MHz Analysis of New Role Queue (stinky or no?)

My friends, I have receive so many message on my Reddit account asking me what is going on with this role queue (as if I have some magic wand), so now I give you my opinion on what is really happening here, and I am afraid you will soon be in dismay.

When I first begin to play role queue this thing felt very different than previous season. The matches are quite tasty, I won many and lost many matches, but I am telling you even the matches that I lost I could see the match could have been won or it was my fault. Nothing is feeling rigged to me at all, it is the best times I have ever had on Overwatch and in the voice chat there are not people screaming for death and suicide like in previous season.

This goes on for maybe 15 match, maybe more, it was so good man. Finally I am in the zone. But now what I am to be realizing is that the first 15-20 matches you are to play are actually to be placement matches, you just do not realize they are. There are not 5 placement matches, there are around 20. These are like matches when you create a new account, MY FRIENDS, THERE WAS A SOFT MMR RESET

Then it begins to happen, after 20 placement matches have ended, the stinker begins to stink like something angry when you poke it with sticks. I am placed on some loss streak where matches are lopsided and my teammates are like children who have run out of sugar. It is not possible to win these matches and you are in for a wild ride that you cannot get off.

How this matchmaker really work: the matchmaker is estimating where you should be on this ladder by looking at your performance and will force you to that rank, whether it be ranking you up with easy to win matches or rank you down with matches that are too difficult to win.

You will have the best games the first 20 matches, they are even and very fun, they are the closest to best matchmaking the game has, but after 20 placement matches I am sorry to say you will be back to smelling this stinker in a way you have never before.

I am sorry my friends to bring this bad news but this is the real truth. You will see it as time goes by that what I am saying is correct and you will remember me. More people realize it every day but there are still some flat Earther who think the matchmaker is not rigged even when the evidence is in front of their face.

I have done my best to help Blizz but they will not listen. I do not have hard feeling only disappointment and I will still pray for them, only God can help him now.



For some reason despite this being really easy to actually prove you and no one else has been able to give proof.

How hard is it to prove that the matchmaker will only put them on underdog team if they get too high mmr?

There is no proof because its not happening. There are no matches rigged so you lose in them.


I have proven this so many time that people will no longer even dare to take the challenge.

The last GM player who take the challenge try to take a plat account to 3300 and could only barely make it to diamond, which should be the easy part. He then gives up, I have video evidence.


There is no ā€œchallengeā€ to be had here. Simply show games one after another where you are placed over and over on the team most likely to lose the match. Anyone could do this if it were actually happening at any rank.

How hard can this be? If you are repeatedly placed on the team with less than 50% win chance it should be very easy to prove. Prove it or stop.


Didnt the account owner try and sabotage the guy and acuse him of hacking? Lol


I have already proven this many times.

My friend, it will also be proven to you when you solo queue and reach new tier within Ā± 100 SR. You will be placed in matches that are almost impossible to win. I am trying to help you, but you think I am lying to you. You must train your brain to look at your observation un-biased instead of being afraid to say something that your friend might believe is ā€œsillyā€.


Someone actually accepted this guy challenge to take an ā€œhardstuck platā€ and proved the point that thereā€™s no such thing as he climbed pretty easily.

Yes, thatā€™s kind of what happened. He took the account from 2.7k to 3.1k I believe it was in a few sessions of gaming before giving up as he already had proved the point that no such thing as hardstuck accounts exists and that dealing with this MHz became unbearable as he changed rules of the challenge constantly, accused him for aimbotting, demenaded that he would play with different settings and on top of that logging into the account trying to sabotage by changing various settings to make it uncomfortable and so onā€¦ Not to mention all the other harassments.

So yeah, the master player (donā€™t think he was GM, high diamond/low to mid master if I recall) eventually gave up but he did provide the forum with evidence of him 1) managed to climb with the account rapidly as it was set to public and people could follow it on overbuff and 2) prints of all the harassment and so on.


You will not believe how shady this is. This player lost so many game the first day then suddenly he chooses ashe and does not miss a shot. I look at his statistic on overbuff and it show that he is playing better than 99% of asheā€™s.

So I sneak onto this account and change red outline of the enemy to a different shade of red so that if he is aimbotting then it will not work.

He log on and I am watching him in the replay and he suddenly cannot aim. I am telling you it was bad, he is missing every shot.

So now I tell him that he must keep the red outline of the enemy to a different color (of his choosing) and he refused to continue playing.

Also, this account that he used for challenge was already in masters in previous season, it was not even hard stuck in platinum, yet this GM player could barely make it to 3090 before he gave up.

9 people have tried and all have failed this challenge. Even other GM and top 500. If he was not cheating why not continue to play and beat the challenge?

Because he cannot, and did not. It feels good to have evidence.


As forum regulars for many years we are both quite aware of the entire situation from start to finish including details.


Now I will prove that you are lying, yet mizzeralla will still defend and you will ignore it and not answer because you have nothing to say.


The above picture show that the account was not hardstuck plat, it had been into master and diamond every season of competitive of it existing.

The account was not hardstuck plat, making it to diamond was the easy part, the challenge is to make it to 3300 which is possible, yet still could not do it. What will you say now?



He never showed any kind of proof and never will. And now he is even hiding his profile so we cant know if he even tried role q.


I donā€™t get it. If he accepted the challenge, why didnā€™t he completed it? Rule was clear, one can not create their own rules in the middle of the task and say: here, I proved it.
He didnā€™t, looks like he abandoned the challenge.


But you claimed account was hardstuck in plat and even grandmaster could not climb on it. Thats was all about . That was reason why that challenge even started. And he was not GM, he told you that like milions times, so stop pretending and lying man.

Practicaly anyone who is on this forum for some time know how shady person you are and how you are able to twist anything to your narrative and desilusion to support your conspiracy theories.


I have a question btw.

Is comp rigged for everyone? If not, how is it decided for whom its rigged?

The linked ā€˜challengeā€™ is pretty underwhelming. Do you have a better one to link?

The guy taking the challenge is a masters support and diamond dps by his own post. Why would a diamond dps be able to easily climb to 3300? Sure, support is master, but itā€™s not always easy to climb on support as they are most team-dependant.

So, while the guy did not accomplish the terms as set out, it wasnā€™t really reasonable to expect them to and they still climbed. Doesnā€™t prove much of anything.

I read the entire thread of the ā€œ3300 Challengeā€ and MHz definitely won the challenge (as much as it pains me to say)

If someone asked me to change the outlines of the enemy I would laugh and say ā€œsureā€ and then continue to play just as well as I was before, because I donā€™t cheat.

If I agreed to bring an account to 3300 then stopped short then the challenge is lost, period.

I am well aware of MHz theories on the matchmaker and I donā€™t buy it that the games are ā€œriggedā€. I think the matchmaker tries to create fair matches and sometimes it miscalculates a players skill and he is given a long string of matches that are either easy wins or easy losses. But despite me disagreeing with MHz theories he won the challenge.

I should also say I watched the videos of the guy taking the challenge and there definitely seemed something fishy about those matches because he was playing FAR beyond the tier he was losing at when he used Ashe. At best I think MHz may know how to manipulate the matchmaker to miscalculate a players skill so that it gives him crappy team balancing.

In any case, MHz won the challenge, no question.


That guy was actualy climbing, thats why OP decided to create obstacles for him to make him lose the challenge. Challenger was not only climb but was also streaming it, there so anyone could see there is no chating involved.

Haha, they guy above me with one post :slight_smile: I think we know who is that. Good try tho. :joy:


I donā€™t really see the point in having any sort of discussion with you as the only thing on your agenda is to sell your delusional beliefs no matter what even if that means taking things out of context, modify the truth or even straight up lie about facts.

All your threads here follow the same pattern and structure as your last(?) created topic on reddit over a year ago.


Hello friend,

I believe matchmaker is indeed extremely stinky at current time. I had noticed the pungent odour being emitted on my alt account when I was forced into a very smelly loss streak (I would compare it to stinky rotten eggs). Yes, forced 2-2-2 role queue is quite rotten. May God revert it.



Did he used a new account or he played in a booster group either way it will work unless if he solos with a seson 1 account .