Moira nerf is really harsh

If your team is a bunch of babies then you have all the downtown in the world.

Fair point, but Anaā€™s and Bapā€™s healing can be blocked.

( I know moiraā€™s primary fire can be blocked by shields but its buggy as hell)

Moiraā€™s ball canā€™t be blocked

you canā€™t escape the boingies

it does affect all supports, however the utility moira gives during anti-nade is limited to her own damage because all she got is fade, damage orb and tickle beam, where as other supports just do more for the team during anti-nades.

however seeing as the fights seem to be more about chaos and brawl more than ever i think moira still has a lot to bring to the table as sheā€™s more durable in brawls compared to some other supports.

i think weā€™ll have to just wait and see how it plays out.

I very much question Blizzards approach to balancing Moira, of all the complaints and suggestions Iā€™ve seen regarding her the main heal was never brought up as the issueā€¦

They literally went after the only part of her kit no-one complained about.


This nerf was badly needed, Moira is currently dominating the support roster 85hps, and the fastest ultimate gain with the highest healing potential in the game she was making heroes like zen, mercy and lucio obsolete due to her crazy healing, it could also out damage zarays grav.

Someoneā€™s got to be best, and she wasnā€™t best by much. She wasnā€™t a mandatory pick and she didnā€™t have an absurd high winrate.

And is that why Iā€™ve seen so many pro players come out and complain about having to play Moira in every single of of their matches??

Look, Iā€™m not gonna juggle this fact anymore. She had the highest Healer win rate and pick rate in the game and thatā€™s the end of discussion.

You either accept this or please keep your bias to yourself.

The majority arenā€™t pros and I was clearly addressing your claim that she was some monster for most of the playerbase.

They complain about most of the healers when they become meta. It doesnā€™t mean anything. She was not meta for 2 years. She had the worst pickrate and a mediocre winrate there for 2 years. She received no changes of her own and then when Sigma was released, she suddenly became best healer because he blocked everything the other healers could do. Mercy isnā€™t a main healer anymore, so they had to only one hero that could pass significant healing through the double barrier. Most picked of one choice doesnā€™t make that choice OP.

Pretending itā€™s the same situation is ridiculous.

She didnā€™t. Zenyatta had a higher winrate. And her winrate was about 51/49. Thatā€™s not inappropriate. And thatā€™s for the overall.

In gold, where the vast majority of players are, she had the 4th highest healer winrate. Behind Brig, Zen, and Lucio. She was in the top 10 as 10th place, but it was again around 50/50.

Someone has to be at the top and 50/50 is completely appropriate for any hero.

Edit: also since her release there have been times where both Ana and Mercy had a higher pickrate. This is part of what contributed to Anaā€™s nano nerf because it was absurd sheā€™d get picked more than Mercy and Moira in those ranks and was further evidence she was overtuned.


No Utility? She has one of the fastest ults in the game with the most anoying ultimate ever.

Ä°ts not harsh. She even need more nerf. Still best healer in the game. She has crazy survivability.

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Nerfs donā€™t exist in a vacuum. Sheā€™s nerfed yes but itā€™s in a patch where:

  1. Barriers are nerfed, so there will be less of it to prevent her healing, and
  2. Tanks are much more durable, which means they need less burst healing overall

She had to be nerfed otherwise youā€™d have a goats-like ā€œnothing ever diesā€ situation at hand. Sheā€™s still insanely potent. She has more hps than Mercy but can also heal in an AoE. She just canā€™t use her damage orb so freely anymore; she might have to rely on healing orb more. And thatā€™s ok.

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but all of moiras healing can be negated froma simple anti nadeā€¦

Which is why i was also suggesting Anaā€™s bionade to reduce healing in 50% instead of completly blocking it and as compensation a cooldown reduction.

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thank u, at least someone is leaving constructive criticism. plus ur idea could work.

Too bad I never made such a claim.

I just brought up the irrefutable fact that Moira has been the most powerful Healer for the grand majority of the player base for years by now, not anything else.

Where are have you even taken these stats from lmao??

Last time I checked Moiraā€™s 6 - month - stats on Overbuff about 3 months ago, when Double Shield had just become META, she was the Healer with the highest win rate and pick rate in all ranks from Platinum and below.

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You did. You claimed she had the highest win AND pickrate for years, which would have made her a monster but is not true.

I got these stats the same way you did, by checking them throughout the years. And what you stated was not true.

She did not have the highest winrate, she did have the highest pickrate at various times but Mercy and Ana both did too.

Hereā€™s a person talking about back when it was Ana, which was prior to her nanoboost nerf.


Iā€™m not even gonna bring up quotes for Mercy who everyone knows was the most picked hero in literally every rank and platform after her rework for months.

Brigitte also had the highest winrate when she debuted at every single rank.

Your claim that Moira had a higher winrate during all these moments is just false. You looking at a single datapoint and claiming it was how she was since her debut is just false.

You made a false claim about the duration and her winrate to paint her as some ultra powerful healer by omitting information.

She was NOT the most picked since her launch. She was NOT the highest winrate. And her biggest pick and winrate differential put her at 50% in gold, where the majority of playerbase plays and 51% overall. The game is pretty balanced in gold so irrefutable best is a vast overstatement of capabilities with the most picked hero boasting a pickrate that doesnā€™t put them in every game and a 50% winrate.

She only heals 80hps

13hps less than Ana, and 5 more than Baptiste

Her ult charge rate is higher than both Ana and Baptiste. It feels faster for her because she HAS to do a mix of damage and healing to function. Ana/ Bap can flat not shoot at any enemies for a majority of their gameplay

Ana has higher on paper healing than Moira with a 10 second cooldown; Baptsite has higher with his ultimate

Zen and Mercy arenā€™t meta because of Sigma/ Doomfist. They donā€™t have the tools to always escape Gravitic Flux/ Doomfist dives. Lucio is as meta as Moira is?

Also how is Moiraā€™s 80hps better than Zenā€™s Transcendence (300hps) for Grav?