Moira nerf is really harsh

im fine with that, but they could have compensated for this nerf like they did with every hero in this patch…

I doubt you will see Moira in brawl comps at higher ranks. Lucio+Ana will get you much more value.

Really, looking at how combos work, Lucio+Ana or Brig will be really strong.

Zen might see more pick up too at high level play.

If Baptiste has a better ult, if it worked with hit scan and was wider perhaps, he would be a decent choice too.

Moira will be too much of a detriment at higher ranks since she offers no utility to her team and will get stuck having to play poor dps more often.

I really dont think that her problem was recharging her recourse meter.

I feel like it’s weird Blizz balances around meta.
The problem wasn’t even Moira, it was DOUBLE SHIELD.

They have a really bad style of balancing.

They should have just kept working on the game, not bothered with OW2 and put less resources into OWL.

Release more maps/heroes at a faster rate and eventually, like they planned, there would be enough different heroes/comps/maps that there will be a nearly unlimited combination of team counter comps where no “meta” can really stick

but w.e game sux now

good moiras wont dps, bad and less skilled moiras will…
(with this im not saying that moiras who dps are bad and dont know how to play the game) im just saying that good moiras know how to abuse the healing that moira can dish out. if u are truly good at moira than u will be rewarded by ur team never dying.

Yeah I’m not sure I agree with it. At least tone it back a little bit and see how all the tank changes shake up the meta before hitting her like that.

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that’s what I wanted to say moira is being only played cuz of the meta, not because she is OP.

I got 25,000 healing as Brigitte in a game

That doesn’t mean anything at all

It means my team took a lot of damage, and the enemy team could never kill them.

Also Baptiste and Ana are going to heal more than Moira after the PTR, and Baptiste already almost heals as much as Moira does on live


IDK that Ana will, but Baptiste sure could. That said, I think the gap between them will be small enough that it’s going to be really questionable if that extra healing is worth the loss of Sleep, anti-healing, etc.

Moira really is only ever viable when those utilities are less valuable than extra healing. That’s currently the case because barriers deny those utilities value, but they don’t really block her healing’s value. In ever circumstance where Ana can consistently apply her utility, Moira is a bottom-tier pick. Even in circumstances where she can’t, it’s not a guarantee that Moira will be good–Mercy, for example, overrode her in Double Sniper (when both of them had stronger healing–though Moira relatively more so), and now we have Baptiste, too.

Unless Double Barrier somehow remains meta in some fashion after this patch, I would be shocked to see Moira be anything more than a sub-par niche pick.


No you didn’t. Prove it.

trust me its possible I onces gor 19k heals with brig…

Moira’s healing piss was the one thing that literally nobody was complaining about.

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Good Moira’s dps less than bad Moira’s - this is true.

However, the changes on PTR affect her overall healing output. It or takes more healing on the same resource. Which means. Moira will have to dps more often than she used to, even for good Moira players.

Having to dps more also means less time healing during a match.

Less healing output+less time healing+more dps at her low value means she will not be as desired as other supports who offer more utility.

With barrier meta effectively dead, heroes won’t be as tightly grouped, which means less effective healing for Moira again.

Watch, you will see as ranks rise, Moira’s pick rate will drop and it won’t take long after the patch goes live either.


I dont know what to say, what u wrote is absolutely correct, I hate these type of nerfs that totally destroy the character, lets hope for the best the patch just dropped, future changes are possible…

If you say insulting and false things about people, the people who were targeted don’t like it. Hmm. Weird.


She literally does 100+ HPS on a short cooldown.

That’s the busted part that NOBODY seems to talk about.

I’ve said it from the beginning. Moira does too much too easily despite “not having utility”. I’ve always hated her extreme heal output and thr fact that ahe can pump out so much damage while doing so.

Even I think this is the wrong nerf for her.


Ana heals 93.75 hps without abilities, mixing them in you get 100hp burst and 140.62 for 4 seconds ontop of that

Baptiste heals AoE 75hps, or 105hps AoE every 12 seconds

Moira healing 130hps with her 10 second cooldown at max value doesn’t seem so bad now does it

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Too bad that’s blatantly wrong.

Let me remind you that Moira has been the Healer with the highest win rate and pick rate in all ranks from Platinum and below (which contain the grand majority of the game’s player base) for years by now, even many months before Double Shield even became a thing.

And if you take into consideration that we are still going through approximately 4 months during which Moira has been the most powerful Healer universally in the game and all that while being one of, if not the hero with the lowest skill requirements I the game, you’ll understand that net nerfs were nothing but mandatory.

And one last thing, trust me, Moira isn’t going to become anywhere close to ““trash”” even after this nerf, at least until Dou Shield gets deleted off the face of the Earth…

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Meta isn’t plat and below, and she’s been trash where the meta is played.

So no, it’s not wrong.