Moira needs to kill you in duels

Who does Moira win in a duel against exactly?

You forgot to mention that Moira’s ability to support also comes from added damage.
A great Moira player knows how and when to apply additional damage instead of just healbotting with bulk heals

Moira should NEVER be considered as simply “bulk healing”

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A person with end stage parkinson’s could win duels with her.

A lot of characters don’t have that issue. Only poorly balanced ones like Symmetra, Mei, Torbjorn, Pharah, Junkrat, etc. have that issue. Even so, the balancing concept you described is still the right one. It’s just a shame that balancing concept isn’t applied to EVERY Hero in the game… For some reason?

Anyway, OT: Moira has utility. Her Ult damages and heals simultaneously, in a huge beam, that pierces shields. Her orbs bounce around for up to 15 seconds, essentially acting like DPS/HPS Sentries. Fade gives her swift mobility and invulnerability. Her damage doubles as a HPS-guage refill and self heal.

Sis, she has enough utility. It’s just utility that’s not instantly apparent. And since nobody has an attention span that exceeds 2 seconds, they will be unable to notice the utility in her subtle and simple kit.

As for winning duels, nah. If anything I think her DPS should be further nerfed but her self-heal should be buffed. Essentially turning her into a huge pain in the butt to kill, but not scary to deal with otherwise.

The other option is to actually give her ammo, which tbh is her real balancing problem. Since she can forever-attack, even if the damage is low, it is still pretty unfair since most Heroes only have 200hps. If it’s a beam, it should be ammo based.


  • Give her 100 ammo, her “weapon” uses 10 ammo per second.
  • Give her a standard 1.5 second reload animation; it’s just her readjusting her bracelet and stretching out her hand. After all, using the SUCC must cause some sort of strain on her physical body/arm.
  • If her healing reservoir is full, she heals back 35hps while damaging enemies. If it’s not full, she heals herself for 17.5hps.
  • DPS is mildly buffed to 55 since she now uses ammo.

Calling you delusional isn’t an insult, it’s a statement of fact. Genji is one of the weakest heroes in the game right now.

Certainly. Healing being her primary focus doesn’t mean it’s the only thing she does, just the biggest chunk of value she provides.

A utility ability is almost always used to describe something that doesn’t fit into another category.

Crowd Control

When people say moira has no utility, they mean she only has healing, damage and movement.
Other supports can buff, nerf, revive, prevent death, and moira can do nothing like that.
She deals damage, she heals damage, and she goes poof, that’s it.

The problem is not her dueling ability, the problem is how low effort she has to put in it compared to any hero.

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I don’t play Genji. I play tanks and heals. He is not overpowered and quite likely needs buffs.

If we use overbuff, you can see that stastically speaking, he is underperforming and has been for a long time now. He’s only really useful during ult (which can be countered as you noted by zen / lucio), and really to help prop him up he needs nano boost as well. So to make him work decently only with ult, you need to lock one of your supports to ana, save ult for genji ult, and hope to team wipe in 6 seconds without an enemy ult countering you.

Those aren’t particularly great odds for success when you factor in the rest of the game, his damage output is relatively low compared to other damage dealers.

Roadhog is functionally a just fat DPS + he still needs to hit his hook to kill someone reliably, which can be hard on opponents with lots of mobility.

Doomfist is a DPS… Imagine DPS being worse at dueling than tanks and supports by default. Might as well remove the DPS class as a whole then.

Moira already has the highest base HPS in game to make up for her lack of utility. That it doesn’t really work in higher ranks (except now) is just because she provides more than needed (which is yet another example of bad balance).

Just go play Mystery Heroes for once. There you’ll see that Moira has too much of an impact regardless of who plays her.

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no one should kill without outperforming the enemy.

Why should you not? If you’re teams with you, they can mitigate that counter destroying you. If you’re not with your team, you absolutely deserve to get destroyed by that hero.

Most people don’t like being babysat half the game. The hard counters make it feel a lot less casual because you need insane coordination and teamwork with randoms simply to be able to play the game as some heroes.

I’d rather be beaten by the player than the hero tbh.
As it stands now, the hero carries the player.

You mean an esports oriented team game needs to be played with team coordination or you get destroyed?

I’m not seeing the problem here. I mean, if you’re looking for a casual game of overwatch, play how you like, by all means. But under absolutely no circumstances should the level of team coordination it takes to play the game at a high level need to suffer in order to make the casual feel good.