Moira is overtuned but the devs won't do anything about it

I think that was the intent - bridge the gap somewhat between (mechanical) skill floors and skill ceilings so there’s less instances of “this character is completely useless unless you are a literal god at the game”, and things like “this character is useless/broken but only in low/high ranks” factor somewhat less into balance.

It’s a good concept, but they need to be faster with ironing out the kinks and outliers.

You’re right, she isn’t. Yet every other hero I mentioned is.

And no, I’m not going to be “quite”.


I mean the only thing this change did for a lot of the DPS role is to make several non-hitscans far worse in high ranks and doom them to low rank memes, or not even that. While hitscans/flankers/snipers are easier and safer than ever while their TTKs are barely affected.

This patch increased the gap between the top end and the rock bottom of the DPS role and there is now no middle of the pack. Either a hero is absurdly overpowered and reliable OR they are bad to worthless.


you have a dva icon so dont talk about skill

You have an OW icon so don’t talk about OW

Yes nerf all of them of them so Moira has an easier time holding M2 against the entire cast. She’d need knocked down as well.

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says the one who crys about moira. get gud

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says the one who talks about ow, get gud.

kk nice one troll. keep crying about the worst support

Moira is going to get dropped the moment Tracer doesnt have a 85% pickrate in high ranks lolmao

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I’m cool with Tracer getting the nerf bat first, but I highly doubt that’s enough to make Moira not the “support” pick that is playing like old Sombra.

Not really… Mercy is just spectating mode really. both are easy to play…
Moira just has a high survival rate
Mercy players that play her right also has a high survival rate

Cry harder about a character that is literally a Vulture.

She helps with flankers that like to target support
She helps healing Dive tanks cuz she can fade in there with them make sure they good while taking out low hp players to help the tank out more and fade out when they fall back
She is designed to pick off low hp players… those that go 1v1 with someone n end up dying aren’t exactly playing her right but if it works for them… well GG do u boo.

You might see her as a low skill character… but crying about her all the same… so what does that say about u?

Nice one troll, keep crying.

You have a Dva icon, your DM and mobility ruins Moira’s day. She can’t run from Dva or brawl with her.

Same goes 95% of the DPS roster.

If you can’t hit your shots she will dunk on you.

But guess what, other heroes that crit dunk on you way faster and easier.

Wake me when you start having to deal with Tracer as a problem. She gets 3 fades, technically 4 since she can reset her position with rewind. She’s got a passive to deny some healing and crits.

But no, it the slow moving not able to crit Support that takes almost 4 seconds to kill you that is the scary hard carry duelist on the team.


She isn’t broken, but she needs nerfs.

And you will be “quite” because I’ve now muted you.


No she doesnt… :joy: :joy: :joy:

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With Tracer/Genji/Soldier actually balanced, other stronger supports are actually not throw picks. Moira is a very average support whose only uniqueness is her ability to survive through situations that would kill other supports. But her impact is really limited in teamfights.

This has already happened a couple of times and every time Moira is dropped like a sack of potatoes once the ‘‘chosen ones’’ from the DPS role are taken down a notch.


Mercy is harder to play, she requires more effort to escape than Moira’s low cooldown fade.

And again the defense squad for Moira is always “get good, skill issue” when Moira is Moira. She has always been a Low and Mid rank menace, and now she is one of the most played at the Top? Moiras literally putting in 1/100 of the effort for 80/100 results.

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Thats ur take on it… For me Mercy and Moira are the same for me… Easy to play… But Mercy is soooo boring

Yes, she does… :joy: :joy: :joy: