Moira is overtuned but the devs won't do anything about it

If you’re feeling that Moira is has an extremely low skill floor but is too high impact, you’re correct.

Or in other words, if you think she’s extremely easy to play but gets tons of value despite that, you’re correct.

But, the devs won’t do anything about it.

I can’t remember which video it was, but one of them said they like Moira to be easy to pick up and easy to play for people that don’t like support.

So, she’ll always be this way, so my suggestion is, if Moira is ruining your games, just play something else, she ruins the game so there’s no point playing it anymore if it’s not fun.

For me, Mercy and Moira were the reasons I took a long break, even after learning how to shoot Moira it just wasn’t fun to play against because I know I’m having to work 10x harder than this Moira that’s just existing just to kill her, same with Mercy.

Although honestly, Mercy takes more skill than Moira.

I tried out the game today and it’s the same story, so I don’t play OW2 anymore.

Trust me, you’ll be glad you stopped playing.


Moira has been left in this state to sell the Battle Pass, the people spewing venom at anyone who questions her balance (especially for mid and low ranks) are just enjoying the easiest hero in the game being hard meta even at the top.

Moira is fun lore, looks, and personality wise. But she should never become meta like this. A skill check hero that requires the lowest amount of effort and skill to play herself. Why learn to play something harder when you can hold right click from across the street and fade away anytime you mess up?


Exactly, like I said in my post, even if you learn to deal with her, why would you want to?

I know for a fact I’m putting WAY more effort into dealing with her than she’s putting into ANYTHING she’s doing.

So, it’s just not fun.

It would be hilarious if we see her nerfed after the battle pass though.

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Tracer is also way too easy.
The game is suffering from the new hitboxes messing up-skill floors.
I hope we get more rebalancing soon.


Moira is likely the only thing holding together the support role this season and they arent going to nerf her just because there is one support who cant be trivialized with mediocre shooty shoots gameplay.

But also Moira being a problem on this season really speaks of how bad the DPS playerbase and that the hitbox crutches did basically nothing to mask this fact.


The skill issue falls flat when defending Moira. “DPS CAN’T AIM” kind of fails when Moria doesn’t have to aim really at all, has a free escape on a short cooldown, and… she is more obnoxious for the enemy supports. Trying to heal/defend myself while this thing lurks in the backline holding M2 at my general direction is very annoying. Then I actually aim and shoot her… and she fades off to come back shortly.

Moira is part of the problem. Not the solution.

She has the exact same impact she did in prior seasons. The meta shifted heavily in her favor. She’s one of the small group of supports that can survive Tracer centric dive and still provide value. It’s the same reason Lucio and Kiriko are seeing heavy use.

The problem isn’t Moira, it’s the current meta. If that shifts, she’ll be out. Unfortunately, a meta shift will probably require Tracer nerfs or severe overbuffing of other supports. The former will never happen, and the latter will create a whole new set of problems.

  1. Moira has to aim, even if its easy.

  2. Moira’s ease of aim is counteracted by the fact she deals considerably less damage than heroes that do, from half to a third in most cases.

  3. meta overpopular DPS had their TTK against Moira almost unaffected by the HP changes, but its easier to land than ever.

She is tickling you. Moira still has a 4s TTK to kill you, and if you are just spamming jump and moving around thinking that will help with anything then its frankly just a skill issue.

If Moira is able to kill you now, she did so too 3 months ago before S9.


Brother pretending Moira takes skill :skull: :skull: :skull:

Imagine pretending that skill matters to anything in this game while Braindead 76 is still allowed to be the meta DPS from bronze to GM lmao


Should tell you all you need to know about this guy, thinks S76 takes no skill but Moira does :skull: :skull: :skull:

Moira is nowhere near as broken as Sombra, Tracer, Ashe, Widow, Soldier and Sojourn so until they all get hard nerfed please be quiet.


Why is Moira suddenly an urgent issue now exactly?

Where I am? Yes absolutely.

Moira in Masters requires basically everything that Legburster 76 doesnt. There is a reason Mr. Call of Valonite over there is the most played DPS from bronze to GM, and the comfort easy pick in high ranks for DPS heroes. Because he is literally the tutorial hero but overbuffed.

Mind you, I dont even play Moira. I am a DPS main through and through.

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No Aim No Brain Must Be A Moira Main…

Damn Right And Im A Sexy Moira That Heals, Keeps My Team Alive While Picking Off People With Low Hp While Still healing My Team. Im A Pro And Sucking And Blowing

drinks the tears on my enemies

Never said she was broken, you’re being muted now, so you’re going to be quite.

Moira has to aim like someone holding a shotgun up to the side of a barn.

But it’s consistent and has good range for a beam.

She still came out of this season as one of the heroes who got the most buffs? Also to go with her Mythic skin. Yet people defend her instead of seeing the $$ eyes that actually went into her buffs.

And again, things aren’t so straight forward. I’m healing my allies, watching for flanks, positioning myself, aiming, etc. while this player holds M2 and wiggles around like a worm. So she likely already has a second or two while I have to change focus. And then I got land my shots before she kills me or fades off. And I didn’t realize the battle field goes quiet when she engages on me and I can stand still to aim at her and not worry about others shooting me.

Moira literally infested the top now. I guess all the best OW players are just bad at the game.

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Where you’re at? no absolutely not.

If your dieing to a moira you either arent playing with your team or watching her cds. Diamond an up shes average at best.

Because she is dealing damage if she had a brush to paint the side of that barn lol

Even if Moira had a tiny beam with the damage pertinent to such beam size, people would still whine once moira mains adapt.

People literally die through her healing and ultimate. Her TTK is either exactly the same than before or slightly longer (with orb).

Moira was net nerfed by this patch, and the main reason why she is so picked right now its because other supports are borderline unplayable as long as the DPS passive exists and meta DPS are so awfully unpunishable. She is arguably weaker than other supports in a vacuum, but people pick her because she can actually survive dives and hyperoffense long enough to actually do something.