Coming from this thread (This patch sure broke a lot of stuff): Unexpected Server Error affecting specific accounts
I just now got to check my account from the former bug and I’m suffering from the same issue as most in this thread.
Platform is PC.
I did not make any purchases during the summer games event, I did purchase OWL tokens after the event though. But this seems to be affecting 2019 items for me, so I’ll answer for that and it’s also a no. I have spent over 100 dollars in loot boxes before regrettably but its unrelated to this issue
Using filters didn’t get me any better results, the items are locked and the American Reaper actually can’t be seen at all, I’m assuming this is intended because these items can no longer be unlocked at all.
Missing items consist of items I unlocked in 2019: Baptiste Camouflage is the only regular non-event item, Orisa Dressage emote which was actually equipped and removed from my emote wheel, American Reaper from the week 1 challenge which is critically missing and cannot even be rebought at a later event (weirdly enough I do have the 6 win player icon from the same challenge). Every single summer event voice line from 2019 besides Ana and Pharah have gone missing, All the medal victory poses from 2019 are missing. I am also missing the Lucioball player icon with Wrecking Ball on it. Also the Pole Vault spray for Baptiste.
As a player who prides themselves on getting all the cosmetics in this game, this is a really disappointing bug that needs to be fixed, especially the limited cosmetics people can no longer even buy with credits.