Mercy's Winrate This Week

Just remove ress and Mercy would be back to Alpha stage lmao.

That’s how far back they’ve gone in her design, not forward.

And here I thought alpha stage was the stage where you’re supposed to scrap bad ideas like crappy chain beams being worty ultimate. Not go back to them.


I love this reasoning. “Mercy is almost as bad as these 3 other heroes who are much worse.” Buff Mercy.

crickets for the other 3

Mercy’s state is actually terrible rn I don’t what the devs are planning on doing with her xD

Almost like the other chars that are performing badly have already received multiple changes and bugfixes or are up on the table to receive additional buffs to make them perform better and Mercy was just nerfed and winrate plummeted as a result below even acceptable numbers in ranks where she is supposed to be decent pick and everyone knows 50hps was a huge mistake that broke the camel’s back, except Blizz apparently.

The only thing keeping mercy from the exact bottom of the list on the bottom tier is because she remains 1 star hero compared to Ana being 3 star and mechanically difficult. Not because she’s anywhere near good pick anymore. Otherwise Ana would hover around 14% pickrate if she was more accessible hero.

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Mercy should be buffed and Ana should be nerfed.

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Welcome to Roadhogs world.

Hahaha true story, kinda sad, tho. Really sad how selfish some Mercy players act.

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If they had an issue with how Mercy is performing, then they would have mentioned it. But they didn’t, because she wasn’t outperforming anyone.


Hmm… Well at least McCree can be effective by damaging huge hit boxes like tanks and has a fast to charge ult. He also has a stun that can deter any flankers if he lands it.

Hog never really needed the nerf, he’s much more of an ult battery now. Just like every other tank excluding the dive tanks because mobility reasons.

People just don’t play Sombra enough for me to take that comment seriously. Sombra is kind of good right now, just nobody really uses her, and there’s nothing worse to a game than a Amazing Sombra.

Mercy, however… She can’t do her job really well, since she cannot heal through Winston’s damage that doesn’t improve through Valkyrie which is supposed to be a potent ability such as Tac Visor, EMP, or Earthshatter. She only is able to heal (above-mentioned) or damage boost (utility that should’ve been nerfed instead if nerfed at all. Since it’s the same exact thing as a Zenyatta orb, boosting a single teammate’s damage for +30%) without doing damage, and vice-versa, but people report Mercy players for playing Battle Mercy. Her shift is basically the only thing keeping her alive right now. She cannot Resurrect without hiding from the fight, which does stop her healing output. It’s just a real pain just to play Mercy more than ever, because the constant belief that she was OP, and Moira or Ana should be better because they require more “skill”.

I don’t feel the need to speak up for characters I don’t play.

If they wanted to be vocal they can be. I do believe they need attention too but because I do not play them, I do not particularly care.

I care about Mercy because the developers stated they would keep an eye on her to make sure she maintains the go to pick.

I’ve never seen them mention this about the other characters. If they did, I would be just as troubled if these were their winrates.

The problem Mercy has is that even at the lowest level of play, the easiest hero in the entire game cannot even achieve a winrate above 50%.

The other heroes down there are more complex and thus reflect that. Mercy as the easiest hero in the game should not have one of the worst winrates in the lowest level of play.

The developers wanted to scale back her healing to make other supports more viable.
That is, by definition, a decline in the character’s effectiveness.
So, that’s the goal of the change. To cause a decline.
Not a severe decline, mind you, but a decline nonetheless.

You cannot be serious. Myself and most other people on these forums that mained Mercy thought the original rework was going to be a nerf. We were wrong, but there were many who thought that.
I can’t believe you’d be dumb enough to actually claim that “everyone did”.
It’s simply ridiculous.
There were posts thanking blizzard for removing it and making her weaker and everything.
Wow… just…

XD wow

XD wow

Stick to the animals, buddy, I’m one semester away from finishing my undergraduate in applied mathematics.

Use that veterinary (lol) degree to work on your reading comprehension. I didn’t say an opinion was wrong.

Wow, that was convincing and informative.

And that’s why you’re a veterinarian and not a mathematician.
You actually think that’s where the differences end.

So, I’m done. I don’t have the time or patience to teach you statistics.
I’d implore you to stick to veterinary topics if you’re going to cite that experience.

It’s actually sad how little some people understand mathematics.
Oh well. Have fun guys!

We’ve been saying Ana was overly nerfed for a LONG time. Even before Mercy was reworked. We said Lucio’s Sound Barrier needed a buff before Mercy’s rework. The OW team came back at us with, “We disagree. The supports are extremely strong.” Then eventually buffing them down the road. Hmm… if they were all really strong, why are they needing buffs suddenly? Because they needed help and the community knew that. Which could’ve helped with this Mercy situation if they actually did the buffing the community said they needed.


I agree.
I mean I said it, you guys are the geniuses of this community, you should be in charge.
Absolutely no one else knows what’s best for this game but you guys.
Excuse my humble <200 iq

Ok, what you’re doing is trying to interpret what they did.

I’m going to trust their word on what they say themselves over what you interpret.

They said the change was to lower the discrepancy among other healers but they still wanted Mercy to be the go to pick for raw healing power.

If they didnt want that they wouldnt add that last statement and they would also not say they would keep an eye to make sure this was true.

Then I don’t know how ignorant you can be.

You had your ultimate available without any cooldown, and a new ultimate that negated the core weakness of Mercy in that she was a single target healer.

How you could interpret that as a nerf is beyond me.

You see, when I say everyone, I actually mean every logical and intelligent person. Obviously that excludes you and the “other people on these forums” you mentioned.

COnsidering what you are saying, you may want your money back.

Actually, you just want a cop out since you are wrong.

You mean including yourself?

And another thing before you want to argue the stats not being reliable

15% of the player base is more than enough sample to make conclusions about the entire player base. That is how Census works. Its proven correct.

Check this out
surveymonkey dot com /mp/sample-size/

Read number 3.
I need 10,000 samples to get an 1% margin of error for a population over 1 million. I believe we have around 10,000 samples per hour, but i’m guessing ( and likely VERY LOW)

I can play 4 games an hour personally. Easy. That only leave 2,500 other players needed this hour out of 20,000,000.

Our stats sites are accurate because they have large sample sizes and consistent measuring.

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So apart from the damage fall off buff on Hog’s scrapgun(still a net nerf after they added fall-off to begin with) what other “buffs” or “fixes” are on the table for Sombra, McCree, Hog? I haven’t been on the forums in a while, please tell me.

And my point was that these other heroes have been in a bad spot statistically for a long long time but Mercy’s low winrate is relatively new and already we’re freaking out about it. Chill out or at least have the courtesy to not include heroes that need to be looked at MUCH more than Mercy does as “supporting evidence” for a Mercy argument.

Sombra’s recent changes have amounted to a small overall net buff in winrate and there’s a lot more people picking sombra now. She’s also seen a small numerical increase in E/D, elims and dmg done.

Mccree just got his minimum falloff damage increased and instead of 4 shot, he can now usually 3 shot at minimum.

Roadhog’s hook was fixed back to be more consistent (and dimensional defying but hey). Then they just did this additional buff to him that should offset the falloff bug fix of his right click.

Pharah, another underperforming hero after the mercy nerfs (snort), is being iterated for changes and will probably hit ptr sometime soon.

These heroes do have the dev’s eyes on them currently and have not gotten gutted for no reason. Mccree too will be getting buffs sometime around xmas or next year, because of pharah buffs that would make it harder for mccree to counter pharah, so ofc they will need to prop up mccree a bit more, plus he’s underperforming in current meta.

The dev’s have determined that every offence class hero (aside from symm and sombra) has to be a one man army like Hanzo capable of teamwiping and carrying teams in their backs solo (instead of propping up the teamwork aspect), so they will buff all the dps to be as good as him so the powercreep is completed. You don’t have to worry bout Mccree getting buffs, the only question is WHEN.

Mercy does not need to be looked at much, a simple revert of the hps change will do, because it was that change that broke the camel’s back and I don’t back down on this argument that she’s now pretty garbage for a supposed main healer.

They spew out a lot of empty words like “we’ll see how she performs blabla” and she performs worse than Ana in gold and still heavily drops in pickrate and winrate. Currently the worst winrate hero in GM with a pathetic 1,3% pickrate and Ana is at whopping 14% and better than average winrate, definitely a must pick like unnerfed reworked mercy used to be. But I mean hey, it’s not like there’s another good main healer anymore lol.

Heroes can receive attention without being detrimental to other hero developments. Or at least, they should, billion dollar company and all that. So telling me that “other heroes are underperforming as well, don’t you dare ask for buffs cuz other heroes need it more” entitlement ain’t gonna work on me.

I don’t play those heroes, I don’t have ideas for buffing those heroes and inserting myself into their conversation would be just foolish.


The devs won’t admit they made a bad choice.
Remember when mercy got reworked?
Why did it take so long to nerf her?

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The worst part is, even for such an “easy” character she has the second lowest winrate in bronze and silver but the second highest pickrate. It’s almost like Mercy isnt even good in the lowest tiers of overwatch. :thinking:


People also forget that Hanzo/Zarya Grav dragon was a thing for awhile. Mercy being the one to effectively damage boost dragons with her Damage Boost better than Ana could with nano.

I been in favor of buffing the 4 worst heroes in the game currently being Mercy, Roadhog, McCree, and Sombra, and now actually, Im for a rework/buffs for Bastion as well.

The reason why Mercy is a bigger deal is because they couldve prevented all of this mess had they added some changes to Mass Rez. lol. No one ever asked to make Mercy OP for a whole year, just causing so much abuse and hatred to Mercy mains.

They ruined Mercy and brought so much toxicity to the game because of it, they completely destroyed Bastion when they reworked him, they made Roadhog the worst hero in the game… they don’t know what they are doing with Sombra and added a really dumb and useless buff to McCree and called it a day. The Devs clearly have no idea what they are doing.