The game worked well for me until I-don’t-remember-which-update a few weeks ago. I started to get micro-freezes when playing. Those get more and more frequent and less and less micro over time.
Netgraph : ht tps://
My config :
GTX 1080 / driver version : 531.41 / G-Sync enabled
The DxDiag shows an issue with one of your USB devices (doesn’t say which) and crashes from GPU Tweak III.exe. I’d start investigating different devices you may not need plugged in and removing the tweak app.
You have Logitech G Hub, right? That cr*p has tons of problems in games. Some game freezes, some just stutters like crazy. And sometimes it’s fine. You should try uninstalling that first, than restart your PC, and try if it helped.
These tiny freezes/crashes is related to game rendering issues, present since beta. Unfortunately we didn’t get sufficient attention from devs to fix this. People with different hardwares specs have same problem (even people with strong hardware) so the conclusion is directly related to game rendering.