I Have a Question

Because if they do it slowly, they get to keep up the charade known as PTR.

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Edit: For some real knowledge behind what I say, SMITE is the same on console (granted some update delays) but it has an entire legitimate competitive scene behind it. HiRez is also WAY smaller than Blizzard.


I will note that SMITE and League of Legends are MOBAs, Overwatch works very differently. Yes, even considering the devs can change numerical values like damage dealt or the likes.

Still competitive games that are wildly popular. You can’t compare them directly, but it’s more of a look that this smaller company with a still VERY large playerbase can keep their playerbase more happy and the game more balanced, but Blizzard can’t nearly as well.

Unfortunately I must view that as a matter of opinion. I just took a peek at SMITE’s official forums right now and I see just as much hyperbole and banter for that game in those forums as I see here.

If you want to see how much life Overwatch has, I encourage you to look at places where we as a community have fun with Overwatch. For example, watching an Overwatch League match live is one of the most thrilling experiences you can do as a fan of Overwatch, not because of the competition itself, but because of its community. Same goes with attending an Overwatch Flash Ops event at your local Microsoft Store or visiting a convention that has the Overwatch Payload Tour stopping by.

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Is because game balance is not high priority to overwatch developers boss.

Just see…

  • tank meta 4.months
  • dive meta 1 year
  • no mercy = no win 6 months.
  • Pharahmercy on console… 2 years?
  • grav + hanzo+ mercy 3 months.

Anyway the problems arent the meta. The real problem is the duration of each meta. Play the same stale meta for a minimum of 3 months…

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  1. I don’t go outside much for (very) personal reasons.
  2. I do watch the OWL regularly. Extremely excited for the Playoffs today/
  3. Basing everything off looking at FORUMS?! Cmon, both of us know that’s a stupid thing to do that doesn’t work. You gotta play a lot to really know.

I have not played Smite, but I do regularly play other games (Blizzard Games and other publisher’s), every game has strengths and weaknesses and many support a unique and healthy community. But each game is different in some way. Overwatch is successful, and today it is better than ever. Balance does take a while but I believe Overwatch benefits better because of it. Again as Jeff said, change for the sake of change is not always a good thing.

More or less change for the sake of it being a really fun game to play.

Also, Overwatch peak has been long passed. It definitely isn’t better than ever. From a veterans viewpoint, it was season 2-5. Good times, makes me tear up thinking about it.

As much as I hate saying this, calling for devs in the title puts your thread at risk. They might end up locking it due to forum ToS stuff. I’d suggest you change it a bit maybe? Cause you pointed out some nice things and it’d be a pity if they did something to it ^^

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I would agree but a Mod just came in and edited a comment of mine, so at least one has seen and hasn’t locked it.

Edit: Same one came in and changed the post name, so I’m good lol

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Well I say it is better than ever, because of the new social features. I no longer solo queue Competitive thanks to the LFG, and most players now work hard to be good sports thanks to the Endorsement system. I am loving Overwatch, more than ever. But that can only be my own personal opinion.

And good on you for it. I haven’t played with the LFG update, but honestly considering I played with a great 6 player stack that I loved so much, I don’t think it’ll change much.

The balancing is slow because Blizzard are perfectionists, yes they get stuff wrong, but they are attempting to bring perfect balance.

God it hurts me to read this. I swear to god i feel they get things wrong every patch, and takes months and months to try to fix and fail again. They thought putting Brigitte in the game and hard countering dive to hell was a good idea and did not even think of the in-game repercussions.

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I think that was more of the community pressuring them into getting rid of dive and Blizzard acting on it in the best way they could than it was something Blizzard actually wanted to do.

Probably a mixture of it being harder than it looks, the design philosophy that they follow doesn’t care much about things not being balanced, and the leadership has other priorities/strong suits.

This comic is years old. It’s not an accident that some of the companies in question haven’t changed how they balance things.


Couldnt they think of something during that year dive was dominant? I mean, I get you don’t want to artificially shift the meta but having a stale meta for a whole year while the game was (is) still so young?

Looking at it in a cynical point of view, Brigitte was a lazy way and a bandage for fixing the gameplay design issues that caused dive in the first place, such as practically all maps being optimal for it.

People were complaining about dive and they had to fix it to not compromise themselves and cause community problems and risk the game getting stale.

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I’m trying to say that if the community didn’t complain about dive as much as it did, Blizzard likely wouldn’t have done anything. But the community did complain extensively, so they had to act.

There were a few ways they could have fixed dive:

Give everyone mobility, this could be each hero or things like Symmetra’s new teleprter.

Nerf mobility in general.

Add a hero with reliable stuns and armor.

Now obviously nerfing mobility in general is a dumb idea, so would adding a mobility ability for all other heros(though the new tele may have worked) so they had to go with option 3.

Now an unintended side effect of armor and reliable stuns is that it works really well against other heros to, so she needs to changed farther. Here are some ideas I’ve had about changing her: