Moira is too ez at low ranks

I suggested a way to make her require more skill, but all you want to do is make her even easier to play. What do you even want, dude.

I’m not against giving her RMB require a reload like most other characters in the game, but flipping the meters isn’t a good idea. Sorry.

So like… since Bastion is also too ez at lower ranks, how bout we balance other things to go against him more :thinking:

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I really wish the Devs would buff her potential and make her a bit harder as a trade off. I hope they would keep the feel, because I find it quite fun to play MArcy but shr’s just ineffective compared to other heroes right now, even somebody who has mastered her can’t out somebody who has mastered Ana or Moira(Which becomes an issue when Moira is so relatively easy to master, why pick a character that is hard to master when Moira is easy to master & more effective )


damn right, bastion is now perma hacked

Bruh, what would hurt more, a few sonic boops travelling slowly. or legit getting your soul ripped out while you begin to weaken

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Moira is built to be a mobility counter. You pretty much do that with damage. She could give out armor packs instead but we saw how that goes.

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Mercy is all about decision making, which at least in my experience is a lot harder than that of Moira. Not having to aim doesn’t mean a hero is skillless. And while GA may not be the most difficult thing there is, it is a skill to be mastered if you’re gonna use it every 3 seconds, and it’s not like there is only one thing you can do with it either.

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Every other support is more interesting to deal damage with because they require a degree of aim. Bap, Ana, Lucio, Zen, even Mercy and Brig (with her Whips) are more interesting at damage dealing to me.

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she doesn’t get any harder going up the ladder…her value gets capped at some point…but she’s still just as easy

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Yeah bu bu bu bu dont care, flip the bar and lower her healing thats it thats the only way she will be balanced and fair and dps players wont role q support just to play her because they just want to get to games quicker.

yeah she needs to make decisions, but so does Moira, heal an enemy on low, or kill that flanker, use your fade? or hope someone helps you? use ult or risk being shut down?

Wow… just… wow - maybe at Masters+… but nothing below that warrants one in the least.

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infinate 65 hps pretty busted

Brig doesn’t aim, she just needs to be close and look in the direction of her intended target

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I really love Ryan’s idea. A heal burst to charge on reload, you need to stop healing to charge it, but then your healing is higher for a bit. A buff that would also add skill, I really want it.

it is not infinite, what so ever

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If only you’d managed to carry on reading. :pensive:

i said his idea to make it infinate as busted

The problem with this logic is we seem to for some reason give Moira free pass on skill requirements that other characters at those tiers are required to have… I mean people can say and think what they want, but between two equally skilled players within 20m the Moira player vs say a hit-scan has the aim advantage merely because she has such low requirements for it. I know I know, “Just shootz her in da hed ya n00b” is so easy to throw out there… but it often comes from folks themselves who would not be able to do this as easily as they make it sound against a thin narrow hit box, jinking and self-healing while damaging at close range.

Bull, hey here we will go into a game ill pick bastion and you pick moira ill go in turret form and shoot at a wall and the same time you shoot a wall with your damage beam lets see who runs out of ammo first and has to reload

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