bother having Damage as a role? This is how GOATS became a thing.


You have supports because they can do both healing and dmg given the situation. It’s like telling someone if someone is trying to attack you that you have no right to self defense. That sounds terrible.

You have supports who can dmg but since they don’t specialize in it their output isn’t as much as DPS but even if it was near the same they have to balance two tasks and can’t just DPS otherwise their team will eventually die. Then you have DPS who has the superior dmg output and tanks. They also have dmg outputs too but they have to also protect the team so they can’t only focus on dps-ing (some of the time).

Do you think they design heroes to only be played at some elos, this made me cry of laughter, 6 months of developing a character just to see him played in plat and below, lol.

There’s a delicate balance between how effective Damage should be towards Supports that I feel like Overwatch has failed to deliver for majority of its life.

Yes, Supports being free kills shouldn’t really be a thing, and while I didn’t necessarily believe that they were before the inclusion of Moira & Brigitte, I understood that for those who aren’t as mechanically capable they needed an option so that battles weren’t as one-sided as they were previously.


Now things have swung to the opposite side of the pendulum where flankers aren’t all that effective at doing their jobs and being in the backline of an enemy team is more often than not a loss rather than a bonus. Support heroes aren’t really as contested as they once were and more or less allowed to live their lives almost completely threat free.

As someone who plays a lot of Ana, the amount of threat against her is VASTLY lower than it was back in the day, which really isn’t a good thing and sort of makes playing her monotonous.


i mean brig lucio can easily escape or fight not “free kills” cause apparently healers are free kills huh

The problem is Genji/Tracer combined with the idea that the players were actually going to work as a team. Foolish decisions.


Back before Moira it was Tracer eating the supports at high level like an afternoon snack and Genji at the lower levels. This was also at the point that Genji had the Reinhardt sized deflect hitbox so even the usual safe options now (like melee range antiheal with ana) would work against you and deflect, killing you faster.

So yeah, it was definitely so Healers weren’t free kills any more. And this was well before role queue - I wouldn’t be surprised if most people who got eaten were solo healers. I know it happened to me a lot. And good luck getting any peel in solo queue.


That’s not at all what I said, read again.

Supports can kill things, but obviously Damage should be better eqipped for it. That is the point, Supports often will net assists or killing blows, but rarely ever get into 1v1s because their strength doesn’t come from dueling, it comes from the buffs and utility they offer everyone else.

A good Support player though will always walk over a bad Damage player though. I’ve seen and done it, a good Damage player will of course wreck you. Because that’s what they are DESIGNED to do.

It’s like a Damage player complaining that they should be able to heal themselves because nobody ever heals them, or plays support. Same exact logic, you have to weaknesses in your character’s design that your team can make up for…that’s why it’s a team game.


free kills? are u for real

good mercy are hard to kill, she fly every 1.5 sec
ana is hard to kill if she has cooldown and have proper positioning

zen is free kill… if u cant aim…
bap is a good duelist, he can wins 1v1 vs many dps
brig is pretty good 1v1
lucio is hard to kill / takes too long, usually dps wont bother to try 1v1 a lucio since it takes forever to kill… unless u are mcree

if you playing support is free kill… is not hero problem, its your problem !

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on seaosn 1

it was your team problem if your zen / mercy dont get peels
zen can win 45% of a time vs a tracer if equal skill its not instant defeat
mercy can just fly to her team

lucio can win vs a tracer, its 50:50
ana also can duel a tracer if she had cooldown ready

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Before DF I never felt like a free kill as support. I can’t count the number of times I shut down Genjis and Tracers with my Ana.

because ana vs tracer genji are actually fair match up, the only tracer / genji advantages are attacking you when they know enemy ana dont have any sleepdart / nade

ana will win if she had cooldown and land them, they are forced to retreat or death

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