Moira lock tracking is still on

I dont play on pc and i know console has aim assist. But moira definitely has a lock on in there. It will like lock on to anything that can take damage

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Something Moira mains have yet to learn obviously.

It’s something that all people who say Moira has a lock on never learns.

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Check out my comment above talking about destealthing sombra

Obviously a moira main who doesn’t get Mechanics yet.

Next you’ll tell me Sombra hack is lock on too

Guess what by your own logic, it’s not lock on anymore than Moira’s beam is it’s just hitbox and animation.

As we all know Animation =/= Mechanics amirite?

Im not at home to record a vid. But i will aim dead center on screen and then it will damage something thats not even at the center where im focused

The should really remove Moiras lock on so such threads stop existing.

Can you please explain me how Mercys beam, Sombra hack and old Symmetras beam don’t switch targets when people are walking between them but Moiras beam does?

That’s because it targets the closest object, within LOS, and then locks on to it.

You can have 2 people stand next to each other at the same distance and it will confuse her beam.

You know just like JR traps?

Just like health packs interfere with Sombra hack when she’s not intended to hack a health pack but rather the person she’s fighting against.

It’s auto aim ish. It can be interrupted if another hero goes in front of it. But it also centers itself in the middle of the body. So it still locks on to a certain extent.

Exactly like Sombra hack.

Same mechanic different dependencies.

Reaper gun also hits off center. Winston hits off center.

So do Reaper and Winston both have lock on?

The way sombra’s hack works is if anything breaks line of sight it stop. But if a player gets infront often times it will still hack or sometimes it will stop. Its hit or miss for me. I havent played her that much to say for sure. In the heat of things i dont notice it

View the video again.

go to 1:08 and pause the video. The Sigma should be in line of sight of the aiming reticle.

Do you see the healing plus signs? (she is gaining health)
Do you see Sigma?
Do you remember the reticle must be aimed at the target?
Do you remember that when the reticle is off the target the beam should stop drawing essence?

I am convinced it is a lock on beam after reviewing the video again.

I havent played winston so i dont know, but cant he damage multiple people at once or am i making this up? Reaper i have played and that doesnt happen. He hits where he shoots and the spread can sometimes get you. Just like hog

Reaper has spread. The bullets don’t just magically all hit the center of the hero. Winston has a cone that locks onto to heroes within that cone.

They are based on LOS, distance of the target.

Sombra hack is 16m it will never lock on to anything outside of that range.

So put someone at 15m and 1 person at 16.5m side by side.

It will always lock on to the 15m person even if you intended to hack the 16.5m person.

Moira beams work the exact same way.

They can be fooled by LOS dependencies such as JR trap, or in sombra’s case health packs, LOS or distance. Even if someone else crosses the hack plane.

The only real difference between Sombra hack and Moira beam is moira cannot control distance when it comes to LOS, Sombra can.

Sym1.0 for example used the same lock on mechanic (no one ever argues it wasn’t lock on) what is different is the dependencies involved for it to lock on to something specific.

That doesn’t mean it’s not lock on… Lock on IMO is basically your beam locking into the enemy and no matter how he moves it will still receive damage. Now there are some locks that are interrupted by obstacle (be it another enemy, wall, objects, etc) and some DON’T, like Mercy’s lock on.

You can see clearly in the video that Moira’s beam is locked into the enemy, and will follow him, pretty like Symm 1.0 but with a smaller “connection area”.

Both those two attacks have wide hit boxes, same concept as Moira, and both lock on the same amount as Moira.

Again wrong.

It means exactly that.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck quacks like a duck.

Suddenly its a Goat because you said so? And then use the same evidence we’ve shown to prove it’s a duck?

That’s what you are arguing?