My friends, I have receive so many message on my Reddit account asking me what is going on with this role queue (as if I have some magic wand), so now I give you my opinion on what is really happening here, and I am afraid you will soon be in dismay.
When I first begin to play role queue this thing felt very different than previous season. The matches are quite tasty, I won many and lost many matches, but I am telling you even the matches that I lost I could see the match could have been won or it was my fault. Nothing is feeling rigged to me at all, it is the best times I have ever had on Overwatch and in the voice chat there are not people screaming for death and suicide like in previous season.
This goes on for maybe 15 match, maybe more, it was so good man. Finally I am in the zone. But now what I am to be realizing is that the first 15-20 matches you are to play are actually to be placement matches, you just do not realize they are. There are not 5 placement matches, there are around 20. These are like matches when you create a new account, MY FRIENDS, THERE WAS A SOFT MMR RESET
Then it begins to happen, after 20 placement matches have ended, the stinker begins to stink like something angry when you poke it with sticks. I am placed on some loss streak where matches are lopsided and my teammates are like children who have run out of sugar. It is not possible to win these matches and you are in for a wild ride that you cannot get off.
How this matchmaker really work: the matchmaker is estimating where you should be on this ladder by looking at your performance and will force you to that rank, whether it be ranking you up with easy to win matches or rank you down with matches that are too difficult to win.
You will have the best games the first 20 matches, they are even and very fun, they are the closest to best matchmaking the game has, but after 20 placement matches I am sorry to say you will be back to smelling this stinker in a way you have never before.
I am sorry my friends to bring this bad news but this is the real truth. You will see it as time goes by that what I am saying is correct and you will remember me. More people realize it every day but there are still some flat Earther who think the matchmaker is not rigged even when the evidence is in front of their face.
I have done my best to help Blizz but they will not listen. I do not have hard feeling only disappointment and I will still pray for them, only God can help him now.