Moira almost every game

So tired of seeing her… please just rework her so she requires any kind of skill… the second the requires any effort most people will drop her.


I will not only drop her, but support as a whole. I ain’t playing no baby sitter.

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She’s fun to play, stop complaining so much. How could anyone be upset about Moira in the game after eight seasons of Ana/Kiriko?


she has decent sustain against dive… so we will see alot of moira in near future

Want to see less Moira? Play less dive.


LOL… these constant posts about Moira requiring “no skill”… must be a genji main who didn’t get to jump around free and clear.


I never found her fun to play? I just can’t play her because I get so extremely bored… Could be due to being ADHD, I will put up a Subway Surfers video on the other monitor to help keep me entertained.


Just revert the damage buff

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With mobility creep and how easy it’s become to hit your shots, playing a hero with an escape just feels most comfortable to play. I play almost Sombra and Moira exclusively now because everything else just feels so awful.


There are other suppots that can be offensive… but they do require a lot more skill then Moira


I used to one trick Zen; however, I am honestly tired of having to be the superior player by a country mile to fight off the low skill flanker heroes. Especially after all of his nerfs. Do not get me wrong, homie was SSJ3 busted at the beginning of the season. He needed nerfed, absolutely. But when you target literally everything? Nah.


Not a genji main…Moira takes zero skill


Wrong. You play them because their as powerful as they are. Thats why everyone plays them. People need to stop downplaying their effectiveness especially with how little effort they take

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Well I’ve played Moira since she was released because her kit is simply fun and I play Sombra because her invisibility gives me a passive layer of defense against mobility and damage creep.

First climb to Diamond back in OW1 was playing Ana on her debut because she was just that strong and it was easier to play her without 30 different heroes that can warp into her face and obliterate her if she misses her sleep dart on the people doing mach 10 donuts around her.

See, here’s the funny thing.
We play Moira because we admit we can’t aim and Overwatch gives us normal people an option to do something about it.

Why can’t you Elitists admit you can’t aim? It takes Moira 3.8 seconds, maybe half that with Orb, to kill. But the skill characters you play can do it in two hits. Usually 2 seconds at most.

No need for the Pride, we know you are struggling. Just pick Moira.


So you consistently flock to whatever takes the least effort to get the easiest results? Your never gonna get better playing like that

I play what I have fun playing. I already have a career, I don’t need another one. I don’t watch streamers. I don’t read patch notes. I just yolo into whatever feels good, whether or not it’s considered good by anyone. I played Torb when he was considered a throw pick. I couldn’t care less. I’m just here for fun, my guy.


That 3.8 is turned to 3.2 with the orb. Her time to be killed is around 1.7 with most heroes with 100% accuracy. Problem is, not a single person in the world has 100% accuracy. The universal average is around 30% with most heroes so her new time to be killed is around 4.5 seconds for the average player.

We could dive a little deeper and say you hit 1 headshot in the encounter, which your average player does not and reduce that 4.5 to around 3.5 seconds. All of this is not including her self heals as well

Bottom line is, Moira is a hero who created to excel in 1v1 scenarios, which is why even in the high ranks, we will never take the 1v1, we will make it a 2v1 or escape

My personal opinion, the reason FPS games or most of online gaming in general is considered fun to most is because of the competitive nature of them.

If your not a competitive person who constantly wants to get better at the game, then theres not much point in playing the game. You could be spending that time working on self development in another area of life instead

Recreation is a thing. If you practiced taking care of your mental health more often, perhaps you wouldn’t be melting down on the forums over a hero who has a 3+ second kill time.