Moira nerf is really harsh

Moira is the only support that does not provide utility to the team, she is or was the best raw healer in the game because she lacked utility, seeing the only thing that moira does best get nerfed is not good for the character, and seeing it going down 15 hps is a lot. I would have no problems with the nerf is they had compensated for it with some buffs in her kit. this simple numbers nerf means slow ults for moira the survivability of her team goes down and low hps for her team considering her healing is resource based. A simple way to make moira better is to give her orb some special features.

healing orb: the healing orb is great it heals for 300 healing for it duration, no problem with that, but what if this ability had a cleanse effect, we dont have many abilities that do that, like cleansing ana anti-nade, ashe dynamite…
this might be a bit too powerful cuz the orb can attach to multiple team mates, but im sure blizzard can find a way to balance this out.

damage orb: this orb in my opinion is not that useful to moras team, cuz u dont need it during a team fight, unless ur doing dps, but good moiras know the value of a healing orb in a team fight, the best use for it is just using it to charge ur ultimate or dueling a one v one, but other than that its not useful to her team. So I would suggest giving it a anti heal effect or making it like discord orb, these two Ideas have been widely suggested and I think moira is in need of these new ability now, seeing she is getting nerfed.

These are my thought and suggestions on moiras recent nerfs, hope blizzard sees it takes an action.


It’s not that bad…
At worst, you’ll be rewarded more appropriately to what little skill she requires.


Well, I’m not that fussed about it, it’s just I’m a bit concerned that her healing downtime will be longer than other heroes due to no increase at all to the resource meter.

but I don’t think it’s that bad, you’ll just have to DPS more than you did before, and sucking the life out of people as Moira is fun.

There is just something about draining people of their life to refil my healing that really pleases me. :sweat_smile:


That’s what i’m most excited about.
You can ignore the gauge almost entirely now…

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How can you ignore it entirely? I’m sure it runs out faster now…


She rarely even has downtime in the live version at all, though. She has more than enough resource to charge Coalescence without dealing damage, and then the resource recharges during Coalescence, so you hardly ever need to deal damage to keep it up.

Hopefully the change will make her more interesting by making the resource limit actually feel important.


maybe they might buff the meter to charge faster, but I dont see it refilling extremely fast, I just dont want moira to be bad. and lets hope that playing her wont make ur team mates salty af.
plus the life sucking part, u got that right.

Ok, say that when I’ve wasted the whole thing on healing just a DVA and you’re all whining about no heal Moira while I’ve gone off to DPS :sunglasses:

No other support has that big of a down time, do they? Ana/Baptiste just has to spend 1 second to reload lol.


My usual response to a or WB is to squirt them a little and then have them play fetch with the healy orb. It costs very little resource to do that.


zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz yes because that works during big fights


u do not get any sort of reward playing a high skill hero in the game, so saying that some heroes dont require skill is a crappy statement.

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I mean, less shield means more Ana. More Ana means more Anti-Nade. More Anti-Nade means you’ll have to switch anyway so the nerfs are the least of your worries.

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I still played Moira when Ana was meta so that statement is pretty lame as ana nade affects ALL healers, not just moira.

Being trash is not an appropriate reward for any hero. Moira is entirely meta dependent hero and has been barely picked for 2 years until Sigma. Being meta dependent is an appropriate reward, not being trash.


True but you have more utility to use on other healers. Ana v Ana is a toss, Mercy has damage boost and rez, bapt has field (which helps quite a bit with nade), Zen and Lucio also have their utility. Brig can still stun, whipshot, Rally. All of them can also damage as well.


moira’s utility is survival and assisting her team with kills, both which she can do when her team is naded, same with other heroes able to do their other stuff when their team is naded


Oh my god… I just read a comment where someone says Moira’s healing meter is refilled by coalescence lmao I can’t.

Good luck ever getting a reply from me again when you make comments like that.

Brigitte can if she’s deprived of things to whack for a while, but I think that’s all.

If you’re referring to my earlier mention that her passive recharge continues during Coalescence… well, it does.

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not a moira player zzzzzzzzzzzz

And that’s a passive, do you realise how long it takes for it to refil without right clicking? :sweat_smile:

There is a reason they didn’t mess with her damage yet.

y’all need to stop being so angry about Moira ngl. All wanting a damage nerf, then she gets a healing nerf instead and you’re all so happy about it, which i find hilarious considering she will be doing more of what you all hate the most.

This nerf doesn’t bother me at all though, I’d actually be a little upset if it was a damage nerf, but just a little. People always act like Moira is this OP killing machine that never dies and it’s funny.

Can’t wait for Brigitte to be meta again so y’all can be whining about her too cause she’s actually such a good hero now


Assuming that was also directed at me (wasn’t technically a reply to me, but that might be due to the forum’s wonderful auto-edit feature):

My posts here were about how it feels to play as Moira, so obviously I play her, albeit as one of a long list of characters across multiple roles. You’re making some pretty strange and leaping generalizations here that aren’t applicable.

In any case, yes, I’m aware of the regeneration speed. She gets roughly half the bar back in the downtime between fights (or all of it if killed, of course). About a sixth of the bar comes back during Coalescence, which is available for most fights right now, but that may change.