Moira is too ez at low ranks

Can we balance the supports to match her power?


If anything, Moira needs a buff bruh


Yeah and while we’re at it let’s rework half the roster for being “too ez” :roll_eyes:

  • Make Moira’s RMB a tight beam, possibly even more so than Zarya’s. For reference, Zarya has a 0.15 width beam, Sym has a 0.2 width beam
  • Increase RMB’s DPS to 80
  • Lower the DPS purple orb does but give it some compensatory buffs outside of raw damage so that it’s still worth casting; 130 DPS, even though it costs a cooldown, would be too much considering the next highest main support in terms of DPS (Bap) can do ~115 DPS

There we go, Moira has to aim now so she can’t possibly be low skilled, right? Let’s try it out. :slight_smile:


Moira is too easy, period.


Moira needs, if anything at all, a buff. Period :clown_face:


Maybe the low ranks should improve their standard of play? After 4 years, Bronze, silver and gold should all be filled with at least decent players, with the very bottom of the barrel being the truly hopeless cases, and trolls.


They are. But people in the higher ranks will never see that. A Silver today is not a Silver at launch.


We cant balance for low ranks
To some people, simply getting a kill makes a hero “too easy to get value out of” when you’re in a rank where everyone struggles to get kills :woman_shrugging:

Uh oh careful here comes the moira brigade ready to defend their no brainer hero, its not like most of them have or are currently abusing her to climb from bronze to diamond doing dps only.


Aaaaagreeeeeeed buddy

Or just lower her heal output and flip the meters as in she has to heal in order to do damage that way her playerbase doesnt strictly do dps with her and abuse the fact that she has the easiest aim in the game.

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The Devs said they want diverse skillsets in the playerbase, meaning they don’t care if a character is ‘too easy’ because they wantr to have those types of characters in the game

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Right now that’s more likely to be Genji. RMB spam works well in low rank.

I’m fine with a buff as long as it raises her skill ceiling. I know a lot of high ranked Moiras want more options to carry with skill as well, it’s not that I’m mad for dying to her, I just wholeheartedly disagree with an easy hero in the game. Maybe I’ll actually play her then as well, right now she’s just the most boring hero because of how easy she is.

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Ah yes well im going to require them to make a dps that if I look at anyone they just die instantaniously because in the name of player diversity


A diverse skill set is different skills, not none.

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Mercy is easier, its just Mercy is doing badly even in bronze. RIght now Ana is being picked more often and winning more often than Mercy in bronze.

I don’t think a easy hero is something nagative. I mean when they launched OW they praised themselves with being the shoter for everyone.

And if we talk about being easy - what about Mercy then? She is not much harder to play.

But Mercy and Moira can both do things that other players can’t or just hardly can pull off.

Mercy has a bit more depth than moira imo tho, might be easier to start to play, but harder to master