MMR is Making Me Sick

I have felt this way for a long time. Have you read my thread about handicapping?

Do Share :slightly_smiling_face:

They are during their placements and the fall afterward because players know to avoid QP from 1-25.

That’s not true though. OW isn’t a typical FPS, it’s very team reliant. There are plenty of players who don’t work well in a team environment but have a skilled aim.

Here you go, thanks for contributing to the discussion:

You remind me of me.

I took a break after a horrible experience. I actually made a post about it here. I decided to try again today. My first game, one of the tanks said to me (in voice chat), “Mercy, if I ever see you damage boost Moira again, I’m going to find where you live and r*** you.”

I remember why I flicked it on her. We were taking the point, our DPS were dead, and she was finishing off a very low health enemy that was running away. I didn’t say anything though. I just finished the game (a loss) and turned it off and sat there feeling sick, feeling like the worthless bronze trash that I am, feeling like a stupid and ‘braindead, no aim, no skill’ idiot.

I don’t have any answers to offer, just empathy, for what it’s worth.


Hey, thanks for sharing.
You didn’t deserve that. People don’t see the context when they start to just try and cause harm / hurt.

Screw all that. :vulcan_salute:
The negative self talk can get real bad when you get real good at it.

mmr is balancing out teams, that is correct. otherwise, a „fair“ team assembly would be impossible. but we all know that it‘s definitely not fair. it‘s far too easy to play around that algorithm - at least if you want to go down. people disguise themselves as noobs to play without pressure in low ranks - and to dodge long queue times.

BUT there is another side to this story. People underestimate the amount of skill you need to effectively solo carry a game in your SR range. Every game I’ve lost, even if I played great, wasn‘t great enough to compensate the failures of my team or outplay the enemy carry. To achieve THAT, you would have to play at a level two tiers up the ranks. In this case, you would also EASILY climb higher, even with smurfs and throwers - because YOU would be the smurf then ba-dum-tssss :flushed::scream:

Sad thing is, most of us ARE close to our real rank, so casually overachieving isn‘t really an option. All that remains is a brutal grind and hard earned SR gains. You don‘t suddenly wake up as a T500 player.

it‘s really frustrating to get wrecked by a smurf or trolled by a thrower and lose 25 SR. thats the part i have a big problem with. because if you are close enough to your personal goal or career high, every lost game to a troll is a baaaad setback with little to learn from. it just feels dull and cheap, even if you WIN while the smurf carry is in your team.

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That’s why you need to practice a lot and sometimes get coached.

Trust me just forgets about SR. Tell yourself it’s only a number and it doesn’t matter a lot. It will feel better to just stop caring about it.

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:frowning: When I’m on mercy I tell my tanks to please take all questions and concerns to the other healer.

They have no business talking to you unless they have a cool down for your Rez

MMR ruins this game. Period.

You win a couple games, and then you get the worst idiot teams of all time. Lose a couple. Repeat.

It’s f’n stupid, and Blizz should be ashamed. Who thought MMR was a good idea for a Comp game? You can’t control the experience. All they’ve done is make the game 100x more frustrating than it should be.

They better address this for OW2, or it’s going to be a waste of time.

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Well it is there to make you struggle so you can not achieve your goals in the game and quit. Also to make sure bad players got a better time and get “protected”. I am just sitting here wondering how many people would watch or enjoy sports if they best players constantly faced each other early on I. Tournaments and what not. How many sports stars would put up with that?

The system is stupid. And yes you can progress, I have been GM and what not it is not impossible, it is just unfair and unengaging when the game sees minimal change in 3000-4000 bracket as everyone is on a similar lvl every game.

Worst part is it devalues your own achievement as well, as you know when you dominate the opponent as pop off it is rarely due to your contribution but simply coz almost every single player on your team is better than the opposite players.


This thread is the truth!

It does matter because it prevents you from leaving your rank as much as it can, the better you are than the rank you’re supposed to be at the more likely you’re the one who will get dragged down.

Here’s one example I have a tank that ingot stuck in bronze trying to help people out, and it has taken me forever to solo climb to high bronze because it’s always making the team “equal” which I get the point but this becomes a problem because if the system DOES work at optimal levels and makes teams 50/50 all the time it would guarantee you NEVER rank up or down because it’s always compensating. With my tank I queued a duo comp with my friend whos a gold and we literally won 4/4 games against teams who were mostly gold with some silvers me being the only bronze. Thing is I know I’m better at tank with my bronze and it’s super obvious when I have to constantly carry the team for the win but the more wins I rack up the worse my teammates are in comparison to the other team. Just now I played a game where a player would run into walls on accident and get clipped by the little ledges :man_facepalming: that’s literally the quality I have to work with and I may be able to carry but I can only carry so much and the only way to progress is to infinitely improve while my teammates get infinitely worse and since no one can infinitely improve at this game you’re guaranteed a loss eventually no matter how good you play.


You’re making the exact same mistake the other person did.

The point is its a meaningless gesture when you’re all at roughly the same level, as in you are where you belong. I specifically left out the exception for when you’re significanly better, though that’s a different can of worms that normally ends up not being entirely true.

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That’s the first problem you can’t infinitely improve at the same rate. The second problem is if you’re already at the wrong rank there is a chance you will never improve. You can’t improve by playing against worse enemies you will simply not learn a thing except how to play wrong and be stuck.

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if you think you are in the wrong rank and you can’t improve, it’s wrong. You can always improve no matter how the game went. There is always a way to win games. And if people really believe they shouldnt be in a rank they should do pugs or scrims, beware you are going to get carried.


It’s not that you can’t improve it’s that I’m not im not some top 500 tank player so I can only carry so much. The problem is it takes forever for me to climb out because I’m probably like a high silver-low gold on tank and like someone else mentioned it prevents me from playing with higher lever players and improving by playing with them.

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If you can’t climb it means you can’t adapt to your elo. It’s impossoble that you can’t find something to get better at. If it takes so lomg it’s because it is supposed to be a reward of all the grind you did. You can improve way faster by self reviewing your own gameplay than playing with higher elo.