Moira almost every game

All heroes have around a 3-4 second kill time with the global average accuracy. That is not near as long as you think it is. If your not playing to develope, why play at all. You could find another form of recreation that actually develops you in an area you care to develope

In one king of the hill map, I was moira, and this one Genji (I think it was a new player) didn’t swap the whole time, even when they died everytime I was near, and at one time they activated dragonbland but I killed them like 1 second after with orb.

Respect to you, new player Genji, wherever you are.

This is your claim, I’ll let you back it up.

Why do anything at all? You’re going to die and be reduced to ash one day. Enjoy the time you have. If a claim to legacy is your Overwatch peak, I pity you.

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she takes no skill yet people still lose games with her on their team…why? Because her MAIN yes main role is support…if you’re throwing damaging orbs instead of a healing one to keep your group alive than you’re trolling…idc what any of you say.

she has a lot of output but too many people have a dps mentality when playing her.

Maybe ask yourself why first! Maybe ask yourself why she is being picked! You are asking for them to nerf one of the few balanced Supports that is somehow able to survive more and sustain teammates in this season and in this meta!
The fact that you are asking for Moira nerfs, in a meta where DPS is dominating and when there are Supports that are not viable, says a lot. Yeah, let’s nerf Moira so that Tracer, Genji, Sombra and others can dominate more and make Support role respawn simulator!


Ill take moira over ana any day of the week. literal years of her all game every game both sides.

It was nice seeing her slightly less while she was a mid tier hero for a bit.


As an Ana main I welcome Moira finally seeing playtime - she has a different flow and is really the only option you have if you don’t want to play respawn simulator all game long against certain comps.

Her leniency of aim is necessary because she’s supposed to be an anti-mobility support - and the counter to mobility is not precision aim. The faster you are, the more erratic you are, the harder you are to hit. This is why Ana struggles against Dive comps, since she’s precision aim with no real mobility of her own. To have something to play into this we get Moira, who has an easier time hitting these targets and has an escape ability, but it’s offset by her having a high ttk. Moira isn’t going to consistently murder you unless 1) you are struggling with your aim yourself or 2) you were low health to begin with and were likely to die regardless of match-up. You defeat Moira by 1) keeping some distance to her 2) coordinate with your team and 3) don’t panic, jumping around won’t help, stand still an start using your superior damage and you’ll force her to fade away.


Nah people take and win the 1v1 in diamond+ all the time. The reality is that moira doesnt do enough damage or self healing to win against most heros who are landing a decent amount of their shots.

You talk about the average accuracy being 30%, but anyone with 30% accuracy at 20m after all the projectile buffs is just really bad. They should either try harder to actively improve their aim or play a different hero rather than trying to change other heros to accommodate their complete lack of mechanical skill on a mechanical skill based hero.

I dont think it makes sense to judge other people for playing a video game the way they enjoy. If you are going to say you should only be “playing to develop” then why not just view moira as a challenge on your personal journey of developing decent enough aim not to get skill checked by moiras 1v1.

People like to tell themselves “I only lost to moira because moiras op and doesnt have to aim” rather than “I only lost to moira 1v1 because my aim wasnt good enough yet” sure it might protect your ego, but its a disempowering mindset.

I used to always lose to moiras 1v1. I still lose to moiras 1v1 sometimes, but its less and less with every passing month. It feels so good on kiri when a moira jumps you and starts tickling you and you just put a couple kunais in her face and she drops dead before she even has a chance to realize things have gone horribly wrong.


Moira is an easy cheese character. Most overwatch players can’t aim. But due to Tracer and Sombra in almost every game. With hitscan, the dps passive, tiny hitboxes and insane mobility. They are the main reason that Moira is being played more. I play Zen and have to be a lot better than the dps who are using these heros. If they are at my same rank they have such a huge advantage over Zen, that I’m forced to play Moira. Most bad support will automatically start on Moira, that why we are seeing them a lot more. Moira was always picked when you were getting dived or countered!

A hero that is designed to rely 100% on the enemies inability rather then their own abilities is a VERY poorly designed hero. She is in the game to make skill irrelevent and make sure that someone can deal a lot of damage regardless of how bad they are.

There’s a correlation between flanker popularity and moira popularity, imo.

Fix flankers, no need for as many moiras.


Moira is currently played cause her dmg was buffed while others weren’t kurri can’t two shot , ana can’t three shot, etc while moira was buffed to have same dps as before if not better which is why she is picked.

Not cause of flankers.

this, old damages were fine, now it’s a little too much

Something needs to be done about moira, she’s technically balanced, but any players skill that is below the devs expected curve will get thrashed by moira, I’m talking about the 85 to 90 percentile, your casual fanbase. Making moira this powerful means you don’t care about this big piece of the playerbase.

finally someone who tells the truth instead of “muh muh skill issue”, casus and metal ranks are the majority

Her ttk went from 4s to 3.8s. Her relative grasp dmg only went up marginally, and her relative grasp+orb dmg went down. All other sups can now land more shots due to the projectile size buffs.

Its 100% because of flankers/dive in higher ranks. People arent choosing moira for her lowest damage in the game, they are choosing her because she can actually survive tracer abit longer. Other sups provide better utility and damage.

This guy gets it.

Not having to aim only seems overpowered if you cant aim. If she is only overpowered vs the lowest ranked players who cant aim that is by definition a skill issue.


Nah her dmg is overbuffed by nerfing others that’s why she is picked bring Kiri back to two two shot or ana back to three no one will bother picking moira.

Stop acting as though she is some last gaurdian helping supports, she is just overbuffed.

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the majority of players

65 dps is super low, zen can do 300 dps. How are you going to complain about her damage when other sups can do 5x as much and its easier for them to hit their shots now with the projectile buff increase.


Dude before this patch other supports kill d stuff fast now it’s slow , but Madame moira got buffed to be as fast as before.

So she is buffed it’s simple don’t bs your way out of this one.