Missing rewards for S3 and competitive Points

I am unsure what else to put here. It is mentioned in the 3 other previous posts I have made. My OW career profile said I finished Diamond 2 but in support. I did not get the diamond role challenger title or the comp points. I see they somewhat fixed the issue for season 4 as I have the plat role challenger but I am honestly unsure at this point if I got the comp points for that also. After months, I have little faith that this will get resolved and hope that this is NOT an issue for S5. If you see this, use a screenshot tool to save whatever splash screen you get when entering S6 stating your rewards to prove you don’t get them. Blizzard support still cannot assist with competitive rewards as they just forward me here to the forum but again, after 3 similar topics I have almost no faith that this will be resolved unless it is looked at on an account-to-account basis by checking individual career profiles.
Linked below is the previous posts I have made on every patch since it began.

Hi, my account have not received any rewards for season 4 competitive yet, im still waiting for a fix