"Moira is overreacting"

It really isnt

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Biotic grasp:
harder to aim = less self heal, less damge

Dmg Orb:
Harder to aim, less reward.

Compared to Sym orb:
Sym orb is the same speed. Also requires a direct hit.
Similar size.
Biotic orb has 20 less damage.
Biotic orb is 60dps over 2 seconds. Sym’s orb is burst.
(i know sym is a dps but this is another heroes’ SECONDARY.)

Can’t cleanse or escape ults leaving a negligible damage fade for 1 second WHICH MOIRA MUST FADE INTO DANGER FOR.
bap can just imo field from a mile away, longer cooldown but way more reliable and he wont die trying.
Also increased cooldown is reduced survivability on top of nerfing her ability to duel with orb, heal herself with orb (due to speed changes), self heal with secondary and now she has less fades…



I argue it’s an overall nerf. Yeah that’s some great utility, but… wasn’t the entire point of Moira that she has zero utility but makes up for it in damage?

Also, Reaper nerfs are uncalled for…


Unless I completely misunderstood the patch notes the orb can do more than 200 damage, now, a lot more. The orb does 60 dps to all heroes nearby until it has done 120 to A hero. Shouldn’t that mean that if you stick the orb to an enemy that has 2 other team mates next to him the orb will do 3x120 or 360 damage if the stickied enemy doesn’t move away quick enough? It hurt 1v1 damage, in theory, but in practive you’d never get 200 damage on single target in 1v1 anyway.


if you know sym is a dps then why are you comparing. you cant compare them.

What? What are you trying to say? That a Moira main doesnt know what she’s talking about even though the simplicity in Moira can show that even the slightest changes can significantly show itself?

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Because Moira
must sacrifice healing orb, and put in the EXACT same effort. And Sym orb and Moira Orb have the same purpose to DEAL DMG.

Therefore very comparable whether it’s a support kit or dps kit.

Just because she’s a support her dmg ability ON A 10 SECOND COOLDOWN THAT SACRIFICES MORE HEALING, should NOT DO LESS than a spammable secondary fire.


The Forums freak out whenever a support is changed or nerfed so this is nothing new


Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.

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they hated him because he spoke the truth…


You know how easy Moiras damage orb was able to be avoided (atleast at high tiers) now if you get hit you take the full force of it. The main downside being that you can’t use it for quick easy no brain ult charge at start of a match.

A major problem is Nade right now and this is huge to dealing with that with a down side of course but that plus the anti stun/charge/hook capability will help. Only selfish players with bad positioning will use it as an escape tool which was its only use before and can still be used as such.

Biotic grasp nerf makes sense and will reward better aim (it will still be quite forgiving though). All I can say to that is get good.

I consider it a shift. You can no longer DPS people down with your monitor off, AS A HEALER. I get how that was fun for several Moira mains, but it was too accessible and skillrisk/reward was way off for an fps/moba. Because of this it was also exploitable, and punished people all the way until top tiers.

All your nerf examples are in the damage department. They should/could up her healing more to compensate (or the fade better be amazing as you say).

Frankly she isn’t a DPS. Her kit needs to encourage healing, supporting, and being clutch with saving plays. You can be bad at aim and carry people with brainpower, that’s fine. But Moiras were carrying without much of either.

If the support aspects of her kit don’t feel rewarding or engaging for you - bye bye you won’t be missed. Your feelings are just as important as the numerous 100hr genji mains who just got mudered by a 10hour moira, because she was there.

The cleanse is huge tho…no more hard countered by Ana.

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The cleanse ability was removed.

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Rewards better aim but with the same rewards as for worse aim now.

They said in the patch notes it no longer cleanses. And timing it to save from a stun is stupid since it’s at the end of the fade which means extra start up. And you expend the escape too.

And a 5m/s increase is supposed to make it harder to avoid. Nobody is out here exclaiming Sym has a great secondary AND THAT DOES MORE.

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They took it out! Fade doesn’t cleanse anyone even Moira.


In theory sure. In practice, it won’t work that way.

I don’t see a buff to the range of the damage orb. Its current range is a paltry 4 meters. The only time people stick that close together is if they have shields… which now kill the Damage Orb. To make things worse, with the added stick requirement, you can’t “fake” doubling the range by throwing it between two people who are 6 meters apart and still hurt both.

So… yeah. It ain’t going to happen.

Lol did you read it only removed it to the ults of sigma and grav. I will test it when I get a chance but I am pretty sure its the same for every ability as it was before

“No longer frees Moira or allies from Zarya’s Graviton Surge or Sigma’s Gravitic Flux” this is the only thing it no longer works, previous things works I believe

No, there’s a note somewhere that says it no longer cleanses.