Microsoft/Blizzard merger entering the end-game

Crazy to say this about a game that hasn’t come out yet. Especially a Bethesda game, one of the few gaming companies with a worse reputation than AB.

They are both solid games. Although Xbox made complaints about both. Hifi rush didn’t meet sales goals and psychonauts 2 apparently had a lot of development issues. I don’t think Microsoft is keen to repeat these sorts of games.

Yeah. Nothing to say about those two. But I don’t think they’re net positive in terms of success stories.

Bethesda does make good RPGs,considering they have one of the most anticipated games in the world in pre production.
Fallout 76 wasn’t made by the same people,and I’ll slander that game all day.

The 30 minute Starfield deep dive was the best presentation for a game that I’ve ever seen. And Bethesda’s track record includes Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, Fallout 3 and 4. I’m not worried about Starfield. It will be amazing.

Forza Horizon 5 sold over 20 million copies. The only Sony game that does that is Spider-Man. Which is a Disney IP lol.

Where can I read the full claim and the bits of expert evidence that they submitted?

Fourth, as to the cloud-gaming “market,” the FTC must prove that cloud gaming will develop in the near-to-intermediate term as a genuine alternative to consoles or performance PCs, in particular for multi-player, fast-twitch, graphics-intensive games such as COD. REDACTED (two sentences). The FTC can show no such thing.


I can!

:smirk_cat: :point_up_2:

I think FOSS pulled together most the PDFs into one big PDF. It’s 175 pages long.

Oh God…

Don’t want to give that guy’s site traffic heh…

And it doesn’t seem to let me copy and paste from there so I can’t provide my rebuttal…

Is there any unbiased source for this information?

Or just a PDF document with the actual filing?


I can’t copy and paste from that…


Click the top right, then click original

Ah yeah there we go…

:smirk_cat: :+1:

This, plus people cheering for monopolies just leaves a bad taste in my mouth, personally.


This is bad for gaming in general

MS wont invest in this game after they just failed so hard on pve. it will get balance updates and new heroes like its was going to get anyway without MS

Doubt there will be any noticeable improvement in ow

It’s bad for Sony. It will be good for everyone else. We’ll have more options of where and how to play Activision Blizzard games. They will all come to Game Pass. Blizzard games will finally be on Steam. Call of Duty will be on Nintendo platforms. There is no downside to this deal unless you are Sony.

Sony is bigger and more important in gaming than blizzard tbh. with pve dead i dont even care about blizz anymore. this wont bring it back or make balance in ow better

its more likely to lead to this game getting cancelled than improved.

Cod will probably run like crap on switch but people will play it anyway. that will be a big deal to some people i’ll give you that one

It hasn’t come out yet, but they had a 45 minute presentation showcasing it. It looks pretty good.

So this is really crazy…

I thought I had a crazy idea that would be like Uber for cloud gaming but apparently it’s already been done…

Apparently there’s a P2P cloud gaming service:

So in theory this could be one way to address latency issues…

Brings me back to the days of Kazaa Napster and Limewire heh…


I’m reading through the transcript right now…

It’s very true though. And Microsoft has that same opinion.

If the FTC wins this preliminary injunction, they have the capability to basically stall this process out for years. And their approach to “win” is to just delay things long enough that shareholders get frustrated to force Microsoft to cancel the deal.

The FTC doesn’t want to win on the merits. They want to cheat, and abuse the legal system.

That said, it also works the other direction. Potentially if Microsoft is able to prevent this preliminary injunction, they could potentially close the deal immediately. Which would probably make things a bit rough on UK relations. But oh well.
Although I could see them just them do something that’s at least somewhat respectful for the CAT.
Or maybe they close the deal, but leave the final details in UK up to the court briefing.
Or just wait, if they need to, which only take another 6 weeks.

But yeah, this basically makes it so the FTC Preliminary Injunction trial, is effectively the main trial that matters. Whichever side wins, determines the outcome of the deal.

And the US trial should be over in the next 11 days.


‘but oh well’ on damaged relations with one of the US’s biggest partners and probably their closest ally, also the biggest market in Europe for Xbox. That isn’t an ‘oh well’, it’s a collosal mess up to the point that heads will most definitely roll in Microsoft. No, realistically, the deal would get cancelled if it came to that.

Anyway, these topics are definitely going against the forums rules as they’re getting increasingly political, whether they benefit the company’s agenda or not.