Middle East Server issue

I don’t think blizzard care! maybe the best way is to shift to another game…
overwatch is DONE for KSA players! with these server changes…


my ping 135 must of the game pls fixe this and return the bahrain server :frowning:


Do you think that we didn’t call the ISP? we did and there is no result


Hi there everyone,

It’s been 10 days and the problem is not fixed yet!
I’ve tried different ISPs but the matter is still the same, so I concluded that the devs are only blaming the ISPs for their mistakes, that’s if they even care in the first place. However, I’m not that great player or the one that buys everything in the shop, but I was ones enjoying this game, maybe I’m not a much of a loss, but when they take the joy another will give it. Lately (after the server issue) I started playing VALORANT and it is fascinating, not gonna lie but the ping is even better than the Bahrain server of OVERWATCH. In fact It is my first time Playing Val and it was totally different from Overwatch, but as long as they provide a good server, a great community, and an adequate gameplay they are not gonna fall. At the End, I’m not suggesting a particular game but I am suggesting to try another game. The devs will realize it eventually.

Thanks for everyone who fought for this server especially Yazeed.


I just finished Sekiro and you guys still didn’t fix the problem xd


Guys , you need to understand , Overwatch middle eastern region server has been moved from Bahrain to Qatar and using Google cloud as a new host , if you are from GCC countries ( KSA , UAE , Bahrain , Kuwait , Oman ) and having a high latency , you need to contact your ISP and tell them to optimize your internet routing and choose the shortest route , if it’s not available then your ISP need to peer-to-peer network with google cloud in Qatar and you’ll get 15-30ms easily.

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So this is the end for ow2 middle eastern players then sad tbh .
back to valorant i guess


i mean we have been trying that for a week
sad .


During two weeks, I contacted with everyone related to the issue asking for fix:

  • Blizzard
  • My ISP in Saudi Arabia ( STC )
  • Communications & Technology Commission (CST) who regulates communications and Internet in Saudi Arabia.

But nothing happend and the issue remains without fix.

Im Sad, I Lost my passion in Overwatch, I’m done with this game.

Last thing:
Saudi Arabia leads the gaming industry in Middle East, Investing billions of dollars in gaming industry ( Saudi Arabia owned 9.1% of shares in Activision Blizzard before Microsoft acquisition)

And Since the majority of Middle East players are Saudis (without them no need for ME servers!),
Next time if you decide to change your hosting servers, go with Saudi Arabia not other country. ( We have Google Cloud, Oracle Cloud, Alibaba Cloud and STC Cloud)

Bye …


Yeah i have suffered long enough im at disavantage in all fights so there is no point at keep playing the game luckily i downloaded warzone recently gonna keep play it till this issue gets fixed or i forget about the game (i hope)


no difference in latency?
My latency went from 20 ms to 60-90 ms


October 2, still having high latency issues. Contacted my ISP numerous times with no positive outcome, Blizz either you do something on your end or middle eastern players won’t be here anymore.


you have to understand, their ISP Doesn’t give a damn. even if they complaint

so blizzard can just add other server or allow us to pick the server we want


Please do re-consider.

I am from Kuwait, and I connect to the middle east server with a higher ping compared to the EU server (stable ~80s to the EU and unstable high 90s to the new server).
Unlike Bahrain or Dubai, I ran a trace and while most of the nodes were not responding, the ones that did respond were in Dubai, the route goes to several hops in Dubai and then back to Qatar causing the ping to skyrocket.

Again, please do re-consider, Bahrain or Dubai, those are the best bets please, not Qatar.


Blizzard was the king in gaming indursty and now the only thing they’re loyal to is their very own qoute line from WOW-WOTL : at last , no king rules for ever my son …
it’s a GG for blizz … bye bye King ! :slight_smile:


gona quit this game … thanks blizzard for the new SERVER !!!


I don’t get it , the most players in the Middle East in Saudi Arabia and we have a bad servers while you put the server in Dubai we have a bad connection


The problem is not solved


I’m facing the same issue, it’s affect all ME players I spoke to my internet service and spoke to them about updating the internet routing and they told me that it is up to date and everything is fine, but so far there is a problem with the servers ME.


I haven’t been playing a lot lately because of the high latency.
It used to be 20 now it’s 120. Please fix this issue before season 7 or I’m going to lose it!

K, thanks ~