Misogynist wrinkles

Over half of the male heroes have facial lines/wrinkles. Only one of the female heroes has facial lines/wrinkles. Do all women die at age 25 in Overwatch or are they all required to have plastic surgery? What is happening here?


its probably the pixar look but moira at the age of 48 and mercy at 37 …i think look like they are in their 20s or very early 30s. i remember someone saying mercy doesnt age since her healing tech and moira is probably the same


to be fair ana as well looks very young and pretty for being the same age as sigma and rein


Sex appeal.

Odd as it sounds, males can retain their sex appeal until, like, 65, maybe 70, depending on how well they handle themselves and their lives. Some people even have a thing for middle-aged guys.

Women don’t really retain their sex appeal as well. It’s waaaaay high in, y’know, 18-26 years of age, and they retain it decently well into their 30s, but 40 and beyond almost requires a fetish to enjoy.

Not bashing when I say that, though. I have my own, um, unique tastes, too, after all. :eyes:


??? AIN’T NO WAY mercy is 37 :skull:
what’s next? you’re gonna tell me mei is 50? :fearful:

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yep mercy is 37 Mercy - Overwatch Wiki

mei is older too but thats because she was in a bio freeze thing for 9 years i think?

wiki says she is 31 but the deep sleep didnt age her so she is 40yo


Posts like OP is why we can’t have nice things.

Want reality? Press Alt+F4 and step out the door.


Average weekend topic


I would argue middle aged women who look their age can sell well, remember when the internet was obsessed with Lady Dimitrescu?


so the lack of wrinkles in female heroes is misogynistic?

with this post, we have truly hit a new low on the forums


“Misandrist wrinkles”

“Over half of the male heroes have facial lines/wrinkles. Only one of the female heroes has facial lines/wrinkles. Are men physically unable to age beautifully from age 25 in Overwatch or don’t they take care of their physical appearance ? What is happening here?”

Quit trying to actively see the world through the prism of “omergered oppression!” and you’ll be just fine.

Jesus, OW is filled with fatties, handicapped people, androgynous characters like moira, bulked women like Zarya, autistic characters like Sym, gays like Soldier, even a dwarf, yet somehow it’s still not inclusive enough ? You’re being beyond caricatural.


It’s a fictional animated game. Wtf.

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ESG score goes up if they make the normal male characters look over the hill and they fill the game with ageless girl bosses.

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The answer is quite literally sex appeal.

Instead of comparing wrinkles, how about we do attractiveness? Almost all of the male heroes are ridiculously hot, even Reinhardt. Meanwhile, among the female heroes…Mercy, I guess? Most of the female heroes aren’t attractive at all. Maybe I’m biased just a little, but still.

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I just looked all over wiki at the age of every female and wow i did not expect this many of them to be in their 30-40s.
I guess the one that surprised me the most was zarya, she is only 28 lol


i agree, we need to avoid misogyny, the next female character needs to be about 380 pounds, missing about 3 teeth and have a face that looks like a leather bag that’s been sitting in the desert for 10 years!


Just a little? :sweat_smile:

Have you seen Ms. Vaswani?


So, Roadhog?


Ew. No.

I like Sym as a character too, so you know that one isn’t bias :joy:

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a female roadhog? sure…just need to remove the mask…and have a face like a 100 year old troll…

sounds great!