MM-Mei skin disappeared

Not certain if this is just since the event drop but the MM-Mei skin has disappeared from my account. Anyone else seeing the same thing?


I am also missing it.


Just checked, same here.


Cool. I’m in good company. Must be a bug then. Does appear to work ingame at least.

I didnt have it equipped, so I have no way to see the skin.


It is bugged in the select screen. If you go in game it is still wearable. However for safety if you have it equipped do not unequip it.


Me too. Looks like im not the only one

I have it equipped, but I still can’t see it.
I may try playing Mei in quickplay… will I be invisible? Hmmm.

Edit: Queues are too long, but I went into the practice range and emoted so I could see myself… no problem, the MM-Mei skin is still there in-game, just not in hero gallery.

Mine is gone too… :woman_facepalming:

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Omg what?! i’m also missing it! I hope they fix this!

Maybe they are retouching it?? idk it sucks that that happened. what happens to it if you have it equipped tho? does the skin bug out or does it switch to the classic skin?

Yeah…such a non important detail xD “hero gallery” :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I am missing it too (not like I woudl have ever notice it)

I can see it but the legs look bugged, maybe they are fixing stuff

If the skin were that important to you, you would already have it equipped! :upside_down_face: :smiling_imp:

I am actually curious what happened with those who had it equipped.

I have confirmed with Community Manager Josh Nash that the Overwatch dev team is aware of the issue and is working on a fix. No ETA at this time.

Cheers! (^^)v


If I look in the hero gallery, the preview shows a blank screen where the MM-Mei preview should be, and there’s no MM-Mei in the list so once you preview another skin you can’t get back (well, except by exiting and re-entering the gallery view).

I assume the same thing is true of selecting another skin, but I didn’t risk it. Since there’s… y’know… no MM-Mei entry in the list… seems obvious you’re then in the same position as anyone who didn’t have it equipped at the start of the patch.

In a match, it works as normal.

It´s not THAT important, but It was not for free, so I don´t get this comment :woman_facepalming:

It’s just a joke.